Differential evolution using a neighborhood-based mutation operator S Das, A Abraham, UK Chakraborty, A Konar IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 13 (3), 526-553, 2009 | 1374 | 2009 |
Automatic clustering using an improved differential evolution algorithm S Das, A Abraham, A Konar IEEE Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2007 | 958 | 2007 |
Artificial intelligence and soft computing: behavioral and cognitive modeling of the human brain A Konar CRC press, 2018 | 764 | 2018 |
Computational Intelligence: Principles, techniques and applications A Konar Springer Science & Business Media, 2006 | 681 | 2006 |
Particle swarm optimization and differential evolution algorithms: technical analysis, applications and hybridization perspectives S Das, A Abraham, A Konar Advances of computational intelligence in industrial systems, 1-38, 2008 | 656 | 2008 |
Two improved differential evolution schemes for faster global search S Das, A Konar, UK Chakraborty Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005 | 478 | 2005 |
A deterministic improved Q-learning for path planning of a mobile robot A Konar, IG Chakraborty, SJ Singh, LC Jain, AK Nagar IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 43 (5), 1141-1153, 2013 | 322 | 2013 |
Automatic kernel clustering with a multi-elitist particle swarm optimization algorithm S Das, A Abraham, A Konar Pattern recognition letters 29 (5), 688-699, 2008 | 256 | 2008 |
Automatic image pixel clustering with an improved differential evolution S Das, A Konar Applied Soft Computing 9 (1), 226-236, 2009 | 239 | 2009 |
Tuning PID and PI/λDδControllers using the Integral Time Absolute Error Criterion D Maiti, A Acharya, M Chakraborty, A Konar, R Janarthanan 2008 4th International Conference on Information and Automation for …, 2008 | 201 | 2008 |
Metaheuristic clustering S Das, A Abraham, A Konar Springer Science & Business Media, 2009 | 190 | 2009 |
Emotion recognition from facial expressions and its control using fuzzy logic A Chakraborty, A Konar, UK Chakraborty, A Chatterjee IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2009 | 183 | 2009 |
Performance analysis of LDA, QDA and KNN algorithms in left-right limb movement classification from EEG data S Bhattacharyya, A Khasnobish, S Chatterjee, A Konar, DN Tibarewala 2010 International conference on systems in medicine and biology, 126-131, 2010 | 163 | 2010 |
Emotion recognition: A pattern analysis approach A Konar, A Chakraborty John Wiley & Sons, 2015 | 162 | 2015 |
Reasoning and unsupervised learning in a fuzzy cognitive map A Konar, UK Chakraborty Information Sciences 170 (2-4), 419-441, 2005 | 158 | 2005 |
Noisy evolutionary optimization algorithms–a comprehensive survey P Rakshit, A Konar, S Das Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 33, 18-45, 2017 | 157 | 2017 |
Realization of an adaptive memetic algorithm using differential evolution and Q-learning: A case study in multirobot path planning P Rakshit, A Konar, P Bhowmik, I Goswami, S Das, LC Jain, AK Nagar IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 43 (4), 814-831, 2013 | 156 | 2013 |
Swarm intelligence algorithms in bioinformatics S Das, A Abraham, A Konar Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics, 113-147, 2008 | 152 | 2008 |
Multi-robot path-planning using artificial bee colony optimization algorithm P Bhattacharjee, P Rakshit, I Goswami, A Konar, AK Nagar 2011 Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, 219-224, 2011 | 144 | 2011 |
Stability of the chemotactic dynamics in bacterial foraging optimization algorithm S Das, S Dasgupta, A Biswas, A Abraham, A Konar Proceedings of the 5th international conference on soft computing as …, 2008 | 139 | 2008 |