colette broekgaarden
colette broekgaarden
Program Scientist biotic interactions, Keygene N.V.
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Early season herbivore differentially affects plant defence responses to subsequently colonizing herbivores and their abundance in the field
EH Poelman, C Broekgaarden, JJA Van Loon, M Dicke
Molecular Ecology 17 (14), 3352-3365, 2008
Ethylene: traffic controller on hormonal crossroads to defense
C Broekgaarden, L Caarls, IA Vos, CMJ Pieterse, SCM Van Wees
Plant physiology 169 (4), 2371-2379, 2015
Genetic architecture of plant stress resistance: multi‐trait genome‐wide association mapping
MPM Thoen, NH Davila Olivas, KJ Kloth, S Coolen, PP Huang, ...
New Phytologist 213 (3), 1346-1362, 2017
Plant‐mediated facilitation between a leaf‐feeding and a phloem‐feeding insect in a brassicaceous plant: from insect performance to gene transcription
R Soler, FR Badenes‐Pérez, C Broekgaarden, SJ Zheng, A David, ...
Functional Ecology 26 (1), 156-166, 2012
Exploiting natural variation to identify insect‐resistance genes
C Broekgaarden, TAL Snoeren, M Dicke, B Vosman
Plant biotechnology journal 9 (8), 819-825, 2011
Jasmonate and ethylene signaling mediate whitefly‐induced interference with indirect plant defense in Arabidopsis thaliana
PJ Zhang, C Broekgaarden, SJ Zheng, TAL Snoeren, JJA van Loon, ...
New Phytologist 197 (4), 1291-1299, 2013
Male-derived butterfly anti-aphrodisiac mediates induced indirect plant defense
NE Fatouros, C Broekgaarden, G Bukovinszkine'Kiss, JJA van Loon, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (29), 10033-10038, 2008
Field parasitism rates of caterpillars on Brassica oleracea plants are reliably predicted by differential attraction of Cotesia parasitoids
EH Poelman, AMO Oduor, C Broekgaarden, CA Hordijk, JJ Jansen, ...
Functional Ecology 23 (5), 951-962, 2009
Genotypic variation in genome-wide transcription profiles induced by insect feeding: Brassica oleraceaPieris rapae interactions
C Broekgaarden, EH Poelman, G Steenhuis, RE Voorrips, M Dicke, ...
BMC genomics 8, 1-13, 2007
Natural variation in herbivore-induced volatiles in Arabidopsis thaliana
TAL Snoeren, IF Kappers, C Broekgaarden, R Mumm, M Dicke, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 61 (11), 3041-3056, 2010
Responses of Brassica oleracea cultivars to infestation by the aphid Brevicoryne brassicae: an ecological and molecular approach
C Broekgaarden, EH Poelman, G Steenhuis, RE Voorrips, M Dicke, ...
Plant, cell & environment 31 (11), 1592-1605, 2008
Induced plant defences in biological control of arthropod pests: a double‐edged sword
ML Pappas, C Broekgaarden, GD Broufas, MR Kant, GJ Messelink, ...
Pest Management Science 73 (9), 1780-1788, 2017
Thrips advisor: exploiting thrips-induced defences to combat pests on crops
M Steenbergen, A Abd-el-Haliem, P Bleeker, M Dicke, R Escobar-Bravo, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 69 (8), 1837-1848, 2018
Relative importance of plant‐mediated bottom‐up and top‐down forces on herbivore abundance on Brassica oleracea
M Kos, C Broekgaarden, P Kabouw, K Oude Lenferink, EH Poelman, ...
Functional Ecology 25 (5), 1113-1124, 2011
Synergistic effects of direct and indirect defences on herbivore egg survival in a wild crucifer
NE Fatouros, A Pineda, ME Huigens, C Broekgaarden, MM Shimwela, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1789), 20141254, 2014
Parasitism overrides herbivore identity allowing hyperparasitoids to locate their parasitoid host using herbivore‐induced plant volatiles
F Zhu, C Broekgaarden, BT Weldegergis, JA Harvey, B Vosman, M Dicke, ...
Molecular Ecology 24 (11), 2886-2899, 2015
Transcriptional responses of Brassica nigra to feeding by specialist insects of different feeding guilds
C Broekgaarden, RE Voorrips, M Dicke, B Vosman
Insect Science 18 (3), 259-272, 2011
Host plant resistance towards the cabbage whitefly in Brassica oleracea and its wild relatives
KTB Pelgrom, C Broekgaarden, RE Voorrips, N Bas, RGF Visser, ...
Euphytica 202, 297-306, 2015
High throughput phenotyping for aphid resistance in large plant collections
X Chen, B Vosman, RGF Visser, RAA van der Vlugt, C Broekgaarden
Plant Methods 8, 1-7, 2012
Phloem‐specific resistance in Brassica oleracea against the whitefly Aleyrodes proletella
C Broekgaarden, P Riviere, G Steenhuis, M del sol Cuenca, M Kos, ...
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 142 (2), 153-164, 2012
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