Zunli Lu
Zunli Lu
Professor of Geochemistry, Syracuse University
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Commemorating two centuries of iodine research: an interdisciplinary overview of current research
FC Küpper, MC Feiters, B Olofsson, T Kaiho, S Yanagida, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50 (49), 11598-11620, 2011
Iodine to calcium ratios in marine carbonate as a paleo-redox proxy during oceanic anoxic events
Z Lu, HC Jenkyns, REM Rickaby
Geology 38 (12), 1107-1110, 2010
Perspectives on Proterozoic surface ocean redox from iodine contents in ancient and recent carbonate
DS Hardisty, Z Lu, A Bekker, CW Diamond, BC Gill, G Jiang, LC Kah, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 159-170, 2017
In search of the dead zone: use of otoliths for tracking fish exposure to hypoxia
KE Limburg, BD Walther, Z Lu, G Jackman, J Mohan, Y Walther, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 141, 167-178, 2015
Late inception of a resiliently oxygenated upper ocean
W Lu, A Ridgwell, E Thomas, DS Hardisty, G Luo, TJ Algeo, MR Saltzman, ...
Science 361 (6398), 174-177, 2018
Oxygen depletion recorded in upper waters of the glacial Southern Ocean
Z Lu, BAA Hoogakker, CD Hillenbrand, X Zhou, E Thomas, KM Gutchess, ...
Nature Communications 7, 11146, 2016
An iodine record of Paleoproterozoic surface ocean oxygenation
DS Hardisty, Z Lu, NJ Planavsky, A Bekker, P Philippot, X Zhou, TW Lyons
Geology 42 (7), 619-622, 2014
Differing controls over the Cenozoic Pb and Nd isotope evolution of deepwater in the central North Pacific Ocean
HF Ling, SY Jiang, M Frank, HY Zhou, F Zhou, ZL Lu, XM Chen, YH Jiang, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 232 (3-4), 345-361, 2005
Glacial expansion of oxygen-depleted seawater in the eastern tropical Pacific
BAA Hoogakker, Z Lu, N Umling, L Jones, X Zhou, REM Rickaby, ...
Nature 562 (7727), 410-413, 2018
I/Ca evidence for upper ocean deoxygenation during the Paleocene‐Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
X Zhou, E Thomas, REM Rickaby, AME Winguth, Z Lu
Paleoceanography, 2014
Upper ocean oxygenation dynamics from I/Ca ratios during the Cenomanian‐Turonian OAE 2
X Zhou, HC Jenkyns, JD Owens, CK Junium, XY Zheng, BB Sageman, ...
Paleoceanography 30 (5), 510-526, 2015
Origin and age of pore waters in an actively venting gas hydrate field near Sado Island, Japan Sea: Interpretation of halogen and 129I distributions
H Tomaru, Z Lu, GT Snyder, U Fehn, A Hiruta, R Matsumoto
Chemical Geology 236 (3-4), 350-366, 2007
Evidence for local and global redox conditions at an Early Ordovician (Tremadocian) mass extinction
CT Edwards, DA Fike, MR Saltzman, W Lu, Z Lu
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 481, 125-135, 2018
An ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula
Z Lu, REM Rickaby, H Kennedy, P Kennedy, RD Pancost, S Shaw, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 325, 108-115, 2012
Patterns of local and global redox variability during the Cenomanian–Turonian Boundary Event (Oceanic Anoxic Event 2) recorded in carbonates and shales from central Italy
JD Owens, TW Lyons, DS Hardisty, CM Lowery, Z Lu, B Lee, HC Jenkyns
Sedimentology 64 (1), 168-185, 2017
Dating of Dissolved Iodine in Pore Waters from the Gas Hydrate Occurrence Offshore Shimokita Peninsula, Japan: 129I Results from the D/V Chikyu Shakedown …
H Tomaru, U Fehn, Z Lu, R Takeuchi, F Inagaki, H Imachi, R Kotani, ...
Resource Geology 59 (4), 359-373, 2009
Ikaite abundance controlled by porewater phosphorus level: Potential links to dust and productivity
X Zhou, Z Lu, REM Rickaby, EW Domack, JS Wellner, HA Kennedy
The Journal of Geology 123 (3), 269-281, 2015
Origin of hydrocarbons in the Green Tuff region of Japan: 129I results from oil field brines and hot springs in the Akita and Niigata Basins
H Tomaru, Z Lu, U Fehn, Y Muramatsu
Chemical Geology 264 (1-4), 221-231, 2009
Using discriminant analysis to determine sources of salinity in shallow groundwater prior to hydraulic fracturing
LK Lautz, GD Hoke, Z Lu, DI Siegel, K Christian, JD Kessler, NG Teale
Environmental science & technology 48 (16), 9061-9069, 2014
Iodine proxy evidence for increased ocean oxygenation during the Bitter Springs Anomaly
W Lu, S Wörndle, GP Halverson, X Zhou, A Bekker, RH Rainbird, ...
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 5, 53-57, 2017
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Articles 1–20