Cortland Eble
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Lanthanide, yttrium, and zirconium anomalies in the Fire Clay coal bed, Eastern Kentucky
JC Hower, LF Ruppert, CF Eble
International Journal of Coal Geology 39 (1-3), 141-153, 1999
On the fundamental difference between coal rank and coal type
JMK O'Keefe, A Bechtel, K Christanis, S Dai, WA DiMichele, CF Eble, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 118, 58-87, 2013
Recognition of peat depositional environments in coal: A review
S Dai, A Bechtel, CF Eble, RM Flores, D French, IT Graham, MM Hood, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 219, 103383, 2020
Analysis of Devonian black shales in Kentucky for potential carbon dioxide sequestration and enhanced natural gas production
BC Nuttal, C Eble, RM Bustin, JA Drahovzal
Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 7, 2225-2228, 2005
Distribution of rare earth elements in eastern Kentucky coals: indicators of multiple modes of enrichment?
JC Hower, CF Eble, S Dai, HE Belkin
International Journal of Coal Geology 160, 73-81, 2016
Characterization of the origin of coalbed gases in southeastern Illinois Basin by compound-specific carbon and hydrogen stable isotope ratios
D Strąpoć, M Mastalerz, C Eble, A Schimmelmann
Organic Geochemistry 38 (2), 267-287, 2007
Standardization of reflectance measurements in dispersed organic matter: Results of an exercise to improve interlaboratory agreement
PC Hackley, CV Araujo, AG Borrego, A Bouzinos, BJ Cardott, AC Cook, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 59, 22-34, 2015
Selected plant megafossils from the Carboniferous of the Appalachian region, eastern United States: geographic and stratigraphic distribution
B Bascombe, AT Cross, CF Eble, WH Gliiespie, HW Pfefferkorn
Notes on the origin of inertinite macerals in coal: evidence for fungal and arthropod transformations of degraded macerals
JC Hower, JMK O'Keefe, CF Eble, A Raymond, B Valentim, TJ Volk, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (2-3), 231-240, 2011
Notes on the origin of inertinite macerals in coals: observations on the importance of fungi in the origin of macrinite
JC Hower, JMK O'Keefe, MA Watt, TJ Pratt, CF Eble, JD Stucker, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 80 (2), 135-143, 2009
Characterization of fly ash from low-sulfur and high-sulfur coal sources: partitioning of carbon and trace elements with particle size
JC Hower, AS Trimble, CF Eble, CA Palmer, A Kolker
Energy Sources 21 (6), 511-525, 1999
Paleoecological interpretation of a Middle Pennsylvanian coal bed in the Central Appalachian Basin, USA
CF Eble, WC Grady
International Journal of Coal Geology 16 (4), 255-286, 1990
No major stratigraphic gap exists near the Middle–Upper Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian–Missourian) boundary in North America
HJ Falcon-Lang, PH Heckel, WA Dimichele, BM Blake Jr, CR Easterday, ...
Palaios 26 (3), 125-139, 2011
Paleoecology of the Fire Clay coal bed in a portion of the Eastern Kentucky coal field
CF Eble, JC Hower, WM Andrews Jr
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 106 (1-4), 287-305, 1994
Arsenic-bearing pyrite and marcasite in the Fire Clay coal bed, Middle Pennsylvanian Breathitt Formation, eastern Kentucky
LF Ruppert, JC Hower, CF Eble
International Journal of Coal Geology 63 (1-2), 27-35, 2005
Notes on the potential for the concentration of rare earth elements and yttrium in coal combustion fly ash
JC Hower, JG Groppo, KR Henke, MM Hood, CF Eble, RQ Honaker, ...
Minerals 5 (2), 356-366, 2015
Anomalous cold in the Pangaean tropics
GS Soreghan, MJ Soreghan, CJ Poulsen, RA Young, CF Eble, DE Sweet, ...
Geology 36 (8), 659-662, 2008
Appalachian sedimentary cycles during the Pennsylvanian: Changing influences of sea level, climate, and tectonics
SF Greb, JC Pashin, RL Martino, CF Eble, CR Fielding, TD Frank, ...
Resolving the Late Paleozoic Ice Age in Time and Space: Geological Society …, 2008
Petrology, palynology, and geochemistry of gray hawk coal (early Pennsylvanian, Langsettian) in eastern Kentucky, USA
JC Hower, CF Eble, JMK O’Keefe, S Dai, P Wang, P Xie, J Liu, CR Ward, ...
Minerals 5 (3), 592-622, 2015
Pennsylvanian paleokarst and cave fills from northern Illinois, USA: a window into late Carboniferous environments and landscapes
RE Plotnick, F Kenig, AC Scott, IJ Glasspool, CF Eble, WJ Lang
Palaios 24 (10), 627-637, 2009
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Articles 1–20