Manuel Keith
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Cited by
A review of Te and Se systematics in hydrothermal pyrite from precious metal deposits: Insights into ore-forming processes
M Keith, DJ Smith, GRT Jenkin, DA Holwell, MD Dye
Ore Geology Reviews 96, 269-282, 2018
Trace element systematics of pyrite from submarine hydrothermal vents
M Keith, F Häckel, KM Haase, U Schwarz-Schampera, R Klemd
Ore Geology Reviews 72, 728-745, 2016
Effects of temperature, sulfur, and oxygen fugacity on the composition of sphalerite from submarine hydrothermal vents
M Keith, KM Haase, U Schwarz-Schampera, R Klemd, S Petersen, ...
Geology 42 (8), 699-702, 2014
A metasomatized lithospheric mantle control on the metallogenic signature of post-subduction magmatism
DA Holwell, M Fiorentini, I McDonald, Y Lu, A Giuliani, DJ Smith, M Keith, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3511, 2019
Systematic variations of trace element and sulfur isotope compositions in pyrite with stratigraphic depth in the Skouriotissa volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit, Troodos …
M Keith, KM Haase, R Klemd, S Krumm, H Strauss
Chemical Geology 423, 7-18, 2016
Pyrite chemistry: A new window into Au-Te ore-forming processes in alkaline epithermal districts, Cripple Creek, Colorado
M Keith, DJ Smith, K Doyle, DA Holwell, GRT Jenkin, TL Barry, J Becker, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 274, 172-191, 2020
Constraints on the formation of geochemically variable plagiogranite intrusions in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
S Freund, KM Haase, M Keith, C Beier, D Garbe-Schönberg
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 167, 1-22, 2014
Formation of the Troodos Ophiolite at a triple junction: Evidence from trace elements in volcanic glass
M Regelous, KM Haase, S Freund, M Keith, CG Weinzierl, C Beier, ...
Chemical Geology 386, 66-79, 2014
Hydrothermal alteration and fluid pH in alkaline-hosted epithermal systems
DJ Smith, J Naden, GRT Jenkin, M Keith
Ore Geology Reviews 89, 772-779, 2017
Trace element systematics and ore-forming processes in mafic VMS deposits: Evidence from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus
AJ Martin, M Keith, I McDonald, KM Haase, KA McFall, R Klemd, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 106, 205-225, 2019
Systematic variations in magmatic sulphide chemistry from mid-ocean ridges, back-arc basins and island arcs
M Keith, KM Haase, R Klemd, U Schwarz-Schampera, H Franke
Chemical Geology 451, 67-77, 2017
Effects of fluid boiling on Au and volatile element enrichment in submarine arc-related hydrothermal systems
JJ Falkenberg, M Keith, KM Haase, W Bach, R Klemd, H Strauss, IA Yeo, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 307, 105-132, 2021
Effects of magmatic volatile influx in mafic VMS hydrothermal systems: Evidence from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus
AJ Martin, M Keith, DB Parvaz, I McDonald, AJ Boyce, KA McFall, ...
Chemical Geology 531, 119325, 2020
Constraints on the source of Cu in a submarine magmatic-hydrothermal system, Brothers volcano, Kermadec island arc
M Keith, KM Haase, R Klemd, DJ Smith, U Schwarz-Schampera, W Bach
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, 1-16, 2018
Phase separation and fluid mixing revealed by trace element signatures in pyrite from porphyry systems
M Keith, KM Haase, AR Chivas, R Klemd
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 329, 185-205, 2022
Boiling effects on trace element and sulfur isotope compositions of sulfides in shallow-marine hydrothermal systems: Evidence from Milos Island, Greece
A Schaarschmidt, KM Haase, R Klemd, M Keith, PC Voudouris, D Alfieris, ...
Chemical Geology 583, 120457, 2021
Fingerprinting fluid evolution by trace elements in epithermal pyrite, Vatukoula Au-Te deposit, Fiji
F Boerner, M Keith, DJ Smith, TL Barry, T Neumann, R Klemd
Ore Geology Reviews 137, 104314, 2021
Physicochemical constraints on indium-, tin-, germanium-, gallium-, gold-, and tellurium-bearing mineralizations in the Pefka and St Philippos polymetallic vein-and breccia …
P Voudouris, A Repstock, PG Spry, M Frenzel, C Mavrogonatos, M Keith, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 140, 104348, 2022
Trace elements in magnetite from the Pagoni Rachi porphyry prospect, NE Greece: Implications for ore genesis and exploration
C Mavrogonatos, P Voudouris, J Berndt, S Klemme, F Zaccarini, PG Spry, ...
Minerals 9 (12), 725, 2019
Trace element signatures in pyrite and marcasite from shallow marine island arc-related hydrothermal vents, Calypso Vents, New Zealand, and Paleochori Bay, Greece
M Nestmeyer, M Keith, KM Haase, R Klemd, P Voudouris, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 641654, 2021
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Articles 1–20