Grace C Wu
Cited by
Cited by
Solar energy development impacts on land cover change and protected areas
RR Hernandez, MK Hoffacker, ML Murphy-Mariscal, GC Wu, MF Allen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (44), 13579-13584, 2015
The gene cortex controls mimicry and crypsis in butterflies and moths
NJ Nadeau, C Pardo-Diaz, A Whibley, MA Supple, SV Saenko, ...
Nature 534 (7605), 106-110, 2016
Addressing potential local adaptation in species distribution models: implications for conservation under climate change
MH Hällfors, J Liao, J Dzurisin, R Grundel, M Hyvärinen, K Towle, GC Wu, ...
Ecological Applications 26 (4), 1154-1169, 2016
Genetic Evidence for Hybrid Trait Speciation in Heliconius Butterflies
C Salazar, SW Baxter, C Pardo-Diaz, G Wu, A Surridge, M Linares, ...
PLoS genetics 6 (4), e1000930, 2010
Strategic siting and regional grid interconnections key to low-carbon futures in African countries
GC Wu, R Deshmukh, K Ndhlukula, T Radojicic, J Reilly-Moman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (15), E3004-E3012, 2017
Geospatial and techno-economic analysis of wind and solar resources in India
R Deshmukh, GC Wu, DS Callaway, A Phadke
Renewable Energy 134, 947-960, 2019
Low-impact land use pathways to deep decarbonization of electricity
GC Wu, E Leslie, O Sawyerr, DR Cameron, E Brand, B Cohen, D Allen, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (7), 074044, 2020
Incorporating land-use requirements and environmental constraints in low-carbon electricity planning for California
GC Wu, MS Torn, JH Williams
Environmental science & technology, 2014
Renewable energy zones for the Africa clean energy corridor
GC Wu, R Deshmukh, K Ndhlukula, T Radojicic, J Reilly
Kinematic evidence for superfast locomotory muscle in two species of teneriffiid mites
GC Wu, JC Wright, DL Whitaker, AN Ahn
Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (15), 2551-2556, 2010
Renewable energy alternatives to mega hydropower: a case study of Inga 3 for Southern Africa
R Deshmukh, A Mileva, GC Wu
Environmental Research Letters 13 (6), 064020, 2018
Gene expression in closely related species mirrors local adaptation: consequences for responses to a warming world
ST O'Neil, JDK Dzurisin, CM Williams, NF Lobo, JK Higgins, JM Deines, ...
Molecular Ecology 23 (11), 2686-2698, 2014
How can diverse national food and land-use priorities be reconciled with global sustainability targets? Lessons from the FABLE initiative
A Mosnier, G Schmidt-Traub, M Obersteiner, S Jones, V Javalera-Rincon, ...
Sustainability Science 18 (1), 335-345, 2023
Power of place: land conservation and clean energy pathways for California
GC Wu, E Leslie, D Allen, O Sawyerr, DR Cameron, E Brand, B Cohen, ...
Arlington: The Nature Conservancy.[Google Scholar], 2019
Reducing black carbon emissions from diesel vehicles: impacts, control strategies, and cost-benefit analysis
R Minjares, DV Wagner, A Baral, S Chambliss, S Galarza, F Posada, ...
International experiences with quantifying the co-benefits of energy-efficiency and greenhouse-gas mitigation programs and policies
C Williams
Enabling a low-carbon electricity system for Southern Africa
AFMK Chowdhury, R Deshmukh, GC Wu, A Uppal, A Mileva, T Curry, ...
Joule 6 (8), 1826-1844, 2022
Minimizing habitat conflicts in meeting net-zero energy targets in the western United States
GC Wu, RA Jones, E Leslie, JH Williams, A Pascale, E Brand, SS Parker, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (4), e2204098120, 2023
Global Mapping of CDR Opportunities
H Pilorgé, B Kolosz, GC Wu, J Freeman
Carbon Dioxide Removal Primer, 2021
Exceptional thermal tolerance and water resistance in the mite Paratarsotomus macropalpis (Erythracaridae) challenge prevailing explanations of physiological limits
GC Wu, JC Wright
Journal of insect physiology 82, 1-7, 2015
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Articles 1–20