George Gertner
George Gertner
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Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for models with correlated parameters
C Xu, GZ Gertner
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 93 (10), 1563-1573, 2008
The impact of interactions in spatial simulation of the dynamics of urban sprawl
S Fang, GZ Gertner, Z Sun, AA Anderson
Landscape and urban planning 73 (4), 294-306, 2005
Eutrophication: nitrate flux in the Mississippi River
GF McIsaac, MB David, GZ Gertner, DA Goolsby
Nature 414 (6860), 166-168, 2001
Mapping multiple variables for predicting soil loss by geostatistical methods with TM images and a slope map
G Wang, G Gertner, S Fang, AB Anderson
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 69 (8), 889-898, 2003
Improvement in mapping vegetation cover factor for the universal soil loss equation by geostatistical methods with Landsat Thematic Mapper images
G Wang, S Wente, GZ Gertner, A Anderson
International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (18), 3649-3667, 2002
Nitrate flux in the Mississippi River
GF McIsaac, MB David, GZ Gertner, DA Goolsby
Nature 414 (6860), 166-167, 2001
Uncertainty assessment of soil erodibility factor for revised universal soil loss equation
G Wang, G Gertner, X Liu, A Anderson
Catena 46 (1), 1-14, 2001
Extending a global sensitivity analysis technique to models with correlated parameters
C Xu, G Gertner
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 51 (12), 5579-5590, 2007
Spatial uncertainty analysis for mapping soil erodibility based on joint sequential simulation
P Parysow, G Wang, G Gertner, AB Anderson
Catena 53 (1), 65-78, 2003
Spatial and temporal prediction and uncertainty of soil loss using the revised universal soil loss equation: a case study of the rainfall–runoff erosivity R factor
G Wang, G Gertner, V Singh, S Shinkareva, P Parysow, A Anderson
Ecological Modelling 153 (1-2), 143-155, 2002
Modeling red pine tree survival with an artificial neural network
BT Guan, G Gertner
Forest Science 37 (5), 1429-1440, 1991
Relating net nitrogen input in the Mississippi River basin to nitrate flux in the lower Mississippi River: A comparison of approaches
GF McIsaac, MB David, GZ Gertner, DA Goolsby
Journal of Environmental Quality 31 (5), 1610-1622, 2002
Uncertainties in the response of a forest landscape to global climatic change
C Xu, GZ Gertner, RM Scheller
Global Change Biology 15 (1), 116-131, 2009
A general first-order global sensitivity analysis method
C Xu, GZ Gertner
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 93 (7), 1060-1071, 2008
An assessment of some nonsampling errors in a national survey using an error budget
G Gertner, M Köhl
Forest science 38 (3), 525-538, 1992
Understanding and comparisons of different sampling approaches for the Fourier Amplitudes Sensitivity Test (FAST)
C Xu, G Gertner
Computational statistics & data analysis 55 (1), 184-198, 2011
Approximating precision in simulation projections: an efficient alternative to Monte Carlo methods
G Gertner
Forest Science 33 (1), 230-239, 1987
Potential effects of interaction between CO2 and temperature on forest landscape response to global warming
C Xu, GZ Gertner, RM Scheller
Global Change Biology 13 (7), 1469-1483, 2007
Remote sensing applications for sampling design of natural resources
G Wang, G Gertner
Remote Sensing of Natural Resources 5777, 23-44, 2013
The sensitivity of measurement error in stand volume estimation
GZ Gertner
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 20 (6), 800-804, 1990
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