András Tartally
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Cited by
Patterns of host ant use by sympatric populations of Maculinea alcon and M. ‘rebeli’ in the Carpathian Basin
A Tartally, DR Nash, S Lengyel, Z Varga
Insectes Sociaux 55, 370-381, 2008
Individual behaviour in firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus)
E Gyuris, O Feró, A Tartally, Z Barta
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1705), 628-633, 2011
Regional trends and preliminary results on the local expansion rate in the invasive garden ant, Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
X Espadaler, A Tartally, R Schultz, B Seifert, C Nagy
Insectes Sociaux 54 (3), 293-301, 2007
Patterns of host use by brood parasitic Maculinea butterflies across Europe
A Tartally, JA Thomas, C Anton, E Balletto, F Barbero, S Bonelli, M Bräu, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1769), 20180202, 2019
Bringing Laboulbeniales into the 21st century: enhanced techniques for extraction and PCR amplification of DNA from minute ectoparasitic fungi
D Haelewaters, M Gorczak, WP Pfliegler, A Tartally, M Tischer, M Wrzosek, ...
IMA fungus 6, 363-372, 2015
Host ant use of Maculinea teleius in the Carpathian-Basin (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
A Tartally, Z Varga
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (3), 257-268, 2008
Effects of the invasive garden ant, Lasius neglectus van Loon, Boomsma & Andrásfalvy, 1990 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), on arthropod assemblages: pattern analyses in the type …
C Nagy, A Tartally, F Vilisics, O Merkl, É Szita, G Szél, A Podlussány, ...
Myrmecological News 12, 171-181, 2009
Rickia wasmannii increases the need for water in Myrmica scabrinodis (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales; Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
F Báthori, E Csata, A Tartally
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 126, 78-82, 2015
A check-list of Hungarian ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
L Gallé, S Csősz, A Tartally, É Kovács
Folia Entomologica Hungarica 59, 213-220, 1998
Histopathology of Laboulbeniales (Ascomycota: Laboulbeniales): ectoparasitic fungi on ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
S Tragust, A Tartally, X Espadaler, B Johan
Myrmecological News 23, 81-89, 2016
Data on the ant hosts of the Maculinea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycenidae) of Hungary [Adatok a magyarországi Maculinea fajok (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) hangyagazdáiról]
A Tartally, S Csősz
Természetvédelmi Közlemények 11, 309-317, 2004
The joint introduction of Platyarthrus schoblii (Isopoda: Oniscidea) and Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) into Hungary
A Tartally, E Hornung, X Espadaler
Myrmecologische Nachrichten 6, 61-66, 2004
Distribution, host specificity, and the potential for cryptic speciation in hoverfly Microdon myrmicae (Diptera: Syrphidae), a social parasite of Myrmica ants
S Bonelli, M Witek, S Canterino, M Sielezniew, A Stankiewicz-Fiedurek, ...
Ecological Entomology 35, 135-43, 2011
Studies of Laboulbeniales on Myrmica ants (III): myrmecophilous arthropods as alternative hosts of Rickia wasmannii
WP Pfliegler, F Báthori, D Haelewaters, A Tartally
Parasite 23, 2016
Maculinea nausithous exploits Myrmica scabrinodis in Transylvania: unusual host ant species of a myrmecophilous butterfly in an isolated region (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae …
A Tartally, L Rákosy, TC Vizauer, M Goia, Z Varga
Sociobiology 51 (2), 373-380, 2008
The first records of Rickia wasmannii Cavara, 1899, a myrmecophilous fungus, and its Myrmica Latreille, 1804 host ants in Hungary and Romania (Ascomycetes: Laboulbeniales …
A Tartally, B Szűcs, JR Ebsen
Myrmecological News 10, 123-123, 2007
Myrmecophily of Maculinea butterflies in the Carpathian Basin (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
A Tartally …, 2008
The re-discovered Maculinea rebeli (Hirschke, 1904): Host ant usage, parasitoid and initial food plant around the type locality with taxonomical aspects (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)
A Tartally, A Koschuh, Z Varga
ZooKeys, 25, 2014
Occurrence of Platyarthrusáschoblii (Isopoda, Oniscidea) and its ant hosts in Hungary
E Hornung, F Vilisics, A Tartally
European journal of soil biology 41 (3-4), 129-133, 2005
Herpomyces ectoparasitic fungi (Ascomycota, Laboulbeniales) are globally distributed by their invasive cockroach hosts and through the pet trade industry
WP Pfliegler, F Báthori, TW Wang, A Tartally, D Haelewaters
Mycologia 110 (1), 39-46, 2018
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Articles 1–20