Li Jin
Li Jin
Professor of Genetics, Fudan University
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A haplotype map of the human genome
International HapMap Consortium Altshuler David altshuler@ molbio. mgh ...
Nature 437 (7063), 1299-1320, 2005
Genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations
PC Sabeti, P Varilly, B Fry, J Lohmueller, E Hostetter, C Cotsapas, X Xie, ...
Nature 449 (7164), 913-918, 2007
Genetic variation at five trimeric and tetrameric tandem repeat loci in four human population groups
AL Edwards, HA Hammond, L Jin, CT Caskey, R Chakraborty
Genomics 12 (2), 241-253, 1992
Y chromosome sequence variation and the history of human populations
PA Underhill, P Shen, AA Lin, L Jin, G Passarino, WH Yang, E Kauffman, ...
Nature genetics 26 (3), 358-361, 2000
Interrogating a high-density SNP map for signatures of natural selection
JM Akey, G Zhang, K Zhang, L Jin, MD Shriver
Genome research 12 (12), 1805-1814, 2002
Detection of numerous Y chromosome biallelic polymorphisms by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography
PA Underhill, L Jin, AA Lin, SQ Mehdi, T Jenkins, D Vollrath, RW Davis, ...
Genome research 7 (10), 996-1005, 1997
Kin selection, social structure, gene flow, and the evolution of chimpanzees
PA Morin, JJ Moore, R Chakraborty, L Jin, J Goodall, DS Woodruff
Science 265 (5176), 1193-1201, 1994
Mapping human genetic diversity in Asia
HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium, MA Abdulla, I Ahmed, ...
Science 326 (5959), 1541-1545, 2009
Evaluation of 13 short tandem repeat loci for use in personal identification applications.
HA Hammond, L Jin, Y Zhong, CT Caskey, R Chakraborty
American journal of human genetics 55 (1), 175, 1994
Skin pigmentation, biogeographical ancestry and admixture mapping
MD Shriver, EJ Parra, S Dios, C Bonilla, H Norton, C Jovel, C Pfaff, ...
Human genetics 112, 387-399, 2003
The Eurasian heartland: a continental perspective on Y-chromosome diversity
RS Wells, N Yuldasheva, R Ruzibakiev, PA Underhill, I Evseeva, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (18), 10244-10249, 2001
Removing batch effects in analysis of expression microarray data: an evaluation of six batch adjustment methods
C Chen, K Grennan, J Badner, D Zhang, E Gershon, L Jin, C Liu
PloS one 6 (2), e17238, 2011
The trends in incidence of primary liver cancer caused by specific etiologies: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 and implications for liver cancer prevention
Z Liu, Y Jiang, H Yuan, Q Fang, N Cai, C Suo, L Jin, T Zhang, X Chen
Journal of hepatology 70 (4), 674-683, 2019
Y-Chromosome evidence for a northward migration of modern humans into Eastern Asia during the last Ice Age
B Su, J Xiao, P Underhill, R Deka, W Zhang, J Akey, W Huang, D Shen, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 65 (6), 1718-1724, 1999
Haplotypes vs single marker linkage disequilibrium tests: what do we gain?
J Akey, L Jin, M Xiong
European Journal of Human Genetics 9 (4), 291-300, 2001
Distribution of recombination crossovers and the origin of haplotype blocks: the interplay of population history, recombination, and mutation
N Wang, JM Akey, K Zhang, R Chakraborty, L Jin
The American Journal of Human Genetics 71 (5), 1227-1234, 2002
Genetic relationship of populations in China
JY Chu, W Huang, SQ Kuang, JM Wang, JJ Xu, ZT Chu, ZQ Yang, KQ Lin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (20), 11763-11768, 1998
Non-invasive early detection of cancer four years before conventional diagnosis using a blood test
X Chen, J Gole, A Gore, Q He, M Lu, J Min, Z Yuan, X Yang, Y Jiang, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1-10, 2020
Determination of ancestral alleles for human single-nucleotide polymorphisms using high-density oligonucleotide arrays
JG Hacia, JB Fan, O Ryder, L Jin, K Edgemon, G Ghandour, RA Mayer, ...
Nature genetics 22, 164-167, 1999
Genetic evidence supports demic diffusion of Han culture
B Wen, H Li, D Lu, X Song, F Zhang, Y He, F Li, Y Gao, X Mao, L Zhang, ...
Nature 431 (7006), 302-305, 2004
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