Daniel Duplisea
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Cited by
Cumulative impacts of seabed trawl disturbance on benthic biomass, production, and species richness in different habitats
JG Hiddink, S Jennings, MJ Kaiser, AM Queirós, DE Duplisea, GJ Piet
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 63 (4), 721-736, 2006
Trawling disturbance can modify benthic production processes
S Jennings, TA Dinmore, DE Duplisea, KJ Warr, JE Lancaster
Journal of Animal ecology 70 (3), 459-475, 2001
Impact of a large-scale area closure on patterns of fishing disturbance and the consequences for benthic communities
TA Dinmore, DE Duplisea, BD Rackham, DL Maxwell, S Jennings
ICES Journal of Marine Science 60 (2), 371-380, 2003
Seasonal changes in benthic fluxes of dissolved oxygen and ammonium associated with marine cultured Atlantic salmon
BT Hargrave, DE Duplisea, E Pfeiffer, DJ Wildish
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 249-257, 1993
Fishing under low productivity conditions is further delaying recovery of Northwest Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
PA Shelton, AF Sinclair, GA Chouinard, R Mohn, DE Duplisea
Canadian Journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 63 (2), 235-238, 2006
A size-based model of the impacts of bottom trawling on benthic community structure
DE Duplisea, S Jennings, KJ Warr, TA Dinmore
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59 (11), 1785-1795, 2002
Modelling ecological and economic systems with STELLA: Part II
R Costanza, S Gottlieb
Ecological Modelling 112 (2-3), 81-84, 1998
A length-based multispecies model for evaluating community responses to fishing
SJ Hall, JS Collie, DE Duplisea, S Jennings, M Bravington, J Link
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (6), 1344-1359, 2006
Aggregation and removal of weak-links in food-web models: system stability and recovery from disturbance
JK Pinnegar, JL Blanchard, S Mackinson, RD Scott, DE Duplisea
Ecological Modelling 184 (2-4), 229-248, 2005
Modelling potential impacts of bottom trawl fisheries on soft sediment biogeochemistry in the North Sea
DE Duplisea, S Jennings, SJ Malcolm, R Parker, DB Sivyer
Geochemical Transactions 2, 1-6, 2001
Ecosystem‐based fisheries management in the Northwest Atlantic
JS Link, A Bundy, WJ Overholtz, N Shackell, J Manderson, D Duplisea, ...
Fish and Fisheries 12 (2), 152-170, 2011
Ecological Modelling on modelling ecological and economic systems with STELLA
R Costanza, D Duplisea, U Kautsky
Ecological Modelling 110 (1), 1-4, 1998
Spatio-temporal Bayesian network models with latent variables for revealing trophic dynamics and functional networks in fisheries ecology
N Trifonova, A Kenny, D Maxwell, D Duplisea, J Fernandes, A Tucker
Ecological Informatics 30, 142-158, 2015
Response of meiobenthic size-structure, biomass and respiration to sediment organic enrichment
DE Duplisea, BT Hargrave
Hydrobiologia 339, 161-170, 1996
Benthic organism biomass size‐spectra in the Baltic Sea in relation to the sediment environment
DE Duplisea
Limnology and Oceanography 45 (3), 558-568, 2000
Application of a biomass size spectrum model to demersal fish data from the Scotian Shelf
DE Duplisea, SR Kerr
Journal of Theoretical Biology 177 (3), 263-269, 1995
The effect of climate change on the distribution and abundance of marine species in the OSPAR Maritime Area
M L Tasker
ICES Cooperative Research Reports (CRR), 2008
Exploring the abundance–occupancy relationships for the Georges Bank finfish and shellfish community from 1963 to 2006
MG Frisk, DE Duplisea, VM Trenkel
Ecological Applications 21 (1), 227-240, 2011
Sensitivity of a benthic, metazoan, biomass size spectrum to differences in sediment granulometry
DE Duplisea, A Drgas
Marine Ecology Progress Series 177, 73-81, 1999
Demersal fish biomass size spectra on the Scotian Shelf, Canada: species replacement at the shelfwide scale
DE Duplisea, SR Kerr, LM Dickie
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54 (8), 1725-1735, 1997
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Articles 1–20