Nelia Afonso
Nelia Afonso
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
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Cited by
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among medical students
VC Lucia, A Kelekar, NM Afonso
Journal of public health 43 (3), 445-449, 2021
COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy among dental and medical students
AK Kelekar, VC Lucia, NM Afonso, AK Mascarenhas
The Journal of the American Dental Association 152 (8), 596-603, 2021
An assessment of residents' competence in the delivery of bad news to patients
S Eggly, N Afonso, G Rojas, M Baker, L Cardozo, RS Robertson
Academic Medicine 72 (5), 397-9, 1997
Adding new tools to the black bag—introduction of ultrasound into the physical diagnosis course
N Afonso, D Amponsah, J Yang, J Mendez, P Bridge, G Hays, S Baliga, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 25, 1248-1252, 2010
Are anonymous evaluations a better assessment of faculty teaching performance? A comparative analysis of open and anonymous evaluation processes
NM Afonso, LJ Cardozo, OA Mascarenhas, AN Aranha, C Shah
Fam Med 37 (1), 43-47, 2005
Dental students’ attitudes and hesitancy toward COVID‐19 vaccine
AK Mascarenhas, VC Lucia, A Kelekar, NM Afonso
Journal of Dental Education 85 (9), 1504-1510, 2021
Will they lead by example? Assessment of vaccination rates and attitudes to human papilloma virus in millennial medical students
NM Afonso, MJ Kavanagh, SM Swanberg, JM Schulte, T Wunderlich, ...
BMC public health 17, 1-8, 2017
Improvement in attitudes toward influenza vaccination in medical students following an integrated curricular intervention
N Afonso, M Kavanagh, S Swanberg
Vaccine 32 (4), 502-506, 2014
Hypothesized predictors of patient–physician trust and distrust in the elderly: implications for health and disease management
OAJ Mascarenhas, LJ Cardozo, NM Afonso, M Siddique, J Steinberg, ...
Clinical Interventions in Aging 1 (2), 175-188, 2006
Lobular carcinoma in situ
N Afonso, D Bouwman
European Journal of Cancer Prevention 17 (4), 312-316, 2008
Women at high risk for breast cancer—what the primary care provider needs to know
N Afonso
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 22 (1), 43-50, 2009
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goal attainment among high-risk patients: does a combined intervention targeting patients and providers work
NM Afonso, G Nassif, AN Aranha, B DeLor, LJ Cardozo
Am J Manag Care 12 (10), 589-594, 2006
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among healthcare personnel who generally accept vaccines
MC Navin, LMS Oberleitner, VC Lucia, M Ozdych, N Afonso, RH Kennedy, ...
Journal of community health 47 (3), 519-529, 2022
Impfpräventable Erkrankungen: wissen, einstellung und impfstatus von medizinstudierenden
S Petersen, H Roggendorf, S Wicker
Das Gesundheitswesen 79 (05), 394-398, 2017
Community needs assessment to reach out to an underserved population
M Mi, J Stefaniak, N Afonso
Medical reference services quarterly 33 (4), 375-390, 2014
“I have a cough”: an interactive virtual respiratory case-based module
N Afonso, A Kelekar, A Alangaden
MedEdPORTAL 16, 11058, 2020
Evaluation of the effect of a new clinical reasoning curriculum in a pre-clerkship clinical skills course
A Kelekar, N Afonso
Perspectives on medical education 9, 123-127, 2020
Triangulating perspectives: A needs assessment to develop an outreach program for vulnerable and underserved populations
JE Stefaniak, M Mi, N Afonso
Performance Improvement Quarterly 28 (1), 49-68, 2015
Appropriate use of polymerase chain reaction for detection of herpes simplex virus 2 in cerebrospinal fluid of patients at an inner-city hospital
N Afonso, S Gunasena, K Galla, R Podzorski, P Chandrasekar, ...
Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease 57 (3), 309-313, 2007
Vaccine hesitancy counseling—an educational intervention to teach a critical skill to preclinical medical students
A Kelekar, I Rubino, M Kavanagh, R Lewis-Bedz, G LeClerc, L Pedell, ...
Medical Science Educator 32 (1), 141-147, 2022
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Articles 1–20