Scott Stark
Scott Stark
Environmental Chemist, Australian Antarctic Division
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Cited by
Characterisation of the dilute HCl extraction method for the identification of metal contamination in Antarctic marine sediments
I Snape, RC Scouller, SC Stark, J Stark, MJ Riddle, DB Gore
Chemosphere 57 (6), 491-504, 2004
The effects of cold temperature on copper ion exchange by natural zeolite for use in a permeable reactive barrier in Antarctica
AZ Woinarski, I Snape, GW Stevens, SC Stark
Cold Regions Science and Technology 37 (2), 159-168, 2003
Design, installation and preliminary testing of a permeable reactive barrier for diesel fuel remediation at Casey Station, Antarctica
KA Mumford, JL Rayner, I Snape, SC Stark, GW Stevens, DB Gore
Cold Regions Science and Technology 96, 96-107, 2013
A permeable reactive barrier (PRB) media sequence for the remediation of heavy metal and hydrocarbon contaminated water: A field assessment at Casey Station, Antarctica
TM Statham, SC Stark, I Snape, GW Stevens, KA Mumford
Chemosphere 147, 368-375, 2016
Physical, chemical, biological and ecotoxicological properties of wastewater discharged from Davis Station, Antarctica
JS Stark, J Smith, CK King, M Lindsay, S Stark, AS Palmer, I Snape, ...
Cold Regions Science and Technology 113, 52-62, 2015
Constraints on spatial variability in soft-sediment communities affected by contamination from an Antarctic waste disposal site
JS Stark, I Snape, MJ Riddle, SC Stark
Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (3), 276-290, 2005
Trace metal characterisation of marine sediment reference materials MESS-3 and PACS-2 in dilute HCl extracts
AT Townsend, AS Palmer, SC Stark, C Samson, RC Scouller, I Snape
Marine pollution bulletin 54 (2), 236-239, 2007
Dispersal and dilution of wastewater from an ocean outfall at Davis Station, Antarctica, and resulting environmental contamination
JS Stark, P Bridgen, G Dunshea, B Galton-Fenzi, J Hunter, G Johnstone, ...
Chemosphere 152, 142-157, 2016
Assessment of metal contamination using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) during remediation of a waste disposal site in …
SC Stark, I Snape, NJ Graham, JC Brennan, DB Gore
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 10 (1), 60-70, 2008
Removal of Metal Contaminants by Ion‐Exchange Resin Columns, Thala Valley Tip, Casey Station, Antarctica
P Woodberry, G Stevens, I Snape, S Stark
Solvent extraction and ion exchange 24 (4), 603-620, 2006
Assessment of contamination by heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons at Atlas Cove Station, Heard Island
SC Stark, D Gardner, I Snape, E McIvor
The Polar Record 39 (4), 397, 2003
Formation and stability of Pb-, Zn-& Cu-PO4 phases at low temperatures: implications for heavy metal fixation in polar environments
DA White, EG Hafsteinsdóttir, DB Gore, G Thorogood, SC Stark
Environmental Pollution 161, 143-153, 2012
Products and stability of phosphate reactions with lead under freeze–thaw cycling in simple systems
EG Hafsteinsdóttir, DA White, DB Gore, SC Stark
Environmental Pollution 159 (12), 3496-3503, 2011
Field trial of ion-exchange resin columns for removal of metal contaminants, Thala Valley Tip, Casey Station, Antarctica
P Woodberry, G Stevens, K Northcott, I Snape, S Stark
Cold regions science and technology 48 (2), 105-117, 2007
Carbonate chemistry of an in-situ free-ocean CO 2 enrichment experiment (antFOCE) in comparison to short term variation in Antarctic coastal waters
JS Stark, NP Roden, GJ Johnstone, M Milnes, JG Black, S Whiteside, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-16, 2018
Metal and petroleum hydrocarbon contamination at Wilkes Station, East Antarctica
KA Fryirs, EG Hafsteinsdóttir, SC Stark, DB Gore
Antarctic Science 27 (2), 118-133, 2015
Remediation of metal-contaminated soil in polar environments: Phosphate fixation at Casey Station, East Antarctica
EG Hafsteinsdóttir, KA Fryirs, SC Stark, DB Gore
Applied geochemistry 51, 33-43, 2014
Transportable EDXRF analysis of environmental water samples using Amberlite IRC748 ion‐exchange preconcentration
ES Heiden, DB Gore, SC Stark
X‐Ray Spectrometry: An International Journal 39 (3), 176-183, 2010
The rate of removal and the compositional changes of diesel in Antarctic marine sediment
ENM Woolfenden, G Hince, SM Powell, SC Stark, I Snape, JS Stark, ...
Science of the total environment 410, 205-216, 2011
Frigidly concentrated seawater and the evolution of Antarctic saline lakes
SC Stark, BV O'Grady, HR Burton, PD Carpenter
Australian journal of chemistry 56 (2-3), 181-186, 2003
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Articles 1–20