Andrew Millard
Andrew Millard
Associate Professor, University of Leicester
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Phages in nature
MRJ Clokie, AD Millard, AV Letarov, S Heaphy
Bacteriophage 1 (1), 31-45, 2011
Bacterial photosynthesis genes in a virus
NH Mann, A Cook, A Millard, S Bailey, M Clokie
Nature 424 (6950), 741-741, 2003
The Genome of S-PM2, a “Photosynthetic” T4-Type Bacteriophage That Infects Marine Synechococcus Strains
NH Mann, MRJ Clokie, A Millard, A Cook, WH Wilson, PJ Wheatley, ...
Journal of bacteriology 187 (9), 3188-3200, 2005
Abolishment of morphology-based taxa and change to binomial species names: 2022 taxonomy update of the ICTV bacterial viruses subcommittee
D Turner, AN Shkoporov, C Lood, AD Millard, BE Dutilh, P Alfenas-Zerbini, ...
Archives of Virology 168 (2), 74, 2023
Genetic organization of the psbAD region in phages infecting marine Synechococcus strains
A Millard, MRJ Clokie, DA Shub, NH Mann
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (30), 11007-11012, 2004
INfrastructure for a PHAge REference Database: Identification of Large-Scale Biases in the Current Collection of Cultured Phage Genomes
R Cook, N Brown, T Redgwell, B Rihtman, M Barnes, M Clokie, DJ Stekel, ...
PHAGE 2 (4), 214-223, 2021
Genetic diversity of marine Synechococcus and co‐occurring cyanophage communities: evidence for viral control of phytoplankton
M Mühling, NJ Fuller, A Millard, PJ Somerfield, D Marie, WH Wilson, ...
Environmental Microbiology 7 (4), 499-508, 2005
Eighteenth-century genomes show that mixed infections were common at time of peak tuberculosis in Europe
HDDMJP Gemma L. Kay, Martin J. Sergeant, Zhemin Zhou, Jacqueline Z.-M. Chan ...
Nature Communications 6, 2015
Comparative genomics of marine cyanomyoviruses reveals the widespread occurrence of Synechococcus host genes localized to a hyperplastic region: implications for mechanisms of …
AD Millard, K Zwirglmaier, MJ Downey, NH Mann, DJ Scanlan
Environmental microbiology 11 (9), 2370-2387, 2009
Differences in the Faecal Microbiome in Schistosoma haematobium Infected Children vs. Uninfected Children
MP Gemma Louise Kay, Andrew Millard, Martin J. Sergeant, Nicholas Midzi ...
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2015
Efficacy of an Optimised Bacteriophage Cocktail to Clear Clostridium difficile in a Batch Fermentation Model
JY Nale, TA Redgwell, A Millard, MRJ Clokie
Antibiotics 7 (1), 13, 2018
Shedding new light on viral photosynthesis
RJ Puxty, AD Millard, DJ Evans, DJ Scanlan
Photosynthesis research 126 (1), 71-97, 2015
Viruses Inhibit CO2 Fixation in the Most Abundant Phototrophs on Earth
RJ Puxty, AD Millard, DJ Evans, DJ Scanlan
Current Biology 26 (12), 1585-1589, 2016
Analysis of selection methods to develop novel phage therapy cocktails against antimicrobial resistant clinical isolates of bacteria
MEK Haines, FE Hodges, JY Nale, J Mahony, D Van Sinderen, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 12, 613529, 2021
Cyanophage infection and photoinhibition in marine cyanobacteria
S Bailey, MRJ Clokie, A Millard, NH Mann
Research in microbiology 155 (9), 720-725, 2004
Mining genomes of marine cyanobacteria for elements of zinc homeostasis
JP Barnett, A Millard, AZ Ksibe, DJ Scanlan, R Schmid, CA Blindauer
Frontiers in Microbiology 3, 2012
Marine phage genomics: the tip of the iceberg
B Perez Sepulveda, T Redgwell, B Rihtman, F Pitt, DJ Scanlan, A Millard
FEMS microbiology letters 363 (15), 2016
Energy limitation of cyanophage development: implications for marine carbon cycling
RJ Puxty, DJ Evans, AD Millard, DJ Scanlan
The ISME Journal, 1, 2018
Clostridioides difficile LuxS mediates inter-bacterial interactions within biofilms
RT Slater, LR Frost, SE Jossi, AD Millard, M Unnikrishnan
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-15, 2019
Transcriptional changes when Myxococcus xanthus preys on Escherichia coli suggest myxobacterial predators are constitutively toxic but regulate their feeding
PG Livingstone, AD Millard, MT Swain, DE Whitworth
Microbial Genomics, 2018
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Articles 1–20