Jamil Renno
Cited by
Cited by
Modeling of piezoelectric energy harvesting from an L-shaped beam-mass structure with an application to UAVs
A Erturk, JM Renno, DJ Inman
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 20 (5), 529-544, 2009
On the optimal energy harvesting from a vibration source
JM Renno, MF Daqaq, DJ Inman
Journal of sound and vibration 320 (1-2), 386-405, 2009
Calculation of reflection and transmission coefficients of joints using a hybrid finite element/wave and finite element approach
JM Renno, BR Mace
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (9), 2149-2164, 2013
On the forced response of waveguides using the wave and finite element method
JM Renno, BR Mace
Journal of Sound and Vibration 329 (26), 5474-5488, 2010
Calculating the forced response of two-dimensional homogeneous media using the wave and finite element method
JM Renno, BR Mace
Journal of sound and vibration 330 (24), 5913-5927, 2011
Calculating the forced response of cylinders and cylindrical shells using the wave and finite element method
JM Renno, BR Mace
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (21), 5340-5355, 2014
Wave transmission through two-dimensional structures by the hybrid FE/WFE approach
G Mitrou, N Ferguson, J Renno
Journal of Sound and Vibration 389, 484-501, 2017
Generalized design of an anti-swing fuzzy logic controller for an overhead crane with hoist
MB Trabia, JM Renno, KAF Moustafa
Journal of Vibration and Control 14 (3), 319-346, 2008
A hybrid piezoelectric-electromagnetic energy harvester from vortex-induced vibrations in fluid-flow; the influence of boundary condition in tuning the harvester
AGA Muthalif, M Hafizh, J Renno, MR Paurobally
Energy Conversion and Management 256, 115371, 2022
Vibration modelling of structural networks using a hybrid finite element/wave and finite element approach
JM Renno, BR Mace
Wave Motion 51 (4), 566-580, 2014
Effects of system parameters and damping on an optimal vibration-based energy harvester
M Daqaq, J Renno, J Farmer, D Inman
48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2007
Vibration modelling of helical springs with non-uniform ends
JM Renno, BR Mace
Journal of Sound and Vibration 331 (12), 2809-2823, 2012
Vortex induced vibration energy harvesting using magnetically coupled broadband circular-array piezoelectric patch: Modelling, parametric study, and experiments
M Hafizh, AGA Muthalif, J Renno, MR Paurobally, I Bahadur, H Ouakad, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 276, 116559, 2023
Dynamic modeling of segmented ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) actuator
W Yim, MB Trabia, JM Renno, J Lee, KJ Kim
2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2006
Piezoelectric energy harvesting from an L-shaped beam-mass structure
A Erturk, JM Renno, DJ Inman
Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2008 6928, 120-134, 2008
A general anti-swing fuzzy controller for an overhead crane with hoisting
MB Trabia, JM Renno, KAF Moustafa
2006 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 627-634, 2006
Inverse dynamics based tuning of a fuzzy logic controller for a single-link flexible manipulator
JM Renno
Journal of Vibration and Control 13 (12), 1741-1759, 2007
A vortex-induced vibration-based self-tunable airfoil-shaped piezoelectric energy harvester for remote sensing applications in water
M Hafizh, AGA Muthalif, J Renno, MR Paurobally, MSM Ali
Ocean Engineering 269, 113467, 2023
Optimization of viscoelastic metamaterials for vibration attenuation properties
RF Ghachi, WI Alnahhal, O Abdeljaber, J Renno, ABM Tahidul Haque, ...
International Journal of Applied Mechanics 12 (10), 2050116, 2020
A finite element method for modelling waves in laminated structures
JM Renno, E Manconi, BR Mace
Advances in Structural Engineering 16 (1), 61-75, 2013
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Articles 1–20