Brett T. McClintock
Brett T. McClintock
NOAA National Marine Mammal Laboratory
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Improving occupancy estimation when two types of observational error occur: Non‐detection and species misidentification
DA Miller, JD Nichols, BT McClintock, EHC Grant, LL Bailey, LA Weir
Ecology 92 (7), 1422-1428, 2011
Animal Movement: Statistical Models for Telemetry Data
MB Hooten, DS Johnson, BT McClintock, JM Morales
momentuHMM: R package for generalized hidden Markov models of animal movement
BT McClintock, T Michelot
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (6), 1518-1530, 2018
A general discrete‐time modeling framework for animal movement using multistate random walks
BT McClintock, R King, L Thomas, J Matthiopoulos, BJ McConnell, ...
Ecological Monographs 82 (3), 335-349, 2012
Seeking a second opinion: uncertainty in disease ecology
BT McClintock, JD Nichols, LL Bailey, DI MacKenzie, W Kendall, ...
Ecology Letters 13 (6), 659-674, 2010
Uncovering ecological state dynamics with hidden Markov models
BT McClintock, R Langrock, O Gimenez, E Cam, DL Borchers, R Glennie, ...
Ecology Letters 23, 1878-1903, 2020
A spatial mark–resight model augmented with telemetry data
R Sollmann, B Gardner, AW Parsons, JJ Stocking, BT McClintock, ...
Ecology 94 (3), 553-559, 2013
Marine mammals trace anthropogenic structures at sea
DJF Russell, SMJM Brasseur, D Thompson, GD Hastie, VM Janik, G Aarts, ...
Current Biology 24 (14), R638-R639, 2014
Estimating abundance using mark–resight when sampling is with replacement or the number of marked individuals is unknown
BT McClintock, GC White, MF Antolin, DW Tripp
Biometrics 65 (1), 237-246, 2009
When to be discrete: the importance of time formulation in understanding animal movement
BT McClintock, DS Johnson, MB Hooten, JM Ver Hoef, JM Morales
Movement Ecology 2 (1), 1-14, 2014
Unmodeled observation error induces bias when inferring patterns and dynamics of species occurrence via aural detections
BT McClintock, LL Bailey, KH Pollock, TR Simons
Ecology 91 (8), 2446-2454, 2010
Combining individual animal movement and ancillary biotelemetry data to investigate population‐level activity budgets
BT McClintock, DJF Russell, J Matthiopoulos, R King
Ecology 94 (4), 838-849, 2013
Experimental investigation of false positive errors in auditory species occurrence surveys
DAW Miller, LA Weir, BT McClintock, EHC Grant, LL Bailey, TR Simons
Ecological Applications 22 (5), 1665-1674, 2012
Estimating multispecies abundance using automated detection systems: ice‐associated seals in the Bering Sea
PB Conn, JM Ver Hoef, BT McClintock, EE Moreland, JM London, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (12), 1280-1293, 2014
Intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of activity budgets in sympatric grey and harbour seals
DJF Russell, BT McClintock, J Matthiopoulos, PM Thompson, ...
Oikos 124 (11), 1462-1472, 2015
A less field‐intensive robust design for estimating demographic parameters with mark–resight data
BT McClintock, GC White
Ecology 90 (2), 313-320, 2009
Experimental investigation of observation error in anuran call surveys
BT McClintock, LL Bailey, KH Pollock, TR Simons
The Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (8), 1882-1893, 2010
From NOREMARK to MARK: software for estimating demographic parameters using mark–resight methodology
BT McClintock, GC White
Journal of Ornithology 152 (Suppl 2), 641-650, 2012
Mark-recapture and mark-resight methods for estimating abundance with remote cameras: a carnivore case study.
RS Alonso, BT McClintock, LM Lyren, EE Boydston, KR Crooks
PLoS ONE 10 (3), e0123032, 2015
Modelling animal movement using the Argos satellite telemetry location error ellipse
BT McClintock, JM London, MF Cameron, PL Boveng
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (3), 266-277, 2015
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Articles 1–20