Gabriel S. Yapuncich
Cited by
Cited by
A new fully automated approach for aligning and comparing shapes
DM Boyer, J Puente, JT Gladman, C Glynn, S Mukherjee, GS Yapuncich, ...
The Anatomical Record 298 (1), 249-276, 2015
Hands of early primates
DM Boyer, GS Yapuncich, SGB Chester, JI Bloch, M Godinot
American journal of physical anthropology 152, 33-78, 2013
Development and assessment of fully automated and globally transitive geometric morphometric methods, with application to a biological comparative dataset with high …
T Gao, GS Yapuncich, I Daubechies, S Mukherjee, DM Boyer
The Anatomical Record, 2017
Predicting euarchontan body mass: a comparison of tarsal and dental variables
GS Yapuncich, JT Gladman, DM Boyer
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 157 (3), 472-506, 2015
Evolution of postural diversity in primates as reflected by the size and shape of the medial tibial facet of the talus
DM Boyer, GS Yapuncich, JE Butler, RH Dunn, ER Seiffert
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 157 (1), 134-177, 2015
First virtual endocasts of adapiform primates
AR Harrington, MT Silcox, GS Yapuncich, DM Boyer, JI Bloch
Journal of Human Evolution 99, 52-78, 2016
Interspecific scaling patterns of talar articular surfaces within primates and their closest living relatives
GS Yapuncich, DM Boyer
Journal of Anatomy 224 (2), 150-172, 2014
Internal carotid arterial canal size and scaling in Euarchonta: Re-assessing implications for arterial patency and phylogenetic relationships in early fossil primates
DM Boyer, EC Kirk, MT Silcox, GF Gunnell, CC Gilbert, GS Yapuncich, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 97, 123-144, 2016
Quantification of the position and depth of the flexor hallucis longus groove in euarchontans, with implications for the evolution of primate positional behavior
GS Yapuncich, ER Seiffert, DM Boyer
American journal of physical anthropology 163 (2), 367-406, 2017
Alternative methods for calculating percentage prediction error and their implications for predicting body mass in fossil taxa
GS Yapuncich
Journal of Human Evolution 115, 140-145, 2018
A digital collection of rare and endangered lemurs and other primates from the Duke Lemur Center
GS Yapuncich, AD Kemp, DM Griffith, JT Gladman, E Ehmke, DM Boyer
PloS one 14 (11), e0219411, 2019
Vertical support use and primate origins
GS Yapuncich, HJ Feng, RH Dunn, ER Seiffert, DM Boyer
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12341, 2019
Catarrhine hallucal metatarsals from the early Miocene site of Songhor, Kenya
BA Patel, GS Yapuncich, C Tran, IO Nengo
Journal of human evolution 108, 176-198, 2017
Evaluating morphometric body mass prediction equations with a juvenile human test sample: accuracy and applicability to small-bodied hominins
CS Walker, GS Yapuncich, S Sridhar, N Cameron, SE Churchill
Journal of Human Evolution 115, 65-77, 2018
Morphology of the Homo naledi femora from Lesedi
CS Walker, ZD Cofran, M Grabowski, D Marchi, RW Cook, SE Churchill, ...
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 170 (1), 5-23, 2019
Hands of Paleogene primates
DM Boyer, GS Yapuncich, SGB Chester, JI Bloch, M Godinot
The Evolution of the Primate Hand: Anatomical, Developmental, Functional …, 2016
The endocast of Necrolemur antiquus
AR Harrington, GS Yapuncich, DM Boyer
Palaeovertebrata 43 (2), 1-10, 2020
Predicting body mass of bonobos (Pan paniscus) with human‐based morphometric equations
GS Yapuncich, A Bowie, R Belais, SE Churchill, CS Walker
American Journal of Primatology 82 (2), e23088, 2020
Morphometric panel regression equations for predicting body mass in immature humans
GS Yapuncich, SE Churchill, N Cameron, CS Walker
American journal of physical anthropology 166 (1), 179-195, 2018
Jumping performance in tree squirrels: Insights into primate evolution
G Boulinguez-Ambroise, N Dunham, T Phelps, T Mazonas, P Nguyen, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 180, 103386, 2023
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