tristan boureau
tristan boureau
Institut de Recherche en Horticulture et Semences, Université d'Angers
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High throughput quantitative phenotyping of plant resistance using chlorophyll fluorescence image analysis
C Rousseau, E Belin, E Bove, D Rousseau, F Fabre, R Berruyer, ...
Plant methods 9, 1-13, 2013
Using Ecology, Physiology, and Genomics to Understand Host Specificity in Xanthomonas
MA Jacques, M Arlat, A Boulanger, T Boureau, S Carrère, S Cesbron, ...
Annual review of phytopathology 54 (1), 163-187, 2016
A «repertoire for repertoire» hypothesis: Repertoires of type three effectors are candidate determinants of host specificity in Xanthomonas
A Hajri, C Brin, G Hunault, F Lardeux, C Lemaire, C Manceau, T Boureau, ...
PLoS One 4 (8), e6632, 2009
The Hrp pilus of Pseudomonas syringae elongates from its tip and acts as a conduit for translocation of the effector protein HrpZ
CM Li, I Brown, J Mansfield, C Stevens, T Boureau, M Romantschuk, ...
The EMBO journal, 2002
DspA/E, a Type III Effector Essential for Erwinia amylovora Pathogenicity and Growth In Planta, Induces Cell Death in Host Apple and Nonhost Tobacco Plants
T Boureau, H ElMaarouf-Bouteau, A Garnier, MN Brisset, C Perino, ...
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 19 (1), 16-24, 2006
Comparative Genomics of Pathogenic and Nonpathogenic Strains of Xanthomonas arboricola Unveil Molecular and Evolutionary Events Linked to Pathoadaptation
S Cesbron, M Briand, S Essakhi, S Gironde, T Boureau, C Manceau, ...
Frontiers in plant science 6, 1126, 2015
High‐density genome‐wide association mapping implicates an F‐box encoding gene in Medicago truncatula resistance to Aphanomyces euteiches
M Bonhomme, O André, Y Badis, J Ronfort, C Burgarella, N Chantret, ...
New Phytologist 201 (4), 1328-1342, 2014
Localization of hrpA‐induced Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in infected tomato leaves
T Boureau, J Routtu, E Roine, S Taira, M Romantschuk
Molecular Plant Pathology 3 (6), 451-460, 2002
Transmission of plant-pathogenic bacteria by nonhost seeds without induction of an associated defense reaction at emergence
A Darrasse, A Darsonval, T Boureau, MN Brisset, K Durand, MA Jacques
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76 (20), 6787-6796, 2010
Thermography versus chlorophyll fluorescence imaging for detection and quantification of apple scab
É Belin, D Rousseau, T Boureau, V Caffier
Computers and electronics in agriculture 90, 159-163, 2013
Evolutionary History of the Plant Pathogenic Bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis
N Mhedbi-Hajri, A Hajri, T Boureau, A Darrasse, K Durand, C Brin, ...
Plos one 8 (3), e58474, 2013
Type three effector gene distribution and sequence analysis provide new insights into the pathogenicity of plant-pathogenic Xanthomonas arboricola
A Hajri, JF Pothier, M Fischer-Le Saux, S Bonneau, S Poussier, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 78 (2), 371-384, 2012
Genome sequence of Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscansstrain 4834-R reveals that flagellar motility is not a general feature of xanthomonads
A Darrasse, S Carrere, V Barbe, T Boureau, ML Arrieta-Ortiz, S Bonneau, ...
BMC genomics 14, 1-30, 2013
Genomic Survey of Pathogenicity Determinants and VNTR Markers in the Cassava Bacterial Pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Manihotis Strain CIO151
ML Arrieta-Ortiz, LM Rodríguez-R, AL Perez-Quintero, L Poulin, AC Díaz, ...
PloS one 8 (11), e79704, 2013
Variations in type III effector repertoires, pathological phenotypes and host range of Xanthomonas citri pv. citri pathotypes
A Escalon, S Javegny, C Vernière, LD Noel, K Vital, S Poussier, A Hajri, ...
Molecular plant pathology 14 (5), 483-496, 2013
The AvrE superfamily: ancestral type III effectors involved in suppression of pathogen‐associated molecular pattern‐triggered immunity
A Degrave, S Siamer, T Boureau, MA Barny
Molecular plant pathology 16 (8), 899-905, 2015
Natural Genetic Variation of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris Pathogenicity on Arabidopsis Revealed by Association and Reverse Genetics
E Guy, A Genissel, A Hajri, M Chabannes, P David, S Carrere, M Lautier, ...
MBio 4 (3), 10.1128/mbio. 00538-12, 2013
Multilocus sequence analysis and type III effector repertoire mining provide new insights into the evolutionary history and virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae
A Hajri, C Brin, S Zhao, P David, JIAXUN FENG, R Koebnik, B Szurek, ...
Molecular plant pathology 13 (3), 288-302, 2012
The HrpN Effector of Erwinia amylovora, Which Is Involved in Type III Translocation, Contributes Directly or Indirectly to Callose Elicitation on Apple Leaves
T Boureau, S Siamer, C Perino, S Gaubert, O Patrit, A Degrave, M Fagard, ...
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 24 (5), 577-584, 2011
A multiplex-PCR assay for identification of the quarantine plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli
T Boureau, M Kerkoud, F Chhel, G Hunault, A Darrasse, C Brin, K Durand, ...
Journal of microbiological methods 92 (1), 42-50, 2013
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