Natascha Kljun
Natascha Kljun
Professor, Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, Lund University, Sweden
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A simple parameterisation for flux footprint predictions
N Kljun, P Calanca, MW Rotach, HP Schmid
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 112 (3), 503-523, 2004
A simple two-dimensional parameterisation for Flux Footprint Prediction (FFP)
N Kljun, P Calanca, MW Rotach, HP Schmid
Geosci. Model Dev. 8, 3695-3713, 2015
Inter-annual variability in the leaf area index of a boreal aspen-hazelnut forest in relation to net ecosystem production
AG Barr, TA Black, EH Hogg, N Kljun, K Morgenstern, Z Nesic
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 126 (3), 237-255, 2004
Life cycle inventories of bioenergy. Ecoinvent report no. 17
N Jungbluth, M Chudacoff, A Dauriat, F Dinkel, G Doka, MF Emmenegger, ...
Carbon, energy and water fluxes at mature and disturbed forest sites, Saskatchewan, Canada
BD Amiro, AG Barr, TA Black, H Iwashita, N Kljun, JH McCaughey, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 136 (3), 237-251, 2006
A three-dimensional backward Lagrangian footprint model for a wide range of boundary-layer stratifications
N Kljun, MW Rotach, HP Schmid
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 103 (2), 205-226, 2002
Comparison of ecosystem water‐use efficiency among Douglas‐fir forest, aspen forest and grassland using eddy covariance and carbon isotope techniques
S Ponton, LB Flanagan, KP Alstad, BG Johnson, KAI Morgenstern, ...
Global Change Biology 12 (2), 294-310, 2006
Climatic controls on the carbon and water balances of a boreal aspen forest, 1994–2003
AG Barr, TA Black, EH Hogg, TJ Griffis, K Morgenstern, N Kljun, A Theede, ...
Global Change Biology 13 (3), 561-576, 2007
Flux and concentration footprint modelling: State of the art
T Vesala, N Kljun, Ü Rannik, J Rinne, A Sogachev, T Markkanen, ...
Environmental Pollution 152 (3), 653-666, 2008
Response of Net Ecosystem Productivity of Three Boreal Forest Stands to Drought
N Kljun, TA Black, T Griffis, AG Barr, Gaumont-Guay, K D. Morgenstern, ...
Ecosystems 10, 1039-1055, 2007
Response of Net Ecosystem Productivity of Three Boreal Forest Stands to Drought
N Kljun, TA Black, TJ Griffis, AG Barr, D Gaumont-Guay, K Morgenstern, ...
Ecosystems 9 (7), 1128 - 1144, 2006
Aboveground biomass density models for NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission
L Duncanson, JR Kellner, J Armston, R Dubayah, DM Minor, S Hancock, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 270, 112845, 2022
Seasonal variation and partitioning of ecosystem respiration in a southern boreal aspen forest
TJ Griffis, TA Black, D Gaumont-Guay, GB Drewitt, Z Nesic, AG Barr, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 125 (3), 207-223, 2004
Global maps of soil temperature
JJ Lembrechts, J van den Hoogen, J Aalto, MB Ashcroft, P De Frenne, ...
Global Change Biology, 2021
Challenges and Best Practices for Deriving Temperature Data from an Uncalibrated UAV Thermal Infrared Camera
J Kelly, N Kljun, PO Olsson, L Mihai, B Liljeblad, P Weslien, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (5), 567, 2019
Remote sensing of photosynthetic light-use efficiency across two forested biomes: Spatial scaling
T Hilker, FG Hall, NC Coops, A Lyapustin, Y Wang, Z Nesic, N Grant, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (12), 2863-2874, 2010
ICOS eddy covariance flux-station site setup: a review
C Rebmann, M Aubinet, HP Schmid, N Arriga, M Aurela, G Burba, ...
International Agrophysics 32 (4), 471-494, 2018
Vegetation height and cover fraction between 60 S and 60 N from ICESat GLAS data
SO Los, JAB Rosette, N Kljun, PRJ North, L Chasmer, JC Suárez, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 5 (2), 413-432, 2012
Spatial representativeness of tall tower eddy covariance measurements using remote sensing and footprint analysis
Z Barcza, A Kern, L Haszpra, N Kljun
agricultural and forest meteorology 149 (5), 795-807, 2009
Integrating terrestrial and airborne lidar to calibrate a 3D canopy model of effective leaf area index
C Hopkinson, J Lovell, L Chasmer, D Jupp, N Kljun, E van Gorsel
Remote Sensing of Environment 136, 301-314, 2013
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Articles 1–20