Matthew Bowker
Matthew Bowker
School of Forestry, Ecoss, Northern Arizona University
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Plant species richness and ecosystem multifunctionality in global drylands
FT Maestre, JL Quero, NJ Gotelli, A Escudero, V Ochoa, ...
Science 335 (6065), 214-218, 2012
Impacts of shrub encroachment on ecosystem structure and functioning: towards a global synthesis
DJ Eldridge, MA Bowker, FT Maestre, E Roger, JF Reynolds, WG Whitford
Ecology letters 14 (7), 709-722, 2011
Increasing aridity reduces soil microbial diversity and abundance in global drylands
FT Maestre, M Delgado-Baquerizo, TC Jeffries, DJ Eldridge, V Ochoa, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (51), 15684-15689, 2015
Decoupling of soil nutrient cycles as a function of aridity in global drylands
M Delgado-Baquerizo, FT Maestre, A Gallardo, MA Bowker, ...
Nature 502 (7473), 672-676, 2013
Resource limitation is a driver of local adaptation in mycorrhizal symbioses
NC Johnson, GWT Wilson, MA Bowker, JA Wilson, RM Miller
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (5), 2093-2098, 2010
Land use alters the resistance and resilience of soil food webs to drought
FT De Vries, ME Liiri, L Bjørnlund, MA Bowker, S Christensen, HM Setälä, ...
Nature climate change 2 (4), 276-280, 2012
Biological soil crust rehabilitation in theory and practice: an underexploited opportunity
MA Bowker
Restoration Ecology 15 (1), 13-23, 2007
Structure and functioning of dryland ecosystems in a changing world
FT Maestre, DJ Eldridge, S Soliveres, S Kéfi, M Delgado-Baquerizo, ...
Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics 47 (1), 215-237, 2016
Mycorrhizal phenotypes and the l aw of the m inimum
NC Johnson, GWT Wilson, JA Wilson, RM Miller, MA Bowker
New Phytologist 205 (4), 1473-1484, 2015
Shrub encroachment can reverse desertification in semi‐arid Mediterranean grasslands
FT Maestre, MA Bowker, MD Puche, M Belén Hinojosa, I Martínez, ...
Ecology letters 12 (9), 930-941, 2009
From patterns to causal understanding: structural equation modeling (SEM) in soil ecology
N Eisenhauer, MA Bowker, JB Grace, JR Powell
Pedobiologia 58 (2-3), 65-72, 2015
Mortality gradients within and among dominant plant populations as barometers of ecosystem change during extreme drought
AR Gitlin, CM Sthultz, MA Bowker, S Stumpf, KL Paxton, K Kennedy, ...
Conservation Biology 20 (5), 1477-1486, 2006
Ecology and functional roles of biological soil crusts in semi-arid ecosystems of Spain
FT Maestre, MA Bowker, Y Cantón, AP Castillo-Monroy, J Cortina, ...
Journal of arid environments 75 (12), 1282-1291, 2011
Species richness effects on ecosystem multifunctionality depend on evenness, composition and spatial pattern
FT Maestre, AP Castillo‐Monroy, MA Bowker, R Ochoa‐Hueso
Journal of Ecology 100 (2), 317-330, 2012
Biological crusts as a model system for examining the biodiversity–ecosystem function relationship in soils
MA Bowker, FT Maestre, C Escolar
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42 (3), 405-417, 2010
Biological soil crusts decrease erodibility by modifying inherent soil properties on the Loess Plateau, China
L Gao, MA Bowker, M Xu, H Sun, D Tuo, Y Zhao
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 105, 49-58, 2017
Untangling the biological contributions to soil stability in semiarid shrublands
VB Chaudhary, MA Bowker, TE O'Dell, JB Grace, AE Redman, MC Rillig, ...
Ecological Applications 19 (1), 110-122, 2009
Global ecological predictors of the soil priming effect
F Bastida, C García, N Fierer, DJ Eldridge, MA Bowker, S Abades, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 3481, 2019
What is a biocrust? A refined, contemporary definition for a broadening research community
B Weber, J Belnap, B Büdel, AJ Antoninka, NN Barger, VB Chaudhary, ...
Biological Reviews 97 (5), 1768-1785, 2022
Temporal Variation in Community Composition, Pigmentation, and Fv/Fm of Desert Cyanobacterial Soil Crusts
MA Bowker, SC Reed, J Belnap, SL Phillips
Microbial Ecology, 13-25, 2002
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Articles 1–20