Giorgia G. Auteri
Giorgia G. Auteri
Research Scientist at Bat Conservation International; Asst. Professor at Missouri State University
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Cited by
A long winter for the Red Queen: rethinking the evolution of seasonal migration
BM Winger, GG Auteri, TM Pegan, BC Weeks
Biological Reviews 94 (3), 737-752, 2019
Decimated little brown bats show potential for adaptive change
GG Auteri, LL Knowles
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 3023, 2020
A conceptual framework to integrate cold-survival strategies: torpor, resistance and seasonal migration
GG Auteri
Biology Letters 18 (5), 20220050, 2022
Exceptional Longevity in Little Brown Bats Still Occurs, despite Presence of White-Nose Syndrome
A Kurta, RW Foster, BA Daly, AK Wilson, RM Slider, CD Rockey, ...
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11 (2), 583-587, 2020
Influence of a Large Lake on the Winter Range of a Small Mammal: Lake Michigan and the Silver-Haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans)
A Kurta, GG Auteri, JE Hofmann, JM Mengelkoch, JP White, ...
Diversity 10 (2), 24, 2018
Individual recognition and individual identity signals in Polistes fuscatus wasps vary geographically
EA Tibbetts, CC Ortiz, GG Auteri, M Simons, ML Fearon, LL Knowles
Animal Behaviour 176, 87-98, 2021
A new northern record of the evening bat in Michigan
G Auteri, A Kurta, T Cooley, J Melotti
Michigan Birds and Natural History 23 (3), 147-149, 2016
New records of evening bats in Washtenaw County, Michigan
G Auteri, A Kurta
Michigan Birds and Natural History 22, 225-227, 2015
Persist or Perish: Can Bats Threatened with Extinction Persist and Recover from White-nose Syndrome?
TL Cheng, AB Bennett, M Teague O'Mara, GG Auteri, WF Frick
Integrative and Comparative Biology 64 (3), 807-815, 2024
Landscape connectivity among coastal giant salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) populations shows no association with land use, fire frequency, or river …
GG Auteri, MR Marchán-Rivadeneira, DH Olson, LL Knowles
PloS one 17 (6), e0268882, 2022
A highly resolved multiplex network reveals the structural role of insects and plants in terrestrial food webs
KRS Hale, JD Curlis, GG Auteri, S Bishop, RLK French, LE Jones, ...
bioRxiv, 2023
One Century Later: Species Richness and Temporal Turnover in Mammals and Amphibians on a Small, Temperate Island
GG Auteri, CJ Navis, K Greenwald, A Kurta
Northeastern Naturalist 31 (4), 435-457, 2024
Michigan Bat Monitoring Program—2017 acoustic report
G Auteri, R Mies
Report submitted to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, 2017
Michigan Bat Monitoring Program—2016 acoustic report
G Auteri, R Mies
Report submitted to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, 2016
An Exploratory Netting and Acoustic Survey for Bats at the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge, Saginaw County, Michigan
G Auteri, A Kurta
Report submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2013
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Articles 1–15