John F. Cavitt
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Fire and a tallgrass prairie reptile community: effects on relative abundance and seasonal activity
JF Cavitt
Journal of Herpetology, 12-20, 2000
Brown Thrasher nest reuse: A time saving resource, protection from search-strategy predators, or cues for nest-site selection?
JF Cavitt, AT Pearse, TA Miller
The Condor 101 (4), 859-862, 1999
Parental cooperation in a changing climate: fluctuating environments predict shifts in care division
O Vincze, A Kosztolányi, Z Barta, C Küpper, M Alrashidi, JA Amat, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (3), 347-358, 2017
Local environment but not genetic differentiation influences biparental care in ten plover populations
O Vincze, T Szekely, C Küpper, M AlRashidi, JA Amat, AA Ticó, D Burgas, ...
PLoS One 8 (4), e60998, 2013
Effects of food supplementation on female nest attentiveness and incubation mate feeding in two sympatric wren species
AT Pearse, JF Cavitt, JF Cully
The Wilson Bulletin 116 (1), 23-30, 2004
Population size of snowy plovers breeding in North America
SM Thomas, JE Lyons, BA Andres, EE T-Smith, E Palacios, JF Cavitt, ...
Waterbirds 35 (1), 1-14, 2012
Brown thrasher(Toxostoma rufum)
JF Cavitt, CA Haas
The Birds of North America, 28, 2000
Mass loss in breeding house wrens: effects of food supplements
JF Cavitt, CF Thompson
Ecology 78 (8), 2512-2523, 1997
Effects of burning on snakes in Kansas, USA, tallgrass prairie
K Setser, JF Cavitt
Natural Areas Journal 23 (4), 315-319, 2003
Factors influencing snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus) nest survival at Great Salt Lake, Utah
KS Ellis, JF Cavitt, RT Larsen
Waterbirds 38 (1), 58-67, 2015
The effects of forest fragmentation on brood parasitism and nest predation in eastern and western landscapes
JF Cavitt, TE Martin
Studies in Avian Biology 25, 73-80, 2002
Using remote cameras to validate estimates of nest fate in shorebirds
KS Ellis, JF Cavitt, RT Larsen, DN Koons
Ibis 160 (3), 681-687, 2018
Relationship between cheatgrass coverage and the relative abundance of snakes on Antelope Island, Utah
LK Hall, JF Mull, JF Cavitt
Western North American Naturalist 69 (1), 88-95, 2009
Atlas of breeding colonial waterbirds in the interior western United States
JF Cavitt, SL Jones, NM Wilson, JS Dieni, TS Zimmerman, RH Doster, ...
US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2014
Comparative study of trapping methods for ground-nesting shorebirds
LK Hall, JF Cavitt
Waterbirds 35 (2), 342-346, 2012
Population differentiation and historical demography of the threatened snowy plover Charadrius nivosus (Cassin, 1858)
J D’Urban Jackson, MW Bruford, T Székely, JM DaCosta, MD Sorenson, ...
Conservation Genetics 21 (3), 387-404, 2020
Productivity and foraging ecology of two co-existing shorebirds breeding at Great Salt Lake, Utah: 2005-2006
JF Cavitt, UT Ogden
Avian Ecology Laboratory Technical Report AEL, 06-03, 2006
Occupancy and detectability of Snowy Plovers in western Utah: an application to a low density population
KS Ellis, RT Larsen, RN Knight, JF Cavitt
Journal of Field Ornithology 85 (4), 355-363, 2014
Adjustments in parental care by the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris): the effect of female condition
H Hill, JF Cavitt
Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research 2003, 1-6, 2003
Mercury and selenium contamination in waterbird eggs and risk to avian reproduction at Great Salt Lake, Utah
JT Ackerman, MP Herzog, CA Hartman, JP Isanhart, G Herring, S Vaughn, ...
Open-File Report, 2015
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Articles 1–20