Christopher Hardy
Christopher Hardy
CSIRO Environment
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Immunocontraception in mice using repeated, multi‐antigen peptides: immunization with purified recombinant antigens
CM Hardy, S Beaton, LA Hinds
Molecular Reproduction and Development: Incorporating Gamete Research 75 (1 …, 2008
A framework for estimating the sensitivity of eDNA surveys
EM Furlan, D Gleeson, CM Hardy, RP Duncan
Molecular ecology resources 16 (3), 641-654, 2016
Ecological assessment of estuarine sediments by pyrosequencing eukaryotic ribosomal DNA
AA Chariton, LN Court, DM Hartley, MJ Colloff, CM Hardy
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (5), 233-238, 2010
An environmental DNA‐based method for monitoring spawning activity: a case study, using the endangered Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica)
J Bylemans, EM Furlan, CM Hardy, P McGuffie, M Lintermans, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (5), 646-655, 2017
Metabarcoding of benthic eukaryote communities predicts the ecological condition of estuaries
AA Chariton, S Stephenson, MJ Morgan, ADL Steven, MJ Colloff, ...
Environmental pollution 203, 165-174, 2015
Does size matter? An experimental evaluation of the relative abundance and decay rates of aquatic environmental DNA
J Bylemans, EM Furlan, DM Gleeson, CM Hardy, RP Duncan
Environmental Science & Technology 52 (11), 6408-6416, 2018
Toward an ecoregion scale evaluation of eDNA metabarcoding primers: A case study for the freshwater fish biodiversity of the Murray–Darling Basin (Australia)
J Bylemans, DM Gleeson, CM Hardy, E Furlan
Ecology and evolution 8 (17), 8697-8712, 2018
Use of a murine cytomegalovirus K181-derived bacterial artificial chromosome as a vaccine vector for immunocontraception
AJ Redwood, M Messerle, NL Harvey, CM Hardy, UH Koszinowski, ...
Journal of virology 79 (5), 2998-3008, 2005
Rabbit mitochondrial DNA diversity from prehistoric to modern times
C Hardy, C Callou, JD Vigne, D Casane, N Dennebouy, JC Mounolou, ...
Journal of Molecular Evolution 40, 227-237, 1995
A performance evaluation of targeted eDNA and eDNA metabarcoding analyses for freshwater fishes
J Bylemans, DM Gleeson, RP Duncan, CM Hardy, EM Furlan
Environmental DNA 1 (4), 402-414, 2019
Rabbit and man: genetic and historic approach
M Monnerot, JD Vigne, C Biju-Duval, D Casane, C Callou, C Hardy, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 26 (Supplement), 167s-182s, 1994
Pi exchange mediated by the GlpT-dependent sn-glycerol-3-phosphate transport system in Escherichia coli
CM Elvin, CM Hardy, H Rosenberg
Journal of bacteriology 161 (3), 1054-1058, 1985
Carbon source accounting for fish using combined DNA and stable isotope analyses in a regulated lowland river weir pool
CM Hardy, ES Krull, DM Hartley, RL Oliver
Molecular Ecology 19 (1), 197-212, 2010
Biological control of vertebrate pests using virally vectored immunocontraception
CM Hardy, LA Hinds, PJ Kerr, ML Lloyd, AJ Redwood, GR Shellam, ...
Journal of Reproductive Immunology 71 (2), 102-111, 2006
First distinction of sheep and goat archaeological bones by the means of their fossil mtDNA
O Loreille, JD Vigne, C Hardy, C Callou, F Treinen-Claustre, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 24 (1), 33-37, 1997
Biological control of the cane toad in Australia: a review
T Shanmuganathan, J Pallister, S Doody, H McCallum, T Robinson, ...
Animal Conservation 13, 16-23, 2010
Monitoring riverine fish communities through eDNA metabarcoding: Determining optimal sampling strategies along an altitudinal and biodiversity gradient
J Bylemans, DM Gleeson, M Lintermans, CM Hardy, M Beitzel, ...
Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 2, 1-12, 2018
The complete cDNA sequences of IL-2, IL-4, IL-6 AND IL-10 from the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
HD Perkins, BH van Leeuwen, CM Hardy, PJ Kerr
Cytokine 12 (6), 555-565, 2000
Examination of the immunocontraceptive potential of recombinant rabbit fertilin subunits in rabbit
CM Hardy, HG Clarke, B Nixon, JA Grigg, LA Hinds, MK Holland
Biology of Reproduction 57 (4), 879-886, 1997
Impacts of inundation and drought on eukaryote biodiversity in semi‐arid floodplain soils
DS Baldwin, MJ Colloff, GN Rees, AA Chariton, GO Watson, LN Court, ...
Molecular Ecology 22 (6), 1746-1758, 2013
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