Seth Guikema
Cited by
Cited by
Probabilistic modeling of terrorist threats: A systems analysis approach to setting priorities among countermeasures
E Paté-Cornell, S Guikema
Military Operations Research, 5-23, 2002
Application of the Conway–Maxwell–Poisson generalized linear model for analyzing motor vehicle crashes
D Lord, SD Guikema, SR Geedipally
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (3), 1123-1134, 2008
Machine learning methods for empirical streamflow simulation: a comparison of model accuracy, interpretability, and uncertainty in seasonal watersheds
JE Shortridge, SD Guikema, BF Zaitchik
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (7), 2611-2628, 2016
Optimizing scheduling of post‐earthquake electric power restoration tasks
N Xu, SD Guikema, RA Davidson, LK Nozick, Z Çağnan, K Vaziri
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 36 (2), 265-284, 2007
Comparison and validation of statistical methods for predicting power outage durations in the event of hurricanes
R Nateghi, SD Guikema, SM Quiring
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 31 (12), 1897-1906, 2011
A flexible count data regression model for risk analysis
SD Guikema, JP Goffelt
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 28 (1), 213-223, 2008
Predicting hurricane power outages to support storm response planning
SD Guikema, R Nateghi, SM Quiring, A Staid, AC Reilly, M Gao
Ieee Access 2, 1364-1373, 2014
Estimating the spatial distribution of power outages during hurricanes in the Gulf coast region
SR Han, SD Guikema, SM Quiring, KH Lee, D Rosowsky, RA Davidson
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 94 (2), 199-210, 2009
Parks and safety: A comparative study of green space access and inequity in five US cities
TG Williams, TM Logan, CT Zuo, KD Liberman, SD Guikema
Landscape and urban planning 201, 103841, 2020
Extension of the application of Conway‐Maxwell‐Poisson models: Analyzing traffic crash data exhibiting underdispersion
D Lord, SR Geedipally, SD Guikema
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 30 (8), 1268-1276, 2010
Statistical models for the analysis of water distribution system pipe break data
S Yamijala, SD Guikema, K Brumbelow
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 94 (2), 282-293, 2009
Society for risk analysis glossary
T Aven, Y Ben-Haim, HB Andersen, T Cox, EL Droguett, M Greenberg, ...
Power outage estimation for tropical cyclones: Improved accuracy with simpler models
R Nateghi, S Guikema, SM Quiring
Risk analysis 34 (6), 1069-1078, 2014
Improving the predictive accuracy of hurricane power outage forecasts using generalized additive models
SR Han, SD Guikema, SM Quiring
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 29 (10), 1443-1453, 2009
Night and day: The influence and relative importance of urban characteristics on remotely sensed land surface temperature
TM Logan, B Zaitchik, S Guikema, A Nisbet
Remote Sensing of Environment 247, 111861, 2020
Multidecadal increase in North Atlantic coccolithophores and the potential role of rising CO2
S Rivero-Calle, A Gnanadesikan, CE Del Castillo, WM Balch, ...
Science 350 (6267), 1533-1537, 2015
Prestorm estimation of hurricane damage to electric power distribution systems
SD Guikema, SM Quiring, SR Han
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 30 (12), 1744-1752, 2010
Statistical models of the effects of tree trimming on power system outages
SD Guikema, RA Davidson, H Liu
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 21 (3), 1549-1557, 2006
Natural disaster risk analysis for critical infrastructure systems: An approach based on statistical learning theory
SD Guikema
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 94 (4), 855-860, 2009
Bayesian belief networks for predicting drinking water distribution system pipe breaks
RA Francis, SD Guikema, L Henneman
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 130, 1-11, 2014
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Articles 1–20