Francisco Gutiérrez
Francisco Gutiérrez
Other namesFrancisco Salvador Gutiérrez Hernández
Lead User Experience Researcher, HSBC
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Cited by
LADA: A learning analytics dashboard for academic advising
F Gutiérrez, K Seipp, X Ochoa, K Chiluiza, T De Laet, K Verbert
Computers in Human Behavior 107, 105826, 2020
Real-time dashboards to support esports spectating
S Charleer, K Gerling, F Gutiérrez, H Cauwenbergh, B Luycx, K Verbert
Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in …, 2018
A review of visualisations in agricultural decision support systems: An HCI perspective
F Gutiérrez, NN Htun, F Schlenz, A Kasimati, K Verbert
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 163, 104844, 2019
Explaining and exploring job recommendations: a user-driven approach for interacting with knowledge-based job recommender systems
F Gutiérrez, S Charleer, R De Croon, NN Htun, G Goetschalckx, K Verbert
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 60-68, 2019
A qualitative evaluation of a learning dashboard to support advisor-student dialogues
M Millecamp, F Gutiérrez, S Charleer, K Verbert, T De Laet
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on learning analytics and …, 2018
IntersectionExplorer, a multi-perspective approach for exploring recommendations
B Cardoso, G Sedrakyan, F Gutiérrez, D Parra, P Brusilovsky, K Verbert
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 121, 73-92, 2019
PHARA: an augmented reality grocery store assistant
F Gutiérrez, K Verbert, NN Htun
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2018
Designing Augmented Reality Applications for Personal Health Decision-Making
F Gutiérrez, NN Htun, S Charleer, R De Croon, K Verbert
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 10, 2019
Towards an open standard for gameplay metrics
S Charleer, F Gutiérrez, K Gerling, K Verbert
Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in …, 2018
Exploring tangible algorithmic imaginaries in movie recommendations
O Alvarado, V Vanden Abeele, D Geerts, F Gutiérrez, K Verbert
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded …, 2021
Supporting job mediator and job seeker through an actionable dashboard
S Charleer, F Gutiérrez, K Verbert
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2019
A research agenda for managing uncertainty in visual analytics
K Seipp, X Ochoa, F Gutiérrez, K Verbert
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2016
Application of contextual QR codes to augmented reality technologies
F Gutiérrez, MA Abud, F Vera, JA Sánchez
CONIELECOMP 2013, 23rd International Conference on Electronics …, 2013
Towards a visual guide for communicating uncertainty in visual analytics
K Seipp, F Gutiérrez, X Ochoa, K Verbert
Journal of Computer Languages 50, 1-18, 2019
Benefits and trade-offs of different model representations in decision support systems for non-expert users
F Gutiérrez, X Ochoa, K Seipp, T Broos, K Verbert
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2019: 17th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2019
Social Metrics Applied to Smart Tourism
O Cervantes, E Gutiérrez, F Gutiérrez, JA Sánchez
ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information …, 2016
Estudios de eliminación de microorganismos patógenos de residuales porcinos en un biorreactor con tiempo de retención corto
M Oliva, D Velasco, L Ventura, E Ballinas, M Salvador, F Gutiérrez
Rev. Comp. Prod. Porcina 2 (s1), 2004
Explaining call recommendations in nursing homes: a user-centered design approach for interacting with knowledge-based health decision support systems
F Gutiérrez, NN Htun, V Vanden Abeele, R De Croon, K Verbert
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2022
La gran transformación
F Gutiérrez
Mercados y armas. Conflictos armados y paz en el período neoliberal, 13-42, 2009
Colombia: reestructuración de la violencia
F Gutiérrez
Mercados y armas: Conflictos armados y paz en el periodo neoliberal, 127-152, 2009
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Articles 1–20