Kyle Hood
Kyle Hood
Economist, Bureau of Economic Analysis
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The G-Econ database on gridded output: methods and data
W Nordhaus, Q Azam, D Corderi, K Hood, NM Victor, M Mohammed, ...
Yale University, New Haven 6, 11, 2006
Measuring the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer spending using card transaction data
A Dunn, K Hood, A Driessen
US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2020
Off to the races: A comparison of machine learning and alternative data for predicting economic indicators
JC Chen, A Dunn, K Hood, A Driessen, A Batch
Big data for 21st century economic statistics, 2019
Measuring the services of commercial banks in the national income and products accounts
K Hood
Survey of Current Business 93, 8-19, 2013
Worker migration or job creation? Persistent shocks and regional recoveries
R Greenaway-McGrevy, KK Hood
Journal of Urban Economics 96, 1-16, 2016
Measuring consumer spending using card transaction data: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
A Dunn, K Hood, A Batch, A Driessen
AEA papers and proceedings 111, 321-325, 2021
p15 expression differentiates nevus from melanoma
LA Taylor, C O'Day, T Dentchev, K Hood, EY Chu, TW Ridky, JT Seykora
The American journal of pathology 186 (12), 3094-3099, 2016
Influence of variability in assessment of Breslow thickness, mitotic rate and ulceration among US pathologists interpreting invasive melanoma, for the purpose of AJCC staging
L Taylor, K Hood, L Reisch, J Elmore, M Piepkorn, R Barnhill, ...
Journal of cutaneous pathology 45 (8), 588-596, 2018
Detailed Description of Derivation of G-Econ Data
W Nordhaus, Q Azam, D Corderi, K Hood, NM Victor, M Mohammed, ...
Yale University. Typescript. http://gecon. yale. edu/data-and-documentation …, 2006
Improving the Treatment of Holding Gains and Default Losses in National Accounts
M Reinsdorf, D Durant, K Hood, L Nakamura
Review of Income and Wealth 63, S321-S354, 2017
The G-econ database on gridded output
W Nordhaus, Q Azam, D Corderi, K Hood, N Victor, M Mohammed, ...
Yale University, New Haven, 2012
Aggregate effects and measuring regional dynamics
R Greenaway‐McGrevy, K Hood
Papers in Regional Science 98 (5), 1955-1992, 2019
Towards Completing the Picture of Financial Activity in National Accounts
D Durant, K Hood, L Nakamura, M Reinsdorf
April 16, 2015, 2015
Do workers move to jobs or do jobs move to workers? Controlling for serial dependence in measures of worker and firm mobility
R Greenaway-McGrevy, K Hood
Manuscript, 2014
Expanding the definition of financial intermediation services in the US national accounts
CA Corrado, MB Reinsdorf, KK Hood
32nd General Conference of the International Association for Research in …, 2012
Nowcasting of Advance Estimates of Personal Consumption of Services in the US National Accounts: Individual Versus Forecasting Combination Approach
B Chen, K Hood
US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2020
How do you Complete the Picture of Credit Intermediation?
C Corrado, K Hood, M Reinsdorf
Production and Consumption of Shadow Banking Services in the United States …, 2014
Aggregate effects and measuring regional dynamics
R Greenaway-McGrevy, K Hood
Bureau of Economic Analysis, Washington, DC, 2011
Description of Environmental Variables Accompanying the G" Econ Dataset
KK Hood
Unpublished. Yale University October 25, 2005
Cycle Fluctuations in the US Real GDP and National Income and Product Accounts Aggregates
B Chen, K Hood, T McElroy, T Trimbur
Journal of Official Statistics, 0282423X241263763, 2024
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