Hans Henrik Bruun
Hans Henrik Bruun
Professor at the University of Copenhagen
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TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz
Global change biology 26, 119-188, 2020
Algorithm for post-clustering curation of DNA amplicon data yields reliable biodiversity estimates
TG Frøslev, R Kjøller, HH Bruun, R Ejrnæs, AK Brunbjerg, C Pietroni, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1188, 2017
Land‐use history and fragmentation of traditionally managed grasslands in Scandinavia
O Eriksson, SAO Cousins, HH Bruun
Journal of vegetation science 13 (5), 743-748, 2002
Effects of altitude and topography on species richness of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens in alpine communities
HH Bruun, J Moen, R Virtanen, JA Grytnes, L Oksanen, A Angerbjörn
Journal of Vegetation Science 17 (1), 37-46, 2006
Biodiversity in temperate European grasslands: origin and conservation.
M Pärtel, HH Bruun, M Sammul
Grassland science in Europe, 1-14, 2005
Local temperatures inferred from plant communities suggest strong spatial buffering of climate warming across N orthern E urope
J Lenoir, BJ Graae, PA Aarrestad, IG Alsos, WS Armbruster, G Austrheim, ...
Global Change Biology 19 (5), 1470-1481, 2013
Stay or go–how topographic complexity influences alpine plant population and community responses to climate change
BJ Graae, V Vandvik, WS Armbruster, WL Eiserhardt, JC Svenning, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 30, 41-50, 2018
More is less: net gain in species richness, but biotic homogenization over 140 years
T Finderup Nielsen, K Sand‐Jensen, M Dornelas, HH Bruun
Ecology letters 22 (10), 1650-1657, 2019
Community assembly in experimental grasslands: suitable environment or timely arrival?
R Ejrnæs, HH Bruun, BJ Graae
Ecology 87 (5), 1225-1233, 2006
Patterns of species richness in dry grassland patches in an agricultural landscape
HH Bruun
Ecography 23 (6), 641-650, 2000
Biodiversity response to forest structure and management: Comparing species richness, conservation relevant species and functional diversity as metrics in forest conservation
C Lelli, HH Bruun, A Chiarucci, D Donati, F Frascaroli, Ö Fritz, I Goldberg, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 432, 707-717, 2019
Why are small seeds dispersed through animal guts: large numbers or seed size per se?
H Henrik Bruun, P Poschlod
Oikos 113 (3), 402-411, 2006
Rosa rugosa Thunb. ex Murray
HH Bruun
Journal of Ecology 93 (2), 441-470, 2005
Landscape genomics and a common garden trial reveal adaptive differentiation to temperature across Europe in the tree species Alnus glutinosa
H De Kort, K Vandepitte, HH Bruun, D Closset‐Kopp, O Honnay, ...
Molecular ecology 23 (19), 4709-4721, 2014
Strong microsite control of seedling recruitment in tundra
BJ Graae, R Ejrnæs, SI Lang, E Meineri, PT Ibarra, HH Bruun
Oecologia 166, 565-576, 2011
The past impact of livestock husbandry on dispersal of plant seeds in the landscape of Denmark
HH Bruun, B Fritzbøger
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 31 (5), 425-431, 2002
Understory succession in post-agricultural oak forests: Habitat fragmentation affects forest specialists and generalists differently
J Brunet, K Valtinat, ML Mayr, A Felton, M Lindbladh, HH Bruun
Forest Ecology and Management 262 (9), 1863-1871, 2011
Latitudinal variation in plant chemical defences drives latitudinal patterns of leaf herbivory
X Moreira, B Castagneyrol, L Abdala‐Roberts, JC Berny‐Mier y Teran, ...
Ecography 41 (7), 1124-1134, 2018
Traits related to species persistence and dispersal explain changes in plant communities subjected to habitat loss
L Marini, HH Bruun, RK Heikkinen, A Helm, O Honnay, J Krauss, I Kühn, ...
Diversity and Distributions 18 (9), 898-908, 2012
Acidification of sandy grasslands–consequences for plant diversity
PA Olsson, LM Mårtensson, HH Bruun
Applied Vegetation Science 12 (3), 350-361, 2009
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Articles 1–20