Juan Sebastián Jaramillo Ríos
Juan Sebastián Jaramillo Ríos
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Transient slab flattening beneath Colombia
LS Wagner, JS Jaramillo, LF Ramírez‐Hoyos, G Monsalve, A Cardona, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (13), 6616-6623, 2017
Transition From Collisional to Subduction‐Related Regimes: An Example From Neogene Panama‐Nazca‐South America Interactions
S León, A Cardona, M Parra, ER Sobel, JS Jaramillo, J Glodny, ...
Tectonics 37 (1), 119-139, 2018
Cretaceous extensional and compressional tectonics in the Northwestern Andes, prior to the collision with the Caribbean oceanic plateau
S Zapata, A Cardona, JS Jaramillo, A Patiño, V Valencia, S León, D Mejía, ...
Gondwana Research 66, 207-226, 2019
Geochemistry and geochronology from Cretaceous magmatic and sedimentary rocks at 6° 35′ N, western flank of the Central cordillera (Colombian Andes): Magmatic record of arc …
JS Jaramillo, A Cardona, S León, V Valencia, C Vinasco
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 76, 460-481, 2017
The Paleogene arcs of the northern Andes of Colombia and Panama: Insights on plate kinematic implications from new and existing geochemical, geochronological and isotopic data
A Cardona, S León, JS Jaramillo, C Montes, V Valencia, J Vanegas, ...
Tectonophysics 749, 88-103, 2018
Petrogenesis of the late Miocene Combia volcanic complex, northwestern Colombian Andes: Tectonic implication of short term and compositionally heterogeneous arc magmatism
JS Jaramillo, A Cardona, G Monsalve, V Valencia, S León
Lithos 330, 194-210, 2019
Cretaceous record from a Mariana-to an Andean-type margin in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes
A Cardona, S León, JS Jaramillo, V Valencia, S Zapata, A Pardo-Trujillo, ...
The geology of Colombia 2, 335-373, 2020
Deep Crustal Faults, Shear Zones, and Magmatism in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Growth of a Plateau From Teleseismic Receiver Function and Geochemical Mio‐Pliocene …
G Monsalve, JS Jaramillo, A Cardona, V Schulte‐Pelkum, G Posada, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (9), 9833-9851, 2019
Erosion and regional exhumation of an Early Cretaceous subduction/accretion complex in the Northern Andes
DS Avellaneda-Jiménez, A Cardona, V Valencia, JS Barbosa, ...
International Geology Review 62 (2), 186-209, 2020
Drainage and sedimentary response of the Northern Andes and the Pebas system to Miocene strike‐slip tectonics: A source to sink study of the Magdalena Basin
S Zapata, L Calderon‐Diaz, C Jaramillo, F Oboh‐Ikuenobe, JC Piedrahita, ...
Basin Research 35 (5), 1674-1717, 2023
Stratigraphy of a middle Miocene neotropical Lagerstätte (La Venta Site, Colombia)
Geodiversitas 45 (6), 197-221, 2023
Volcanic events coincide with plant dispersal across the Northern Andes
MJ Sanín, A Cardona, WA Valencia-Montoya, MFT Jiménez, ...
Global and Planetary Change 210, 103757, 2022
Diverse magmatic evolutionary trends of the Northern Andes unraveled by Paleocene to early Eocene detrital zircon geochemistry
JS Jaramillo, S Zapata, M Carvalho, A Cardona, C Jaramillo, JL Crowley, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23 (9), e2021GC010113, 2022
Geogenomics of montane palms points to Miocene–Pliocene Andean segmentation related to strike‐slip tectonics
MJ Sanín, FG Mejía‐Franco, M Paris, WA Valencia‐Montoya, N Salamin, ...
Journal of Biogeography 49 (9), 1711-1725, 2022
Cretaceous extensional and contractional stages in the Colombian Andes unraveled by a source-to-sink geochronological and thermochronological study in the Upper Magdalena Basin
L Calderon-Diaz, S Zapata, A Cardona, M Parra, ER Sobel, AM Patiño, ...
Tectonophysics 878, 230303, 2024
Comment on “Origin of pre-Mesozoic xenocrystic zircons in Cretaceous sub-volcanic rocks of the northern Andes (Colombia): Paleogeographic implications for the region” by Cetina …
S León, A Cardona, JS Jaramillo, S Zapata, DS Avellaneda-Jiménez
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 129, 102400, 2023
A mantle origin for Pliocene SiO2-rich ignimbrites in the modern Colombian magmatic arc
JS Jaramillo-Ríos, A Cardona, S Zapata, V Valencia, G Monsalve, ...
Lithos, 107666, 2024
Miocene paleogeography of northwest Colombia: A review of the sedimentary and magmatic evolution of the Amagá Basin a century after Grosse’s work
S Zapata, JS Jaramillo-Ríos, GE Botello, A Siachoque, LC Calderon-Día, ...
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales …, 2023
Early Miocene magmatism in the Western Cordillera of Colombia: implications for magma source and evolution
GE Botello, A Cardona, A Siachoque, JS Jaramillo-Ríos, S Zapata, ...
International Geology Review, 1-26, 2024
Repeated Structural Reworking in the Basement of the Central Colombian Andes Unraveled by a Multi‐Chronometric Approach
S Zapata, A Cardona, JS Jaramillo‐Ríos, A Siachoque, V Peverelli, ...
Tectonics 43 (10), e2024TC008340, 2024
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