Benjamin N Sulman
Cited by
Cited by
The increasing importance of atmospheric demand for ecosystem water and carbon fluxes
KA Novick, DL Ficklin, PC Stoy, CA Williams, G Bohrer, AC Oishi, ...
Nature climate change 6 (11), 1023-1027, 2016
Hydraulic diversity of forests regulates ecosystem resilience during drought
WRL Anderegg, AG Konings, AT Trugman, K Yu, DR Bowling, R Gabbitas, ...
Nature 561 (7724), 538-541, 2018
Integrating the evidence for a terrestrial carbon sink caused by increasing atmospheric CO2
AP Walker, MG De Kauwe, A Bastos, S Belmecheri, K Georgiou, ...
New phytologist 229 (5), 2413-2445, 2021
A trade-off between plant and soil carbon storage under elevated CO2
C Terrer, RP Phillips, BA Hungate, J Rosende, J Pett-Ridge, ME Craig, ...
Nature 591 (7851), 599-603, 2021
Microbe-driven turnover offsets mineral-mediated storage of soil carbon under elevated CO2
BN Sulman, RP Phillips, AC Oishi, E Shevliakova, SW Pacala
Nature Climate Change 4 (12), 1099-1102, 2014
Explicitly representing soil microbial processes in Earth system models
WR Wieder, SD Allison, EA Davidson, K Georgiou, O Hararuk, Y He, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29 (10), 1782-1800, 2015
High atmospheric demand for water can limit forest carbon uptake and transpiration as severely as dry soil
BN Sulman, DT Roman, K Yi, L Wang, RP Phillips, KA Novick
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (18), 9686-9695, 2016
Multiple models and experiments underscore large uncertainty in soil carbon dynamics
BN Sulman, JAM Moore, R Abramoff, C Averill, S Kivlin, K Georgiou, ...
Biogeochemistry 141, 109-123, 2018
Feedbacks between plant N demand and rhizosphere priming depend on type of mycorrhizal association
BN Sulman, ER Brzostek, C Medici, E Shevliakova, DNL Menge, ...
Ecology Letters, 2017
Contrasting carbon dioxide fluxes between a drying shrub wetland in Northern Wisconsin, USA, and nearby forests
BN Sulman, AR Desai, BD Cook, N Saliendra, DS Mackay
Biogeosciences 6 (6), 1115-1126, 2009
Root litter decomposition slows with soil depth
CEH Pries, BN Sulman, C West, C O'Neill, E Poppleton, RC Porras, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 125, 103-114, 2018
Redefining droughts for the US Corn Belt: The dominant role of atmospheric vapor pressure deficit over soil moisture in regulating stomatal behavior of Maize and Soybean
H Kimm, K Guan, P Gentine, J Wu, CJ Bernacchi, BN Sulman, TJ Griffis, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 287, 107930, 2020
Carbon cycle confidence and uncertainty: Exploring variation among soil biogeochemical models
WR Wieder, MD Hartman, BN Sulman, YP Wang, CD Koven, GB Bonan
Global change biology 24 (4), 1563-1579, 2018
Diverse mycorrhizal associations enhance terrestrial C storage in a global model
BN Sulman, E Shevliakova, ER Brzostek, SN Kivlin, S Malyshev, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 33 (4), 501-523, 2019
CO2 fluxes at northern fens and bogs have opposite responses to inter‐annual fluctuations in water table
BN Sulman, AR Desai, NZ Saliendra, PM Lafleur, LB Flanagan, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (19), 2010
Confronting the water potential information gap
KA Novick, DL Ficklin, D Baldocchi, KJ Davis, TA Ghezzehei, AG Konings, ...
Nature Geoscience 15 (3), 158-164, 2022
Soil carbon cycling proxies: Understanding their critical role in predicting climate change feedbacks
VL Bailey, B Bond‐Lamberty, K DeAngelis, AS Grandy, CV Hawkes, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (3), 895-905, 2018
From pools to flow: The PROMISE framework for new insights on soil carbon cycling in a changing world
BG Waring, BN Sulman, S Reed, AP Smith, C Averill, CA Creamer, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (12), 6631-6643, 2020
On the role of soil water retention characteristic on aerobic microbial respiration
TA Ghezzehei, B Sulman, CL Arnold, NA Bogie, AA Berhe
Biogeosciences 16 (6), 1187-1209, 2019
Interactions among decaying leaf litter, root litter and soil organic matter vary with mycorrhizal type
LM Jacobs, BN Sulman, ER Brzostek, JJ Feighery, RP Phillips
Journal of Ecology 106 (2), 502-513, 2018
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Articles 1–20