Michael Sams
Michael Sams
Parks Victoria
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Cited by
AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora
D Falster, R Gallagher, EH Wenk, IJ Wright, D Indiarto, SC Andrew, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 254, 2021
A new wave of marine evidence-based management: emerging challenges and solutions to transform monitoring, evaluating, and reporting
PFE Addison, DJ Collins, R Trebilco, S Howe, N Bax, P Hedge, G Jones, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (3), 941-952, 2018
Contrasting effects of variable species recruitment on marine sessile communities
MA Sams, MJ Keough
Ecology 93 (5), 1153-1163, 2012
Predation during early post-settlement varies in importance for shaping marine sessile communities
MA Sams, MJ Keough
Marine Ecology Progress Series 348, 85-101, 2007
Effects of pulse versus steady recruitment on sessile marine communities
MA Sams, MJ Keough
Oecologia 170, 209-219, 2012
Increased larval planktonic duration and post‑recruitment competition influence survival and growth of the bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata
MA Sams, F Warren-Myers, MJ Keough
Marine Ecology Progress Series 531, 179-191, 2015
Mapping the impacts of multiple stressors on the decline in kelps along the coast of Victoria, Australia
MA Young, K Critchell, AD Miller, EA Treml, M Sams, R Carvalho, ...
Diversity and Distributions 29 (1), 199-220, 2023
Effects of early recruits on temperate sessile marine community composition depend on other species recruiting at the time
MA Sams, MJ Keough
Oecologia 173, 259-268, 2013
Landscape context explains changes in the functional diversity of regenerating forests better than climate or species richness
MA Sams, HR Lai, SP Bonser, PA Vesk, RM Kooyman, DJ Metcalfe, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (10), 1165-1176, 2017
Early recruitment variation and an established dominant alter the composition of a temperate fouling community
MA Sams, MJ Keough
Marine Ecology Progress Series 486, 79-91, 2013
Statewide assessment of Victorian marine protected areas using existing data
MA Young, P Porskamp, K Critchell, E Treml, D Ierodiaconou, ...
Parks Victoria Technical Series 118, 3, 2022
Microhabitats can be recruitment refuges and sinks
PE Carnell, MA Sams, MJ Keough
Marine Ecology Progress Series 626, 15-27, 2019
Effects of variable recruitment on the structure and development of marine sessile communities
M Sams
University of Melbourne, Department of Zoology, 2011
An integrated monitoring program for Wilsons Promontory Marine National Park
MA Young, D Ierodiaconou, P Porskamp, P Tinkler, S Gray, MA Sams, ...
Parks Victoria Technical Series, 2023
An integrated monitoring program for Cape Howe Marine National Park
SK Whitmarsh, P Porskamp, P Tinkler, S Gray, S Howe, D Ierodiaconou, ...
Parks Victoria Technical Series, 2023
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