Sebastian Höhna
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Cited by
MrBayes 3.2: efficient Bayesian phylogenetic inference and model choice across a large model space
F Ronquist, M Teslenko, P Van Der Mark, DL Ayres, A Darling, S Höhna, ...
Systematic biology 61 (3), 539-542, 2012
RevBayes: Bayesian phylogenetic inference using graphical models and an interactive model-specification language
S Höhna, MJ Landis, TA Heath, B Boussau, N Lartillot, BR Moore, ...
Systematic biology 65 (4), 726-736, 2016
Critically evaluating the theory and performance of Bayesian analysis of macroevolutionary mixtures
BR Moore, S Höhna, MR May, B Rannala, JP Huelsenbeck
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (34), 9569-9574, 2016
Inferring Speciation and Extinction Rates under Different Sampling Schemes
S Höhna, T Stadler, F Ronquist, T Britton
Molecular Biology and Evolution 28 (9), 2577-2589, 2011
TESS: an R package for efficiently simulating phylogenetic trees and performing Bayesian inference of lineage diversification rates
S Höhna, MR May, BR Moore
Bioinformatics 32 (5), 789--791, 2016
Probabilistic graphical model representation in phylogenetics
S Höhna, TA Heath, B Boussau, MJ Landis, F Ronquist, JP Huelsenbeck
Systematic Biology 63 (5), 753-771, 2014
Guided tree topology proposals for Bayesian phylogenetic inference
S Höhna, AJ Drummond
Systematic Biology 61 (1), 1-11, 2012
A Bayesian approach for detecting the impact of mass‐extinction events on molecular phylogenies when rates of lineage diversification may vary
MR May, S Höhna, BR Moore
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7 (8), 947--959, 2016
Testing the role of the Red Queen and Court Jester as drivers of the macroevolution of Apollo butterflies
FL Condamine, J Rolland, S Höhna, FAH Sperling, I Sanmartín
Systematic biology 67 (6), 940-964, 2018
Cladogenetic and anagenetic models of chromosome number evolution: a Bayesian model averaging approach
WA Freyman, S Höhna
Systematic biology 67 (2), 195-215, 2018
Early arrival and climatically-linked geographic expansion of New World monkeys from tiny African ancestors
D Silvestro, MF Tejedor, ML Serrano-Serrano, O Loiseau, V Rossier, ...
Systematic Biology 68 (1), 78-92, 2019
Fast simulation of reconstructed phylogenies under global time-dependent birth–death processes
S Höhna
Bioinformatics 29 (11), 1367-1374, 2013
The time-dependent reconstructed evolutionary process with a key-role for mass-extinction events
S Höhna
Journal of Theoretical Biology 380, 321--331, 2015
RevGadgets: An R package for visualizing Bayesian phylogenetic analyses from RevBayes
CM Tribble, WA Freyman, MJ Landis, JY Lim, J Barido‐Sottani, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13 (2), 314-323, 2022
Likelihood inference of non-constant diversification rates with incomplete taxon sampling
S Höhna
PLoS one 9 (1), e84184, 2014
Stochastic character mapping of state-dependent diversification reveals the tempo of evolutionary decline in self-compatible Onagraceae lineages
W Freyman, S Höhna
Systematic Biology 68 (3), 505-519, 2019
Convergence assessment for Bayesian phylogenetic analysis using MCMC simulation
LG Fabreti, S Höhna
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13 (1), 77-90, 2022
Approximate Bayesian Computation of diversification rates from molecular phylogenies: introducing a new efficient summary statistic, the nLTT
T Janzen, S Höhna, RS Etienne
Methods in ecology and evolution 6 (5), 566-575, 2015
A Bayesian approach for estimating branch-specific speciation and extinction rates
S Höhna, WA Freyman, Z Nolen, JP Huelsenbeck, MR May, BR Moore
BioRxiv, 555805, 2019
Non-monophyly and intricate morphological evolution within the avian family Cettiidae revealed by multilocus analysis of a taxonomically densely sampled dataset
P Alström, S Höhna, M Gelang, PGP Ericson, U Olsson
BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 1-17, 2011
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Articles 1–20