John A. Starmer
John A. Starmer
Science Director
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Chemical signals in gametogenesis, spawning, and larval settlement and defense of the soft coral Sinularia polydactyla
M Slattery, GA Hines, J Starmer, VJ Paul
Coral Reefs 18, 75-84, 1999
Intracolonial variation in chemical defenses of the sponge Cacospongia sp. and its consequences on generalist fish predators and the specialist nudibranch predator Glossodoris …
MA Becerro, VJ Paul, J Starmer
Marine Ecology Progress Series 168, 187-196, 1998
Sequestered Chemistry of the Arminacean Nudibranch Leminda millecra in Algoa Bay, South Africa
KL McPhail, MT Davies-Coleman, J Starmer
Journal of natural products 64 (9), 1183-1190, 2001
Temporal and spatial variation in defensive metabolites of the tropical Pacific soft corals Sinularia maxima and S. polydactyla
M Slattery, J Starmer, V Paul
Marine Biology 138, 1183-1193, 2001
A sequestered soft coral diterpene in the aeolid nudibranch Phyllodesmium guamensis Avila, Ballesteros, Slattery, Starmer and Paul
M Slattery, C Avila, J Starmer, VJ Paul
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 226 (1), 33-49, 1998
Chemical Defenses of Cryptic and Aposematic Gastropterid Molluscs Feeding on their Host Sponge Dysidea granulosa
MA Becerro, JA Starmer, VJ Paul
Journal of Chemical Ecology 32, 1491-1500, 2006
Evolution, insular restriction, and extinction of oceanic land crabs, exemplified by the loss of an endemic Geograpsus in the Hawaiian Islands
G Paulay, J Starmer
PLoS One 6 (5), e19916, 2011
Impact of a coastal dump in a tropical lagoon on trace metal concentrations in surrounding marine biota: A case study from Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands …
GRW Denton, RJ Morrison, BG Bearden, P Houk, JA Starmer, HR Wood
Marine pollution bulletin 58 (3), 424-431, 2009
The state of coral reef ecosystems of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
C Bearden, R Brainard, T de Cruz, R Hoeke, P Houk, S Holzwarth, ...
The state of coral reef ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely …, 2005
Status of the coral reefs in Micronesia and American Samoa
T Abraham, M Berger, D Burdick, E Cochrane, P Craig, G Didonato, ...
Status of coral reefs of the world 2, 381-409, 2004
The non-scleractinian Anthozoa (Cnidaria) of the Mariana Islands
G Paulay, MP Puglisi, JA Starmer
Micronesica 35 (36), 138-155, 2003
Status of the coral reefs in Micronesia and American Samoa: US affiliated and freely associated islands in the Pacific
R Richmond, R Kelty, P Craig, C Emaurois, A Green, C Birkeland, G Davis, ...
Status of coral reefs of the world, 217-236, 2002
C Àvila, M Ballesteros, M Slattery, J Starmer, VJ Paul
Journal of Molluscan Studies 64 (2), 147-160, 1998
Constraints on the diversity and distribution of coral-reef assemblages in the volcanic Northern Mariana Islands
P Houk, J Starmer
Coral Reefs 29 (1), 59-70, 2010
The marine invertebrate biodiversity of Apra Harbor: significant areas and introduced species, with focus on sponges, echinoderms and ascidians
G Paulay, L Kirkendale, G Lambert, J Starmer
Draft Report Prepared for US Dept. of Defense, COMNAVMARIANAS, 1997
The littoral sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) of Guam re-assessed–a diversity curve that still does not asymptote
F Michonneau, GH Borrero-Perez, M Honey, KR Kamarudin, AM Kerr, ...
Cah Biol Mar 54, 531-540, 2013
Impact of WWII dumpsites on Saipan (CNMI): heavy metal status of soils and sediments
GRW Denton, CA Emborski, AAB Hachero, RS Masga, JA Starmer
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 11339-11348, 2016
Influence of urban runoff, inappropriate waste disposal practices and World War II on the heavy metal status of sediments in the southern half of Saipan Lagoon, Saipan, CNMI
GRW Denton, CA Emborski, NC Habana, JA Starmer
Marine pollution bulletin 81 (1), 276-281, 2014
An annotated checklist of ophiuroids (Echinodermata) from Guam
JA Starmer
Micronesica 35 (36), 547-562, 2003
Impact of a medical waste incinerator on mercury levels in lagoon fish from a small tropical island in the Western Pacific
GRW Denton, MS Trianni, BG Bearden, PC Houk, JA Starmer
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 74 (13), 823-827, 2011
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Articles 1–20