Dianne Gleeson
Dianne Gleeson
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Methods to maximise recovery of environmental DNA from water samples
R Hinlo, D Gleeson, M Lintermans, E Furlan
PloS one 12 (6), e0179251, 2017
A framework for estimating the sensitivity of eDNA surveys
EM Furlan, D Gleeson, CM Hardy, RP Duncan
Molecular ecology resources 16 (3), 641-654, 2016
An environmental DNA‐based method for monitoring spawning activity: a case study, using the endangered Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica)
J Bylemans, EM Furlan, CM Hardy, P McGuffie, M Lintermans, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (5), 646-655, 2017
Ecdysozoan mitogenomics: evidence for a common origin of the legged invertebrates, the Panarthropoda
O Rota-Stabelli, E Kayal, D Gleeson, J Daub, JL Boore, MJ Telford, ...
Genome biology and evolution 2, 425-440, 2010
Does size matter? An experimental evaluation of the relative abundance and decay rates of aquatic environmental DNA
J Bylemans, EM Furlan, DM Gleeson, CM Hardy, RP Duncan
Environmental Science & Technology 52 (11), 6408-6416, 2018
Toward an ecoregion scale evaluation of eDNA metabarcoding primers: A case study for the freshwater fish biodiversity of the Murray–Darling Basin (Australia)
J Bylemans, DM Gleeson, CM Hardy, E Furlan
Ecology and evolution 8 (17), 8697-8712, 2018
Effect of vegetation matrix on animal dispersal: genetic evidence from a study of endangered skinks
O Berry, MD Tocher, DM Gleeson, SD Sarre
Conservation Biology 19 (3), 855-864, 2005
Relationship between avian malaria distribution and an exotic invasive mosquito in New Zealand
DM Tompkins, DM Gleeson
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 36 (2), 51-62, 2006
A performance evaluation of targeted eDNA and eDNA metabarcoding analyses for freshwater fishes
J Bylemans, DM Gleeson, RP Duncan, CM Hardy, EM Furlan
Environmental DNA 1 (4), 402-414, 2019
Environmental DNA monitoring and management of invasive fish: comparison of eDNA and fyke netting
Management of Biological Invasions 8 (1), 89-100, 2017
Incorporating genotype uncertainty into mark–recapture-type models for estimating abundance using DNA samples
JA Wright, RJ Barker, MR Schofield, AC Frantz, AE Byrom, DM Gleeson
Biometrics 65 (3), 833-840, 2009
Support for vicariant origins of the New Zealand Onychophora
J Allwood, D Gleeson, G Mayer, S Daniels, JR Beggs, TR Buckley
Journal of Biogeography 37 (4), 669-681, 2010
Cannabinoid receptors in invertebrates
JM McPartland, J Agraval, D Gleeson, K Heasman, M Glass
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19 (2), 366-373, 2006
A simple and effective method for obtaining mammal DNA from faeces
A Ramón‐Laca, L Soriano, D Gleeson, JA Godoy
Wildlife Biology 21 (4), 195-203, 2015
Genetic variation, population structure and cryptic species within the black mudfish, Neochanna diversus, an endemic galaxiid from New Zealand
DM Gleeson, RLJ Howitt, N Ling
Molecular Ecology 8 (1), 47-57, 1999
Reinvasion by ship rats (Rattus rattus) of forest fragments after eradication
CM King, JG Innes, D Gleeson, N Fitzgerald, T Winstanley, B O’Brien, ...
Biological Invasions 13, 2391-2408, 2011
Improving the containment of a freshwater invader using environmental DNA (eDNA) based monitoring
J Bylemans, EM Furlan, L Pearce, T Daly, DM Gleeson
Biological Invasions 18, 3081-3089, 2016
Multiple mutations and gene duplications conferring organophosphorus insecticide resistance have been selected at the Rop-1 locus of the sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina
RD Newcomb, DM Gleeson, CG Yong, RJ Russell, JG Oakeshott
Journal of Molecular Evolution 60, 207-220, 2005
Phylogeography of the spotted skink (Oligosoma lineoocellatum) and green skink (O. chloronoton) species complex (Lacertilia: Scincidae) in New Zealand reveals pre-Pleistocene …
SNJ Greaves, DG Chapple, DM Gleeson, CH Daugherty, PA Ritchie
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 45 (2), 729-739, 2007
Performance of eDNA assays to detect and quantify an elusive benthic fish in upland streams
R Hinlo, M Lintermans, D Gleeson, B Broadhurst, E Furlan
Biological Invasions 20 (11), 3079-3093, 2018
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Articles 1–20