Melanie Murphy
Melanie Murphy
Dept Ecosystem Science and Management, Director Program in Ecology, University of Wyoming
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Putting the ‘landscape’in landscape genetics
A Storfer, MA Murphy, JS Evans, CS Goldberg, S Robinson, SF Spear, ...
Heredity 98 (3), 128-142, 2007
Critical considerations for the application of environmental DNA methods to detect aquatic species
CS Goldberg, CR Turner, K Deiner, KE Klymus, PF Thomsen, MA Murphy, ...
Methods in ecology and evolution 7 (11), 1299-1307, 2016
Landscape genetics: where are we now?
A Storfer, MA Murphy, SF Spear, R Holderegger, LP Waits
Molecular ecology 19 (17), 3496-3514, 2010
Quantifying the lag time to detect barriers in landscape genetics
EL Landguth, SA Cushman, MK Schwartz, KS McKelvey, M Murphy, ...
Molecular ecology 19 (19), 4179-4191, 2010
Modeling species distribution and change using random forest
JS Evans, MA Murphy, ZA Holden, SA Cushman
Predictive species and habitat modeling in landscape ecology: Concepts and …, 2010
Quantifying Bufo boreas connectivity in Yellowstone National Park with landscape genetics
MA Murphy, JS Evans, A Storfer
Ecology 91 (1), 252-261, 2010
Landscape genetics of high mountain frog metapopulations
MA Murphy, R Dezzani, DS Pilliod, A Storfer
Molecular ecology 19 (17), 3634-3649, 2010
Utility of computer simulations in landscape genetics
BK Epperson, BH McRae, KIM Scribner, SA Cushman, MS Rosenberg, ...
Molecular ecology 19 (17), 3549-3564, 2010
The impact of time and field conditions on brown bear (Ursus arctos) faecal DNA amplification
MA Murphy, KC Kendall, A Robinson, LP Waits
Conservation Genetics 8, 1219-1224, 2007
An evaluation of long-term preservation methods for brown bear (Ursus arctos) faecal DNA samples
MA Murphy, LP Waits, KC Kendall, SK Wasser, JA Higbee, R Bogden
Conservation genetics 3, 435-440, 2002
Package ‘spatialEco’
JS Evans, K Ram
R CRAN Project, 2021
High-resolution landcover classification using Random Forest
MM Hayes, SN Miller, MA Murphy
Remote sensing letters 5 (2), 112-121, 2014
The influence of diet on faecal DNA amplification and sex identification in brown bears (Ursus arctos)
MA Murphy, LP Waits, KC Kendall
Molecular Ecology 12 (8), 2261-2265, 2003
A simulation‐based evaluation of methods for inferring linear barriers to gene flow
C Blair, DE Weigel, M Balazik, ATH Keeley, FM Walker, E Landguth, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 12 (5), 822-833, 2012
Quantitative evaluation of fecal drying methods for brown bear DNA analysis
MA Murphy, LP Waits, KC Kendall
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 951-957, 2000
Representing genetic variation as continuous surfaces: an approach for identifying spatial dependency in landscape genetic studies
MA Murphy, JS Evans, SA Cushman, A Storfer
Ecography 31 (6), 685-697, 2008
SpatialEco. r Package Version 1.3-6
JS Evans, MA Murphy
R Package version 1, 1-0, 2021
Relationships between migration rates and landscape resistance assessed using individual‐based simulations
EL Landguth, SA Cushman, MA Murphy, G Luikart
Molecular Ecology Resources 10 (5), 854-862, 2010
Effects of Hydroperiod Duration on Survival, Developmental Rate, and Size at Metamorphosis in Boreal Chorus Frog Tadpoles (Pseudacris maculata)
S Amburgey, WC Funk, M Murphy, E Muths
Herpetologica 68 (4), 456-467, 2012
Package ‘rfUtilities’
JS Evans, MA Murphy
R Core Team: Vienna, Austria, 2019
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Articles 1–20