David A. Saad
David A. Saad
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Nutrient Inputs to the Laurentian Great Lakes by Source and Watershed Estimated Using SPARROW Watershed Models1
DM Robertson, DA Saad
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47 (5), 1011-1033, 2011
Vulnerability of streams to legacy nitrate sources
AJ Tesoriero, JH Duff, DA Saad, NE Spahr, DM Wolock
Environmental science & technology 47 (8), 3623-3629, 2013
Investigating surface water–well interaction using stable isotope ratios of water
RJ Hunt, TB Coplen, NL Haas, DA Saad, MA Borchardt
Journal of Hydrology 302 (1-4), 154-172, 2005
SPARROW models used to understand nutrient sources in the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin
DM Robertson, DA Saad
Journal of Environmental Quality 42 (5), 1422-1440, 2013
Incorporating Uncertainty Into the Ranking of SPARROW Model Nutrient Yields From Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin Watersheds1
DM Robertson, GE Schwarz, DA Saad, RB Alexander
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 45 (2), 534-549, 2009
Linking ground-water age and chemistry data along flow paths: Implications for trends and transformations of nitrate and pesticides
AJ Tesoriero, DA Saad, KR Burow, EA Frick, LJ Puckett, JE Barbash
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 94 (1-2), 139-155, 2007
A Multi‐Agency Nutrient Dataset Used to Estimate Loads, Improve Monitoring Design, and Calibrate Regional Nutrient SPARROW Models1
DA Saad, GE Schwarz, DM Robertson, NL Booth
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47 (5), 933-949, 2011
A regional classification scheme for estimating reference water quality in streams using land-use-adjusted spatial regression-tree analysis
DM Robertson, DA Saad, DM Heisey
Environmental Management 37, 209-229, 2006
Agriculture‐related trends in groundwater quality of the glacial deposits aquifer, central Wisconsin
DA Saad
Journal of Environmental Quality 37 (S5), S-209-S-225, 2008
Nitrogen and phosphorus sources and delivery from the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River basin: An update using 2012 SPARROW models
DM Robertson, DA Saad
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 57 (3), 406-429, 2021
Simulated impacts of climate change on phosphorus loading to Lake Michigan
DM Robertson, DA Saad, DE Christiansen, DJ Lorenz
Journal of Great Lakes Research 42 (3), 536-548, 2016
Spatial variability in nutrient transport by HUC 8, state, and Subbasin based on Mississippi/Atchafalaya river basin SPARROW models
DM Robertson, DA Saad, GE Schwarz
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 50 (4), 988-1009, 2014
Environmental water-quality zones for streams: A regional classification scheme
DM Robertson, DA Saad
Environmental Management 31, 0581-0602, 2003
Phosphorus and nitrogen transport in the binational Great Lakes Basin estimated using SPARROW watershed models
DM Robertson, DA Saad, GA Benoy, I Vouk, GE Schwarz, MT Laitta
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 55 (6), 1401-1424, 2019
Spatially referenced models of streamflow and nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment loads in streams of the midwestern United States
DM Robertson, DA Saad
Scientific Investigations Report, 2019
Nutrient delivery to Lake Winnipeg from the Red—Assiniboine River Basin–A binational application of the SPARROW model
GA Benoy, RW Jenkinson, DM Robertson, DA Saad
Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques …, 2016
Effects of future urban and biofuel crop expansions on the riverine export of phosphorus to the Laurentian Great Lakes
MB LaBeau, DM Robertson, AS Mayer, BC Pijanowski, DA Saad
Ecological Modelling 277, 27-37, 2014
Effects of land use and geohydrology on the quality of shallow ground water in two agricultural areas in the western Lake Michigan drainages, Wisconsin
DA Saad
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 96 (4292), 1997
Water quality and the effects of changes in phosphorus loading to Muskellunge Lake, Vilas County, Wisconsin
DM Robertson, WJ Rose, DA Saad
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, 2003
Numerical simulation of ground-water flow in La Crosse County, Wisconsin, and into nearby pools of the Mississippi River
RJ Hunt, DA Saad, DM Chapel
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 3 (4154), 2003
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Articles 1–20