Eugenio Eduardo de Oliveira
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Cited by
Insecticide resistance and synergism in Brazilian populations of Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
BM Ribeiro, RNC Guedes, EE Oliveira, JP Santos
Journal of Stored Products Research 39 (1), 21-31, 2003
Cost and mitigation of insecticide resistance in the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais
RNC Guedes, EE Oliveira, NMP Guedes, B Ribeiro, JE Serrão
Physiological Entomology 31 (1), 30-38, 2006
Rethinking biorational insecticides for pest management: Unintended effects and consequences
K Haddi, LM Turchen, LO Viteri Jumbo, RNC Guedes, EJG Pereira, ...
Pest management science 76 (7), 2286-2293, 2020
Detection of a new pyrethroid resistance mutation (V410L) in the sodium channel of Aedes aegypti: a potential challenge for mosquito control
K Haddi, HVV Tomé, Y Du, WR Valbon, Y Nomura, GF Martins, K Dong, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 46549, 2017
Voltage-gated sodium channels as insecticide targets
KS Silver, Y Du, Y Nomura, EE Oliveira, VL Salgado, BS Zhorov, K Dong
Advances in insect physiology 46, 389-433, 2014
Liposome encapsulation and EDTA formulation of dsRNA targeting essential genes increase oral RNAi‐caused mortality in the Neotropical stink bug Euschistus heros
NL Castellanos, G Smagghe, R Sharma, EE Oliveira, O Christiaens
Pest Management Science 75 (2), 537-548, 2019
Agrochemical-induced stress in stingless bees: peculiarities, underlying basis, and challenges
MAP Lima, GF Martins, EE Oliveira, RNC Guedes
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 202, 733-747, 2016
Potential use of clove and cinnamon essential oils to control the bean weevil, Acanthoscelides obtectus Say, in small storage units
LOV Jumbo, LRA Faroni, EE Oliveira, MA Pimentel, GN Silva
Industrial Crops and Products 56, 27-34, 2014
Drosophila suzukii in Southern Neotropical Region: Current Status and Future Perspectives
F Andreazza, D Bernardi, RSS Dos Santos, FRM Garcia, EE Oliveira, ...
Neotropical entomology 46, 591-605, 2017
Competition between insecticide-susceptible and-resistant populations of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais
EE Oliveira, RNC Guedes, MR Tótola, P De Marco Jr
Chemosphere 69 (1), 17-24, 2007
Differential insecticide susceptibility of the Neotropical stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata and the honey bee Apis mellifera
MCL Del Sarto, EE Oliveira, RNC Guedes, LAO Campos
Apidologie 45, 626-636, 2014
Locomotory and physiological responses induced by clove and cinnamon essential oils in the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais
YDCG Correa, LRA Faroni, K Haddi, EE Oliveira, EJG Pereira
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology 125, 31-37, 2015
Sublethal exposure to clove and cinnamon essential oils induces hormetic-like responses and disturbs behavioral and respiratory responses in Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera …
K Haddi, EE Oliveira, LRA Faroni, DC Guedes, NNS Miranda
Journal of economic entomology 108 (6), 2815-2822, 2015
Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields impair the cognitive and motor abilities of honey bees
S Shepherd, MAP Lima, EE Oliveira, SM Sharkh, CW Jackson, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-9, 2018
Agrochemical synergism imposes higher risk to Neotropical bees than to honeybees
HVV Tomé, GS Ramos, MF Araújo, WC Santana, GR Santos, ...
Royal Society Open Science 4 (1), 160866, 2017
Sexual Success after Stress? Imidacloprid-Induced Hormesis in Males of the Neotropical Stink Bug Euschistus heros
K Haddi, MV Mendes, MS Barcellos, J Lino-Neto, HL Freitas, ...
PloS one 11 (6), e0156616, 2016
Botanical and synthetic pesticides alter the flower visitation rates of pollinator bees in Neotropical melon fields
PH Tschoeke, EE Oliveira, MS Dalcin, MCAC Silveira-Tschoeke, ...
Environmental Pollution 251, 591-599, 2019
Metabolic and Behavioral Mechanisms of Indoxacarb Resistance in Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
K Haddi, LP Mendonça, MF Dos Santos, RNC Guedes, EE Oliveira
Journal of Economic Entomology 108 (1), 362-369, 2015
Toxicity to, oviposition and population growth impairments of Callosobruchus maculatus exposed to clove and cinnamon essential oils
LO Viteri Jumbo, K Haddi, LRD Faroni, FF Heleno, FG Pinto, EE Oliveira
PloS one 13 (11), e0207618, 2018
Area-wide spatial survey of the likelihood of insecticide control failure in the neotropical brown stink bug Euschistus heros
ES Tuelher, ÉH da Silva, HS Rodrigues, E Hirose, RNC Guedes, ...
Journal of Pest Science 91, 849-859, 2018
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Articles 1–20