David Crook
David Crook
NSW DPIRD - Fisheries
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Relationships between riverine fish and woody debris: implications for lowland rivers
DA Crook, AI Robertson
Marine and Freshwater Research 50 (8), 941-953, 1999
Climate change and its implications for Australia’s freshwater fish
JR Morrongiello, SJ Beatty, JC Bennett, DA Crook, DNEN Ikedife, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (9), 1082-1098, 2011
Human effects on ecological connectivity in aquatic ecosystems: integrating scientific approaches to support management and mitigation
DA Crook, WH Lowe, FW Allendorf, T Erős, DS Finn, BM Gillanders, ...
Science of the total environment 534, 52-64, 2015
A moving target—incorporating knowledge of the spatial ecology of fish into the assessment and management of freshwater fish populations
SJ Cooke, EG Martins, DP Struthers, LFG Gutowsky, M Power, SE Doka, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 188, 1-18, 2016
Is the home range concept compatible with the movements of two species of lowland river fish?
DA Crook
Journal of Animal Ecology 73 (2), 353-366, 2004
Toward a better understanding of freshwater fish responses to an increasingly drought-stricken world
RJ Lennox, DA Crook, PB Moyle, DP Struthers, SJ Cooke
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries 29, 71-92, 2019
The influence of spatial scale and habitat arrangement on diel patterns of habitat use by two lowland river fishes
DA Crook, AI Robertson, AJ King, P Humphries
Oecologia 129, 525-533, 2001
Spatial variation in egg size and egg number reflects trade‐offs and bet‐hedging in a freshwater fish
JR Morrongiello, NR Bond, DA Crook, BBM Wong
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (4), 806-817, 2012
Variability in Sr: Ca and Ba: Ca ratios in water and fish otoliths across an estuarine salinity gradient
JI Macdonald, DA Crook
Marine Ecology Progress Series 413, 147-161, 2010
Environmental change drives long‐term recruitment and growth variation in an estuarine fish
JR Morrongiello, CT Walsh, CA Gray, JR Stocks, DA Crook
Global Change Biology 20 (6), 1844-1860, 2014
Use of otolith chemistry to examine patterns of diadromy in the threatened Australian grayling Prototroctes maraena
DA Crook, JI Macdonald, JP O’Connor, B Barry
Journal of Fish Biology 69 (5), 1330-1344, 2006
Enriched stable isotope marking of juvenile golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) otoliths
AR Munro, BM Gillanders, TS Elsdon, DA Crook, AC Sanger
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 (2), 276-285, 2008
Impacts of drought and predicted effects of climate change on fish growth in temperate Australian lakes
JR Morrongiello, DA Crook, AJ King, DSL Ramsey, P Brown
Global Change Biology 17 (2), 745-755, 2011
Go with the flow: the movement behaviour of fish from isolated waterhole refugia during connecting flow events in an intermittent dryland river
JC Marshall, N Menke, DA Crook, JS Lobegeiger, SR Balcombe, JA Huey, ...
Freshwater Biology 61 (8), 1242-1258, 2016
Use of otolith chemical signatures to estimate carp recruitment sources in the mid‐Murray River, Australia
DA Crook, BM Gillanders
River Research and Applications 22 (8), 871-879, 2006
Incorporation of magnesium into fish otoliths: determining contribution from water and diet
SH Woodcock, AR Munro, DA Crook, BM Gillanders
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 94, 12-21, 2012
Using biological information to support proactive strategies for managing freshwater fish during drought
DA Crook, P Reich, NR Bond, D McMaster, JD Koehn, PS Lake
Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (3), 379-387, 2010
Development and evaluation of methods for osmotic induction marking of golden perch Macquaria ambigua with calcein and alizarin red S
DA Crook, DJ O'Mahony, AC Sanger, AR Munro, BM Gillanders, ...
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29 (2), 279-287, 2009
Nuptial coloration varies with ambient light environment in a freshwater fish
JR Morrongiello, NR Bond, DA Crook, BBM Wong
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23 (12), 2718-2725, 2010
Diurnal and nocturnal movements of river blackfish (Gadopsis marmoratus) in a south‐eastern Australian upland stream
WM Koster, DA Crook
Ecology of freshwater fish 17 (1), 146-154, 2008
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Articles 1–20