Nathalie Babonneau
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Morphology and architecture of the present canyon and channel system of the Zaire deep-sea fan
N Babonneau, B Savoye, M Cremer, B Klein
Marine and Petroleum Geology 19 (4), 445-467, 2002
Direct observation of intense turbidity current activity in the Zaire submarine valley at 4000 m water depth
A Khripounoff, A Vangriesheim, N Babonneau, P Crassous, B Dennielou, ...
Marine Geology 194 (3-4), 151-158, 2003
Sedimentary architecture in meanders of a submarine channel: detailed study of the present Congo turbidite channel (Zaiango project)
N Babonneau, B Savoye, M Cremer, M Bez
Journal of Sedimentary Research 80 (10), 852-866, 2010
Geological overview of the Angola–Congo margin, the Congo deep-sea fan and its submarine valleys
B Savoye, N Babonneau, B Dennielou, M Bez
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (23), 2169-2182, 2009
Tectonic expression of an active slab tear from high‐resolution seismic and bathymetric data offshore Sicily (Ionian Sea)
MA Gutscher, S Dominguez, BM de Lepinay, L Pinheiro, F Gallais, ...
Tectonics 35 (1), 39-54, 2016
Multiple terraces within the deep incised Zaire Valley (ZaïAngo Project): are they confined levees?
N Babonneau, B Savoye, M Cremer, M Bez
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 222 (1), 91-114, 2004
Direct sediment transfer from land to deep-sea: Insights into shallow multibeam bathymetry at La Réunion Island
N Babonneau, C Delacourt, R Cancouët, E Sisavath, P Bachèlery, ...
Marine Geology 346, 47-57, 2013
Morphology, structure, composition and build-up processes of the active channel-mouth lobe complex of the Congo deep-sea fan with inputs from remotely operated underwater …
B Dennielou, L Droz, N Babonneau, C Jacq, C Bonnel, M Picot, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 142, 25-49, 2017
Processes of sediment-wave construction along the present Zaire deep-sea meandering channel: Role of meanders and flow stripping
S Migeon, B Savoye, N Babonneau, FLS Andersson
Journal of Sedimentary Research 74 (4), 580-598, 2004
Contourite and mixed turbidite-contourite systems in the Mozambique Channel (SW Indian Ocean): link between geometry, sediment characteristics and modelled bottom currents
E Miramontes, A Thiéblemont, N Babonneau, P Penven, F Raisson, ...
Marine Geology 437, 106502, 2021
Tectonic inheritance and Pliocene‐Pleistocene inversion of the Algerian margin around Algiers: Insights from multibeam and seismic reflection data
P Strzerzynski, J Déverchère, A Cattaneo, A Domzig, K Yelles, ...
Tectonics 29 (2), 2010
Searching for the seafloor signature of the 21 May 2003 Boumerdès earthquake offshore central Algeria
A Cattaneo, N Babonneau, G Ratzov, G Dan-Unterseh, K Yelles, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (7), 2159-2172, 2012
Tectonic shortening and gravitational spreading in the Gulf of Cadiz accretionary wedge: Observations from multi-beam bathymetry and seismic profiling
MA Gutscher, S Dominguez, GK Westbrook, P Gente, N Babonneau, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (5), 647-659, 2009
The Annot Sandstone outcrops (French Alps): architecture description as input for quantification and 3D reservoir modeling
P Joseph, N Babonneau, A Bourgeois, G Cotteret, R Eschard, B Garin, ...
Holocene turbidites record earthquake supercycles at a slow-rate plate boundary
G Ratzov, A Cattaneo, N Babonneau, J Déverchère, K Yelles, R Bracene, ...
Geology 43 (4), 331-334, 2015
Morphology and sedimentary architecture of a modern volcaniclastic turbidite system: The Cilaos fan, offshore La Réunion Island
E Sisavath, N Babonneau, F Saint-Ange, P Bachèlery, SJ Jorry, C Deplus, ...
Marine Geology 288 (1-4), 1-17, 2011
the Delila and DelSis Scientific Teams.(2008). Tectonic shortening and gravitational spreading in the Gulf of Cadiz accretionary wedge: observations from multi-beam bathymetry …
MA Gutscher, S Dominguez, GK Westbrook, P Gente, N Babonneau, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (5), 647-659, 2007
The Congolobe project, a multidisciplinary study of Congo deep-sea fan lobe complex: Overview of methods, strategies, observations and sampling
C Rabouille, K Olu, F Baudin, A Khripounoff, B Dennielou, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 142, 7-24, 2017
Volcaniclastic sedimentation on the submarine slopes of a basaltic hotspot volcano: Piton de la Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean)
F Saint-Ange, P Bachèlery, N Babonneau, L Michon, SJ Jorry
Marine Geology 337, 35-52, 2013
Morphogenesis of Congo submarine canyon and valley: implications about the theories of the canyons formation
JN Ferry, N Babonneau, T Mulder, O Parize, S Raillard
Geodinamica Acta 17 (4), 241-251, 2004
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Articles 1–20