Iain Neill
Iain Neill
Lecturer in Magmatic Processes, University of Glasgow
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Generation of arc and within-plate chemical signatures in collision zone magmatism: Quaternary lavas from Kurdistan province, Iran
MB Allen, M Kheirkhah, I Neill, M Emami, C McLeod
Journal of Petrology 45 (5), 887-911, 2013
Petrogenesis of mafic collision zone magmatism: the Armenian sector of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau
I Neill, K Meliksetian, MB Allen, G Navasardyan, K Kuiper
Chemical Geology 403, 24-41, 2015
Pliocene-Quaternary volcanic rocks of NW Armenia: magmatism and lithospheric dynamics within an active orogenic plateau
I Neill, K Meliksetian, MB Allen, G Navasardyan, S Karapetian
Lithos 180, 200-215, 2013
Sublithospheric small-scale convection: A mechanism for collision zone magmatism
L Kaislaniemi, J van Hunen, MB Allen, I Neill
Geology 42, 291-294, 2014
Origin of the Aves Ridge and Dutch-Venezuelan Antilles: interaction of the Cretaceous' Great Arc'and Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau?
I Neill, AC Kerr, AR Hastie, KP Stanek, IL Millar
Journal of the Geological Society 168 (2), 333, 2011
Petrogenesis of OIB-like basaltic volcanic rocks in a continental collision zone: Late Cenozoic magmatism of Eastern Iran
M Kheirkhah, I Neill, MB Allen
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 406, 19-33, 2015
Geochemical components in a Cretaceous island arc: The Th/La-(Ce/Ce*)< sub> Nd</sub> diagram and implications for subduction initiation in the inter-American region
AR Hastie, SF Mitchell, P Treloar, AC Kerr, I Neill, DN Barfod
Lithos 162, 57-69, 2013
Mesozoic-Cenozoic mafic magmatism in Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Zagros Orogen (Western Iran): Geochemical and isotopic inferences from Middle Jurassic and Late Eocene gabbros
R Deevsalar, R Shinjo, M Ghaderi, M Murata, PWO Hoskin, S Oshiro, ...
Lithos 284, 588-607, 2017
Can fractional crystallisation, mixing and assimilation processes be responsible for Jamaican-type adakites? Implications for generating Eoarchaean continental crust
A Hastie, JG Fitton, SF Mitchell, I Neill, GM Nowell, IL Millar
Journal of Petrology 56, 1251-1284, 2015
Origin of the volcanic complexes of La Désirade, Lesser Antilles: Implications for tectonic reconstruction of the Late Jurassic to Cretaceous Pacific-proto Caribbean margin
I Neill, JA Gibbs, AR Hastie, AC Kerr
Lithos 120 (3-4), 407-420, 2010
Small-volume melts of lithospheric mantle during continental collision: late Cenozoic lavas of Mahabad, NW Iran
M Kheirkhah, I Neill, MB Allen, K Ajdari
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 74, 37-49, 2013
The Albian-Turonian island arc rocks of Tobago, West Indies: Geochemistry, petrogenesis, and Caribbean Plate tectonics
I Neill, AC Kerr, AR Hastie, JL Pindell, IL Millar
Journal of Petrology 54 (8), 1607-1639, 2013
Subduction-related mafic to felsic magmatism in the Malayer-Boroujerd plutonic complex, western Iran
R Deevsalar, R Shinjo, JP Liegeois, MV Valizadeh, J Ahmadian, ...
Swiss Journal of Geosciences 111, 269-293, 2018
Magmatic Enclaves and Andesitic Lavas from Mt. Lamington, Papua New Guinea: Implications for Recycling of Earlier-fractionated Minerals through Magma Recharge
J Zhang, J Davidson, M Humphreys, C Macpherson, I Neill
Journal of Petrology 56, 2223-2256, 2015
Distinct sources for high-K and adakitic magmatism in SE Iran
M Kheirkhah, I Neill, MB Allen, MH Emami, AS Ghadimi
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2020
Gabbroic-dioritic dykes from the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone: windows on Jurassic and Eocene geodynamic processes in the Zagros Orogen, western Iran
R Deevsalar, R Shinjo, KL Wang, H Yeganehfar, I Neill
Journal of the Geological Society 175 (6), 915-933, 2018
Vestiges of the proto-Caribbean seaway: Origin of the San Souci Volcanic Group, Trinidad
I Neill, A Kerr, K Chamberlain, A Schmitt, F Urbani, A Hastie, J Pindell, ...
Tectonophysics 626 (doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2014.04.019), 170-185, 2014
Age and Petrogenesis of the Lower Cretaceous North Coast Schist of Tobago, a Fragment of the Proto–Greater Antilles Inter-American Arc System
I Neill, AC Kerr, AR Hastie, JL Pindell, IL Millar, N Atkinson
Journal of Geology 120 (4), 367-384, 2012
Caledonian hot zone magmatism in the “Newer Granites”: insight from the Cluanie and Clunes plutons, Northern Scottish Highlands
E Milne, I Neill, A Bird, I Millar, I McDonald, E Dempsey, V Olive, N Odling, ...
Journal of the Geological Society of London, 2023
Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the evolution of magma plumbing system at Damavand Volcano, N Iran
A Eskanderi, R Deevsalar, R De Rosa, R Shinjo, P Donato, I Neill
Lithos 300 (doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105274), 156-176, 2019
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