Simon Hjalmarsson
Simon Hjalmarsson
Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University
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Cited by
Cited by
Do poorer youth have fewer friends? The role of household and child economic resources in adolescent school-class friendships
S Hjalmarsson, C Mood
Children and Youth Services Review 57, 201-211, 2015
Poor kids? Economic resources and adverse peer relations in a nationally representative sample of Swedish adolescents
S Hjalmarsson
Journal of youth and adolescence 47 (1), 88-104, 2018
How are our young adults doing?: A report on labour market activities and living conditions
S Plenty, AB Andersson, S Hjalmarsson, C Mood, F Rudolphi, G Treuter
Institutet för framtidsstudier, 2018
Pay to play? Economic constraints and participation in extracurricular activities
S Hjalmarsson
European Sociological Review 39 (4), 586-600, 2023
Hur går det för våra unga vuxna?: En rapport om sysselsättning och levnadsvillkor
S Plenty, AB Andersson, S Hjalmarsson, C Mood, F Rudolphi, G Treuter
Institutet för framtidsstudier, 2018
Kodbok för Inkomstvariabler 1968-89
S Hjalmarsson, C Mood, R Shahbazian
English: Codebook for income variables 1968-89, 2015
Not next to you: peer rejection, sociodemographic characteristics and the moderating effects of classroom composition
S Hjalmarsson, P Fallesen, S Plenty
Journal of youth and adolescence 52 (6), 1191-1205, 2023
Taking Part on Equal Terms?: Associations between Economic Resources and Social Participation among Swedish Adolescents
S Hjalmarsson
Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, 2021
Socially poorer than peers?: Economic resources and school class friendship relations
S Hjalmarsson
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Articles 1–9