Aldo S Pacheco
Aldo S Pacheco
Master's Student at Royal Roads University
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Impacts of marine plastic pollution from continental coasts to subtropical gyres—fish, seabirds, and other vertebrates in the SE Pacific
M Thiel, G Luna-Jorquera, R Álvarez-Varas, C Gallardo, IA Hinojosa, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 238, 2018
Functional diversity of marine macrobenthic communities from sublittoral soft-sediment habitats off northern Chile
AS Pacheco, MT González, J Bremner, M Oliva, O Heilmayer, J Laudien, ...
Helgoland Marine Research 65, 413-424, 2011
Whale‐watching trips in Peru lead to increases in tourist knowledge, pro‐conservation intentions and tourist concern for the impacts of whale‐watching on humpback whales
AM García-Cegarra, P Aldo S
Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, DOI 10.1002/aqc.2754, 2017
Anthropogenic litter in the SE Pacific: an overview of the problem and possible solutions
M Thiel, M Bravo, I Hinojosa, G Luna, L Miranda, P Núñez, AS Pacheco, ...
Revista da Gestão Costeira Integrada 11 (1), 115-134, 2011
The elusive life cycle of scyphozoan jellyfish - metagenesis revisited
J Ceh, J Gonzalez, AS Pacheco, JM Riascos
Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/srep12037, 2015
Patterns of spatial and temporal distribution of humpback whales at the southern limit of the southeast Pacific breeding area
C Guidino, MA Llapapasca, S Silva, B Alcorta, AS Pacheco
PloS ONE 9 (11), e112627, 2014
Migratory preferences of humpback whales between feeding and breeding grounds in the eastern South Pacific
J Acevedo, A Aguayo‐Lobo, J Allen, N Botero‐Acosta, J Capella, ...
Marine Mammal Science, DOI:10.1111/mms.12423, 2017
Winter distribution and group composition of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) off northern Peru
AS Pacheco, S Silva, B Alcorta
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, 33-38, 2009
Biogeographical zonation of rocky intertidal communities along the coast of Peru (3.5– 13.5˚ S Southeast Pacific)
B Ibanez-Erquiaga, AS Pacheco, MM Rivadeneira, CL Tejada
PLOS ONE 13 (11), e0208244, 2018
Fast growing, healthy and resident green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at two neritic sites in the central and northern coast of Peru: implications for conservation
X Velez-Zuazo, J Quiñones, AS Pacheco, L Klinge, E Paredes, S Quispe, ...
PLoS ONE 9 (11), e113068, 2014
The role of hyperiid parasites as a trophic link between jellyfish and fishes
JM Riascos, M Vergara, J Fajardo, V Villegas, AS Pacheco
Journal of Fish Biology 81 (5), 1686-1695, 2012
Succession and seasonal onset of colonization in subtidal hard‐bottom communities off northern Chile
AS Pacheco, J Laudien, M Thiel, M Oliva, O Heilmayer
Marine Ecology 32 (1), 75-87, 2011
Bioincrustantes en estructuras de cultivo de Argopecten purpuratus en Bahía Samanco, Perú
A Pacheco, A Garate
Ecologia Aplicada 4 (1-2), 150-152, 2005
Succesional patterns of hard-bottom macrobenthic communities at kelp bed (Lessonia trabeculata) and barren ground sublittoral systems
RA Uribe, M Ortiz, EC Macaya, AS Pacheco
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 472, 180-188, 2015
A review on the diversity and distribution of opisthobranch gastropods from Peru, with the addition of three new records:(Gastropoda, Heterobranchia)
RA Uribe, K Nakamura, A Indacochea, AS Pacheco, Y Hooker, M Schrödl
Statistical dependence for detecting whale-watching effects on humpback whales
AM Garcia-Cegarra, D Villagra, DI Gallardo, AS Pacheco
The Journal of Wildlife Management, DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21602, 2018
Dispersal of post-larval macrobenthos in subtidal sedimentary habitats: Roles of vertical diel migration, water column, bedload transport and biological traits' expression
AS Pacheco, RA Uribe, M Thiel, ME Oliva, JM Riascos
Journal of Sea Research 77, 79-92, 2013
Succession and seasonal variation in the development of subtidal macrobenthic soft-bottom communities off northern Chile
AS Pacheco, J Laudien, M Thiel, M Oliva, W Arntz
Journal of Sea Research 64 (3), 180-189, 2010
First record of Cymatium keenae Beu, 1970 (Mollusca: Ranellidae) from Antofagasta Bay, northern Chile, in connection with El Niño events
T Ashton, JM Riascos, A Pacheco
Helgoland Marine Research 62, 107-110, 2008
Collision risk areas between fin and humpback whales with large cargo vessels in Mejillones Bay (23 S), northern Chile
AM García-Cegarra, AS Pacheco
Marine Policy 103, 182-186, 2019
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Articles 1–20