Cotano, U.
Cotano, U.
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BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene
M Dornelas, LH Antao, F Moyes, AE Bates, AE Magurran, D Adam, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (7), 760-786, 2018
Born small, die young: Intrinsic, size-selective mortality in marine larval fish
S Garrido, R Ben-Hamadou, AMP Santos, S Ferreira, MA Teodósio, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17065, 2015
Anthropogenic influence on the organic fraction of sediments in two contrasting estuaries: a biochemical approach
U Cotano, F Villate
Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 (4), 404-414, 2006
Marine water environmental DNA metabarcoding provides a comprehensive fish diversity assessment and reveals spatial patterns in a large oceanic area
N Fraija‐Fernández, MC Bouquieaux, A Rey, I Mendibil, U Cotano, ...
Ecology and Evolution 10 (14), 7560-7584, 2020
Could Biscay Bay Anchovy recruit through a spatial loophole?
X Irigoien, Ø Fiksen, U Cotano, A Uriarte, P Alvarez, H Arrizabalaga, ...
Progress in Oceanography 74 (2-3), 132-148, 2007
Population structure of Atlantic mackerel inferred from RAD‐seq‐derived SNP markers: Effects of sequence clustering parameters and hierarchical SNP selection
N Rodríguez‐Ezpeleta, IR Bradbury, I Mendibil, P Álvarez, U Cotano, ...
Molecular ecology resources 16 (4), 991-1001, 2016
Thermal niche tracking and future distribution of Atlantic mackerel spawning in response to ocean warming
A Bruge, P Alvarez, A Fontán, U Cotano, G Chust
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 86, 2016
Validation of daily increments deposition in the otoliths of European anchovy larvae (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) reared under different temperature conditions
N Aldanondo, U Cotano, E Etxebeste, X Irigoien, P Álvarez, ...
Fisheries Research 93 (3), 257-264, 2008
Acoustic surveys for juvenile anchovy in the Bay of Biscay: abundance estimate as an indicator of the next year's recruitment and spatial distribution patterns
G Boyra, U Martínez, U Cotano, M Santos, X Irigoien, A Uriarte
ICES Journal of Marine Science 70 (7), 1354-1368, 2013
From egg to juvenile in the Bay of Biscay: spatial patterns of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) recruitment in a non‐upwelling region
X Irigoien, U Cotano, G Boyra, M Santos, P Alvarez, P Otheguy, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 17 (6), 446-462, 2008
The entrainment hypothesis: an explanation for the persistence and innovation in spawning migrations and life cycle spatial patterns
P Petitgas, D Reid, B Planque, E Nogueira, B O’Hea, U Cotano
ASC 2006-Theme session B, 2006
Effects of temperature on development and mortality of Atlantic mackerel fish eggs
D Mendiola, P Alvarez, U Cotano, E Etxebeste, AM de Murguia
Fisheries Research 80 (2-3), 158-168, 2006
Growth and movement patterns of early juvenile European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) in the Bay of Biscay based on otolith microstructure and chemistry
N Aldanondo, U Cotano, M Tiepolo, G Boyra, X Irigoien
Fisheries Oceanography 19 (3), 196-208, 2010
Distribution, growth and survival of anchovy larvae (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) in relation to hydrodynamic and trophic environment in the Bay of Biscay
U Cotano, X Irigoien, E Etxebeste, P Álvarez, L Zarauz, J Mader, L Ferrer
Journal of Plankton Research 30 (4), 467-481, 2008
Historical trends and future distribution of anchovy spawning in the Bay of Biscay
M Erauskin-Extramiana, P Alvarez, H Arrizabalaga, L Ibaibarriaga, ...
Deep sea research part II: Topical studies in oceanography 159, 169-182, 2019
Growth, mortality and hatch-date distributions of European hake larvae, Merluccius merluccius (L.), in the Bay of Biscay
P Alvarez, U Cotano
Fisheries Research 76 (3), 379-391, 2005
Climate regime shifts and biodiversity redistribution in the Bay of Biscay
G Chust, M González, A Fontán, M Revilla, P Alvarez, M Santos, U Cotano, ...
Science of the Total Environment 803, 149622, 2022
A parentage study using microsatellite loci in a pilot project for aquaculture of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus L.
YJ Borrell, J Alvarez, G Blanco, AM de Murguía, D Lee, C Fernández, ...
Aquaculture 310 (3-4), 305-311, 2011
Intraguild predation between small pelagic fish in the Bay of Biscay: impact on anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) egg mortality
E Bachiller, U Cotano, L Ibaibarriaga, M Santos, X Irigoien
Marine Biology 162 (6), 1351-1369, 2015
Growth of young-of-the-year European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.) in the Bay of Biscay
N Aldanondo, U Cotano, E Etxebeste
Scientia Marina 75 (2), 227-235, 2011
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Articles 1–20