Braddock Linsley
Braddock Linsley
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
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2,000-year-long temperature and hydrology reconstructions from the Indo-Pacific warm pool
DW Oppo, Y Rosenthal, BK Linsley
Nature 460 (7259), 1113-1116, 2009
Oxygen isotope evidence of sea level and climatic variations in the Sulu Sea over the past 150,000 years
BK Linsley
Nature 380, 234-237, 1996
Inter-hemispheric temperature variability over the past millennium
R Neukom, J Gergis, DJ Karoly, H Wanner, M Curran, J Elbert, ...
Nature climate change 4 (5), 362-367, 2014
Decadal sea surface temperature variability in the subtropical South Pacific from 1726 to 1997 AD
BK Linsley, GM Wellington, DP Schrag
Science 290 (5494), 1145-1148, 2000
The amplitude and phasing of climate change during the last deglaciation in the Sulu Sea, western equatorial Pacific
Y Rosenthal, DW Oppo, BK Linsley
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (8), 2003
A coral‐based reconstruction of Intertropical Convergence Zone variability over Central America since 1707
BK Linsley, RB Dunbar, GM Wellington, DA Mucciarone
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 99 (C5), 9977-9994, 1994
Interlaboratory study for coral Sr/Ca and other element/Ca ratio measurements
EC Hathorne, A Gagnon, T Felis, J Adkins, R Asami, W Boer, N Caillon, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (9), 3730-3750, 2013
Holocene evolution of the Indonesian throughflow and the western Pacific warm pool
BK Linsley, Y Rosenthal, DW Oppo
Nature Geoscience 3 (8), 578-583, 2010
Tracking the extent of the South Pacific Convergence Zone since the early 1600s
BK Linsley, A Kaplan, Y Gouriou, J Salinger, PB Demenocal, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (5), 2006
Coordinated hydrological regimes in the Indo‐Pacific region during the past two millennia
JE Tierney, DW Oppo, Y Rosenthal, JM Russell, BK Linsley
Paleoceanography 25 (1), 2010
Geochemical evidence from corals for changes in the amplitude and spatial pattern of South Pacific interdecadal climate variability over the last 300 years
BK Linsley, GM Wellington, DP Schrag, L Ren, MJ Salinger, AW Tudhope
Climate Dynamics 22, 1-11, 2004
Deconvolving the δ18O seawater component from subseasonal coral δ18O and Sr/Ca at Rarotonga in the southwestern subtropical Pacific for the period 1726 to 1997
L Ren, BK Linsley, GM Wellington, DP Schrag, O Hoegh-Guldberg
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (9), 1609-1621, 2003
Temperature and carbonate ion effects on Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in benthic foraminifera: Aragonitic species Hoeglundina elegans
Y Rosenthal, CH Lear, DW Oppo, BK Linsley
Paleoceanography 21 (1), 2006
Abrupt climate change and collapse of deep-sea ecosystems
M Yasuhara, TM Cronin, PB Demenocal, H Okahashi, BK Linsley
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (5), 1556-1560, 2008
Assessing between-colony oxygen isotope variability in the coral Porites lobata at Clipperton Atoll
BK Linsley, RG Messier, RB Dunbar
Coral Reefs 18, 13-27, 1999
Support for tropically‐driven Pacific decadal variability based on paleoproxy evidence
MN Evans, MA Cane, DP Schrag, A Kaplan, BK Linsley, R Villalba, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 28 (19), 3689-3692, 2001
Dynamical excitation of the tropical Pacific Ocean and ENSO variability by Little Ice Age cooling
GT Rustic, A Koutavas, TM Marchitto, BK Linsley
Science 350 (6267), 1537-1541, 2015
Biomass burning and oceanic primary production estimates in the Sulu Sea area over the last 380 kyr and the East Asian monsoon dynamics
L Beaufort, T de Garidel-Thoron, B Linsley, D Oppo, N Buchet
Marine Geology 201 (1-3), 53-65, 2003
Millennial‐scale dynamics of the East Asian winter monsoon during the last 200,000 years
T de Garidel‐Thoron, L Beaufort, BK Linsley, S Dannenmann
Paleoceanography 16 (5), 491-502, 2001
Environmental controls on the stable isotopic composition of Mercenaria mercenaria: Potential application to paleoenvironmental studies
M Elliot, PB Demenocal, BK Linsley, SS Howe
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 4 (7), 2003
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Articles 1–20