Emilio Politti
Emilio Politti
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Feedbacks between the riparian Salicaceae and hydrogeomorphic processes: A quantitative review
E Politti, W Bertoldi, A Gurnell, A Henshaw
Earth-Science Reviews 176, 147-165, 2018
Dynamic vegetation model as a tool for ecological impact assessments of dam operation
G Egger, E Politti, H Woo, KH Cho, M Park, H Cho, R Benjankar, NJ Lee, ...
Journal of Hydro-environment Research 6 (2), 151-161, 2012
Implementing a dynamic riparian vegetation model in three European river systems
A García‐Arias, F Francés, T Ferreira, G Egger, F Martínez‐Capel, ...
Ecohydrology 6 (4), 635-651, 2013
Constructing landscapes of value: Capitalist investment for the acquisition of marginal or unused land—The case of Tanzania
A Exner, LE Bartels, M Windhaber, S Fritz, L See, E Politti, S Hochleithner
Land Use Policy 42, 652-663, 2015
Modeling the evolution of riparian woodlands facing climate change in three European rivers with contrasting flow regimes
RP Rivaes, PM Rodriguez-Gonzalez, MT Ferreira, AN Pinheiro, E Politti, ...
PLoS One 9 (10), e110200, 2014
Measuring regional resilience towards fossil fuel supply constraints. Adaptability and vulnerability in socio-ecological Transformations-the case of Austria
A Exner, E Politti, E Schriefl, S Erker, R Stangl, S Baud, H Warmuth, ...
Energy Policy 91, 128-137, 2016
Floodplain forest succession reveals fluvial processes: A hydrogeomorphic model for temperate riparian woodlands
G Egger, E Politti, E Lautsch, R Benjankar, KM Gill, SB Rood
Journal of environmental management 161, 72-82, 2015
Evaluating climate change impacts on Alpine floodplain vegetation
E Politti, G Egger, K Angermann, R Rivaes, B Blamauer, M Klösch, ...
Hydrobiologia 737, 225-243, 2014
Bringing the margin to the focus: 10 challenges for riparian vegetation science and management
PM Rodríguez‐González, E Abraham, F Aguiar, A Andreoli, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 9 (5), e1604, 2022
Exploring the key drivers of riparian woodland successional pathways across three European river reaches
R Muńoz‐Mas, V Garófano‐Gómez, I Andrés‐Doménech, D Corenblit, ...
Ecohydrology 10 (8), e1888, 2017
Riparian zones—from policy neglected to policy integrated
G Urbanič, E Politti, PM Rodríguez-González, R Payne, D Schook, ...
Frontiers in environmental science 10, 868527, 2022
Embodying interactions of riparian vegetation and fluvial processes into a dynamic floodplain model: concepts and applications
G Egger, E Politti, V Garófano-Gómez, B Blamauer, MT Ferreira, R Rivaes, ...
Ecohydraulics: an integrated approach. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK, 2013
Embodying interactions between riparian vegetation and fluvial hydraulic processes within a dynamic floodplain model: concepts and applications
G Egger, E Politti, V Garófano‐Gómez, B Blamauer, T Ferreira, R Rivaes, ...
Ecohydraulics: an integrated approach, 407-427, 2013
Time and intensity weighted indices of fluvial processes: a case study from the Kootenai river, USA
G Egger, E Politti, E Lautsch, RM Benjankar, SB Rood
River research and applications 33 (2), 224-232, 2017
Investigating and modelling the interaction among vegetation, hydrodynamics and morphology
E Politti
University of Trento, 2017
FHARMOR: Fish Habitat in Alpine Rivers-Integrating Monitoring, Modelling and Remote sensing
D Faro, A Andreoli, M Aufleger, R Baran12, FS Scorpio, P Vezza11, ...
IS Rivers, 221, 2018
Riparian Zones-From Policy Neglected to Policy Integrated
G Urbanic, E Politti, PM Rodriguez-Gonzalez, R Payne, D Schook, ...
Extending a hydromorphodynamic reduced complexity model with riparian vegetation dynamics
E Politti, W Bertoldi, A Henshaw
International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (11th: 2016: Melbourne, Vic), 59-66, 2016
Morphological and fish mesohabitat dynamics following an experimental flood under different sediment availability
T Soto Parra, E Politti, G Zolezzi
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2024
Porter l'attention sur la marge: 10 défis pour la science et la gestion de la végétation riveraine
PM Rodríguez‐González, E Abraham, F Aguiar, A Andreoli, ...
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