Esther Hormiga
Esther Hormiga
Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship, University of Barcelona
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The role of intellectual capital in the success of new ventures
E Hormiga, RM Batista-Canino, A Sánchez-Medina
International entrepreneurship and management journal 7, 71-92, 2011
El concepto del capital intelectual y sus dimensiones
AJ Sánchez Medina, A Melián González, E Hormiga
Investigaciones europeas de dirección y economía de la empresa, 2007
The impact of relational capital on the success of new business start‐ups
E Hormiga, RM Batista‐Canino, A Sánchez‐Medina
Journal of Small Business Management 49 (4), 617-638, 2011
The development of sustainable entrepreneurship research field
P Sarango-Lalangui, JLS Santos, E Hormiga
Sustainability 10 (6), 2005, 2018
The relationship between the migration experience and risk perception: A factor in the decision to become an entrepreneur
E Hormiga, A Bolívar-Cruz
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 10, 297-317, 2014
The influence of sex and gender-role orientation in the decision to become an entrepreneur
A Perez-Quintana, E Hormiga, JC Martori, R Madariaga
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 9 (1), 8-30, 2017
The importance of the entrepreneur’s perception of “success”
EH Perez, RMB Canino
Review of International Comparative Management 10 (5), 990-1010, 2009
Interstanding the industrial district: Contrasting conceptual images as a road to insight
B Johannisson, LC Caffarena, AFD Cruz, M Epure, EH Pérez, M Kapelko, ...
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 19 (6), 527-554, 2007
International entrepreneurship: A critical review of the research field
H Baier-Fuentes, E Hormiga, P Miravitlles, F Blanco-Mesa
European Journal of International Management 13 (3), 381-412, 2019
Stereotypical notions of the entrepreneur: An analysis from a perspective of gender
C Hancock, A Pérez-Quintana, E Hormiga
Journal of Promotion management 20 (1), 82-94, 2014
Causas de fracaso de los emprendedores
J Valls, C Cruz, A Torruella, E Juanes, M Canessa, E Hormiga
La Coruña, España: Netbiblo, SL, 2012
The relationship between employee propensity to innovate and their decision to create a company
E Hormiga, C Hancock, J Valls‐Pasola
Management Decision 51 (5), 938-953, 2013
The influence of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of academic research groups: the mediating role of knowledge sharing
E Hormiga, P de Saá-Pérez, NL Díaz-Díaz, JL Ballesteros-Rodríguez, ...
The Journal of Technology Transfer 42, 10-32, 2017
Differences in the perception and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities by immigrants
A Bolívar-Cruz, RM Batista-Canino, E Hormiga
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 1, 31-36, 2014
The influence of human and relational capital on the rapid internationalization of firms: A comparative study between Spain and Chile
H Baier-Fuentes, E Hormiga, JE Amorós, D Urbano
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 31 (4), 679-700, 2018
Accumulated knowledge and innovation as antecedents of reputation in new ventures
E Hormiga, DJ García-Almeida
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 23 (2), 428-452, 2016
Financial services support for entrepreneurial projects: key issues in the business angels investment decision process
J Argerich, E Hormiga, J Valls-Pasola
The Service Industries Journal 33 (9-10), 806-819, 2013
The role of knowledge in the immigrant entrepreneurial process
PM Calero Lemes, E Hormiga Pérez, DJ García Almeida
International Journal of Business Administration, 2010
Leaders' sustainability competences and small and medium‐sized enterprises outcomes: The role of social entrepreneurial orientation
J Álvarez‐García, E Hormiga‐Pérez, PO Sarango‐Lalangui, ...
Sustainable Development 30 (5), 927-943, 2022
La influencia del capital relacional en el éxito de las empresas de nueva creación
EH Pérez, RMB Canino, AJS Medina
Conocimiento, innovación y emprendedores: camino al futuro, 89, 2007
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