Timothy Bralower
Timothy Bralower
Professor of Geosciences, Penn State University
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The Chicxulub asteroid impact and mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary
P Schulte, L Alegret, I Arenillas, JA Arz, PJ Barton, PR Bown, TJ Bralower, ...
Science 327 (5970), 1214-1218, 2010
Oceanic anoxic events and plankton evolution: Biotic response to tectonic forcing during the mid‐Cretaceous
RM Leckie, TJ Bralower, R Cashman
Paleoceanography 17 (3), 13-1-13-29, 2002
A transient rise in tropical sea surface temperature during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
JC Zachos, MW Wara, S Bohaty, ML Delaney, MR Petrizzo, A Brill, ...
Science 302 (5650), 1551-1554, 2003
On the duration of the Paleocene‐Eocene thermal maximum (PETM)
U Röhl, T Westerhold, TJ Bralower, JC Zachos
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 8 (12), 2007
Warming the fuel for the fire: Evidence for the thermal dissociation of methane hydrate during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
DJ Thomas, JC Zachos, TJ Bralower, E Thomas, S Bohaty
Geology 30 (12), 1067-1070, 2002
New chronology for the late Paleocene thermal maximum and its environmental implications
U Rohl, TJ Bralower, RD Norris, G Wefer
Geology 28 (10), 927-930, 2000
Evidence of surface water oligotrophy during the Paleocene‐Eocene thermal maximum: Nannofossil assemblage data from ocean drilling program Site 690, Maud rise, Weddell Sea
TJ Bralower
Paleoceanography 17 (2), 13-1-13-12, 2002
Extreme warming of mid-latitude coastal ocean during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Inferences from TEX86 and isotope data
JC Zachos, S Schouten, S Bohaty, T Quattlebaum, A Sluijs, H Brinkhuis, ...
Geology 34 (9), 737-740, 2006
Rapid diversification of planktonic foraminifera in the tropical Pacific (ODP Site 865) during the late Paleocene thermal maximum
D Clay Kelly, TJ Bralower, JC Zachos, IP Silva, E Thomas
Geology 24 (5), 423-426, 1996
Timing and paleoceanography of oceanic dysoxia/anoxia in the Late Barremian to Early Aptian (Early Cretaceous)
TJ Bralower, MA Arthur, RM Leckie, WV Sliter, DJ Allard, SO Schlanger
Palaios, 335-369, 1994
Low productivity and slow deep-water circulation in mid-Cretaceous oceans
TJ Bralower, HR Thierstein
Geology 12 (10), 614-618, 1984
Calcareous nannofossil zonation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval and correlation with the geomagnetic polarity timescale
TJ Bralower, S Monechi, HR Thierstein
Marine Micropaleontology 14 (1-3), 153-235, 1989
An integrated Cretaceous microfossil biostratigraphy
TJ Bralower, RM Leckie, WV Sliter, HR Thierstein
Special Publications of SEPM, 1995
Late Paleocene to Eocene paleoceanography of the equatorial Pacific Ocean: Stable isotopes recorded at ocean drilling program site 865, Allison Guyot
TJ Bralower, JC Zachos, E Thomas, M Parrow, CK Paull, DC Kelly, ...
Paleoceanography 10 (4), 841-865, 1995
The record of global change in mid-Cretaceous (Barremian-Albian) sections from the Sierra Madre, northeastern Mexico
TJ Bralower, E CoBabe, B Clement, WV Sliter, CL Osburn, J Longoria
The Journal of Foraminiferal Research 29 (4), 418-437, 1999
Glass from the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Haiti
H Sigurdsson, S D'Hondt, MA Arthur, TJ Bralower, JC Zachos, ...
Nature 349 (6309), 482-487, 1991
Shelf and open-ocean calcareous phytoplankton assemblages across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Implications for global productivity gradients
SJ Gibbs, TJ Bralower, PR Bown, JC Zachos, LM Bybell
Geology 34 (4), 233-236, 2006
Trace element abundances in the Rock Canyon Anticline, Pueblo, Colorado, marine sedimentary section and their relationship to Caribbean plateau construction and oxygen anoxic …
LJ Snow, RA Duncan, TJ Bralower
Paleoceanography 20 (3), 2005
Mid-Cretaceous strontium-isotope stratigraphy of deep-sea sections
TJ Bralower, PD Fullagar, CK Paull, GS Dwyer, RM Leckie
Geological Society of America Bulletin 109 (11), 1421-1442, 1997
Dysoxic/anoxic episodes in the Aptian-Albian (Early Cretaceous)
TJ Bralower, WV Sliter, MA Arthur, RM Leckie, D Allard, SO Schlanger
Geophysical Monograph Series 77, 5-37, 1993
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Articles 1–20