pierrealexandre mahieu
pierrealexandre mahieu
Nantes Université, LEMNA
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Cited by
Non-market valuation of forest goods and services: Good practice guidelines
P Riera, G Signorello, M Thiene, PA Mahieu, S Navrud, P Kaval, ...
Journal of Forest Economics 18 (4), 259-270, 2012
Community-based health insurance and social capital: a review
HPP Donfouet, PA Mahieu
Health economics review 2, 1-5, 2012
The determinants of the willingness-to-pay for community-based prepayment scheme in rural Cameroon
HPP Donfouet, E Makaudze, PA Mahieu, E Malin
International journal of health care finance and economics 11, 209-220, 2011
The influence of cheap talk on willingness-to-pay ranges: some empirical evidence from a contingent valuation study
PA Mahieu, P Riera, M Giergiczny
Journal of environmental planning and management 55 (6), 753-763, 2012
Determinants of willingness-to-pay for water pollution abatement: a point and interval data payment card application
PA Mahieu, P Riera, M Giergiczny
Journal of environmental management 108, 49-53, 2012
Is choice experiment becoming more popular than contingent valuation? A systematic review in agriculture, environment and health
PA Mahieu, H Andersson, O Beaumais, R Crastes, FC Wolff
FAERE-French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Working Papers, 2014
Social capital and willingness-to-pay for community-based health insurance in rural Cameroon
HPP Donfouet, JRE Essombè, PA Mahieu, E Malin
Global Journal of Health Science 3 (1), 142-149, 2011
Social preferences for fuel break management programs in Spain: a choice modelling application to prevention of forest fires
E Varela, M Giergiczny, P Riera, PA Mahieu, M Soliño
International journal of wildland fire 23 (2), 281-289, 2013
Stated preferences: a unique database composed of 1657 recent published articles in journals related to agriculture, environment, or health
PA Mahieu, H Andersson, O Beaumais, R Crastes dit Sourd, S Hess, ...
Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies 98, 201-220, 2017
Testing the single opt-out reminder in choice experiments: An application to fuel break management in Spain
E Varela, PA Mahieu, M Giergiczny, P Riera, M Soliño
Journal of forest economics 20 (3), 212-222, 2014
Erosive runoff events in the European Union: Using discrete choice experiment to assess the benefits of integrated management policies when preferences are heterogeneous
R Crastes, O Beaumais, O Arkoun, D Laroutis, PA Mahieu, B Rulleau, ...
Ecological economics 102, 105-112, 2014
Exploring the determinants of uncertainty in contingent valuation surveys
PA Mahieu, P Riera, B Kriström, R Brännlund, M Giergiczny
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 3 (2), 186-200, 2014
Using respondents’ uncertainty scores to mitigate hypothetical bias in community-based health insurance studies
HPP Donfouet, PA Mahieu, E Malin
The European journal of health economics 14, 277-285, 2013
The effect of attribute-alternative matrix displays on preferences and processing strategies
ED Sandorf, RC dit Sourd, PA Mahieu
Journal of choice modelling 29, 113-132, 2018
Does gender matter when using cheap talk in contingent valuation studies
PA Mahieu
Economics Bulletin 30 (4), 2955-2961, 2010
Interval bidding in a distribution elicitation format
PA Mahieu, FC Wolff, J Shogren, P Gastineau
Applied Economics 49 (51), 5200-5211, 2017
Developing large-scale offshore wind power programs: A choice experiment analysis in France
O Joalland, PA Mahieu
Ecological Economics 204, 107683, 2023
A choice modelling case study on climate change involving two-way interactions
P Riera, M Giergiczny, J Peñuelas, PA Mahieu
Journal of Forest Economics 18 (4), 345-354, 2012
A detailed systematic review of the recent literature on environmental Kuznets curve dealing with CO2
MS Hervieux, PA Mahieu
Is choice experiment becoming more popular than contingent valuation? A systematic review in agriculture
PA Mahieu, H Andersson, O Beaumais, R Crastes, FC Wolff
Environment and Health, 2014
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Articles 1–20