Carla Ruiz Mafé
Carla Ruiz Mafé
Catedrática de marketing. Universidad de Valencia
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The role of consumer innovativeness and perceived risk in online banking usage
J Aldás‐Manzano, C Lassala‐Navarré, C Ruiz‐Mafé, S Sanz‐Blas
International Journal of Bank Marketing 27 (1), 53-75, 2009
Influence of online shopping information dependency and innovativeness on internet shopping adoption
E Bigné‐Alcañiz, C Ruiz‐Mafé, J Aldás‐Manzano, S Sanz‐Blas
Online Information Review 32 (5), 648-667, 2008
Exploring individual personality factors as drivers of M‐shopping acceptance
J Aldás‐Manzano, C Ruiz‐Mafé, S Sanz‐Blas
Industrial Management & Data Systems 109 (6), 739-757, 2009
the impact of internet user shopping patterns and demographics on consumer mobile buying behaviour
E Bigné, S Ruiz, Carla, Sanz
Journal of Electronic Commerce research 6 (3), 193-209, 2005
Pictorial content, sequence of conflicting online reviews and consumer decision-making: The stimulus-organism-response model revisited
E Bigne, K Chatzipanagiotou, C Ruiz
Journal of Business research 115, 403-416, 2020
Internet banking loyalty: evaluating the role of trust, satisfaction, perceived risk and frequency of use
J Aldas-Manzano, C Ruiz-Mafe, S Sanz-Blas, C Lassala-Navarre
The Service Industries Journal 31 (7), 1165-1190, 2011
Key drivers of internet banking services use
J Aldás‐Manzano, C Lassala‐Navarré, C Ruiz‐Mafé, S Sanz‐Blas
Online Information Review 33 (4), 672-695, 2009
Key drivers of consumer loyalty to Facebook fan pages
C Ruiz-Mafe, J Marti-Parreno, S Sanz-Blas
Online information review 38 (3), 362-380, 2014
Explaining Internet dependency: An exploratory study of future purchase intention of Spanish Internet users
C Ruiz Mafé, S Sanz Blas
Internet research 16 (4), 380-397, 2006
Key factors of teenagers' mobile advertising acceptance
J Martí Parreño, S Sanz‐Blas, C Ruiz‐Mafé, J Aldás‐Manzano
Industrial management & data systems 113 (5), 732-749, 2013
Key drivers of mobile commerce adoption. An exploratory study of Spanish mobile users
E Bigné, C Ruiz, S Sanz
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce Research 2 (2), 48-60, 2007
Cause-related marketing influence on consumer responses: The moderating effect of cause–brand fit
E Bigné-Alcañiz, R Currás-Pérez, C Ruiz-Mafé, S Sanz-Blas
Journal of Marketing Communications 18 (4), 265-283, 2012
Social network loyalty: evaluating the role of attitude, perceived risk and satisfaction
R Currás‐Pérez, C Ruiz‐Mafé, S Sanz‐Blas
Online Information Review, 2013
The role of emotions and conflicting online reviews on consumers' purchase intentions
C Ruiz-Mafe, K Chatzipanagiotou, R Curras-Perez
Journal of Business Research 89, 336-344, 2018
Why some internet users don’t buy air tickets online
E Bigné, S Sanz, C Ruiz, J Aldás
Information and communication technologies in tourism 2010, 209-221, 2010
Consumer behavioural intentions in cause-related marketing. The role of identification and social cause involvement
E Bigné-Alcañiz, R Currás-Pérez, C Ruiz-Mafé, S Sanz-Blas
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 7, 127-143, 2010
Drivers and barriers to online airline ticket purchasing
C Ruiz-Mafe, S Sanz-Blas, J Aldás-Manzano
Journal of Air Transport Management 15 (6), 294-298, 2009
Brands as relationship builders in the virtual world: A bibliometric analysis
C Veloutsou, CR Mafe
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 39, 100901, 2020
The impact of social media and offline influences on consumer behaviour. An analysis of the low-cost airline industry
E Bigne, L Andreu, B Hernandez, C Ruiz
Current Issues in Tourism 21 (9), 1014-1032, 2018
A comparative study of mobile messaging services acceptance to participate in television programmes
C Ruiz Mafe, S Sanz Blas, J Fernando Tavera‐Mesías
Journal of service Management 21 (1), 69-102, 2010
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Articles 1–20