Ellen Dierenfeld
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Cited by
Nutrient composition of selected whole invertebrates
D Barker, MP Fitzpatrick, ES Dierenfeld
Zoo Biology: Published in affiliation with the American Zoo and Aquarium …, 1998
Utilization of bamboo by the giant panda
ES Dierenfeld, HF Hintz, JB Robertson, PJ Van Soest, OT Oftedal
The Journal of nutrition 112 (4), 636-641, 1982
What's so special about figs?
TG O'Brien, MF Kinnaird, ES Dierenfeld, NL Conklin-Brittain, ...
Nature 392 (6677), 668-668, 1998
An investigation into the chemical composition of alternative invertebrate prey
D Oonincx, ES Dierenfeld
Zoo Biology 31 (1), 40-54, 2012
Blood values in free-ranging nesting leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) on the coast of the Republic of Gabon
SL Deem, ES Dierenfeld, GP Sounguet, AR Alleman, C Cray, ...
Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine 37 (4), 464-471, 2006
Nutritional quality of gorilla diets: consequences of age, sex, and season
JM Rothman, ES Dierenfeld, HF Hintz, AN Pell
Oecologia 155, 111-122, 2008
Nutritional aspects of western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) diet during seasons of fruit scarcity at Bai Hokou, Central African Republic
MJ Remis, ES Dierenfeld, CB Mowry, RW Carroll
International journal of Primatology 22, 807-836, 2001
Chemical protein analysis: a comparison of Kjeldahl crude protein and total ninhydrin protein from wild, tropical vegetation
NL Conklin-Brittain, ES Dierenfeld, RW Wrangham, M Norconk, SC Silver
Journal of Chemical Ecology 25, 2601-2622, 1999
Nutritional composition of the diet of the gorilla (Gorilla beringei): a comparison between two montane habitats
JM Rothman, AJ Plumptre, ES Dierenfeld, AN Pell
Journal of Tropical Ecology 23 (6), 673-682, 2007
Influence of Plant and Soil Chemistry on Food Selection, Ranging Patterns, and Biomass of Colobus guereza in Kakamega Forest, Kenya
PJ Fashing, ES Dierenfeld, CB Mowry
International Journal of Primatology 28, 673-703, 2007
The western lowland gorilla diet has implications for the health of humans and other hominoids
DG Popovich, DJA Jenkins, CWC Kendall, ES Dierenfeld, RW Carroll, ...
The Journal of nutrition 127 (10), 2000-2005, 1997
Vitamin E deficiency in zoo reptiles, birds, and ungulates
ES Dierenfeld
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 3-11, 1989
Comparative animal nutrition and metabolism
PR Cheeke, ES Dierenfeld
CABI, 2010
Nutritional chemistry of foods eaten by gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
JM Rothman, ES Dierenfeld, DO Molina, AV Shaw, HF Hintz, AN Pell
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2006
Retinol, α‐tocopherol and proximate nutrient composition of invertebrates used as feed
International Zoo Yearbook 30 (1), 143-149, 1991
Mineral and phytochemical influences on foliage selection by the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus)
CP Yeager, SC Silver, ES Dierenfeld
American Journal of Primatology 41 (2), 117-128, 1997
Indoor husbandry of the panther chameleon Chamaeleo [Furcifer] pardalis: Effects of dietary vitamins A and D and ultraviolet irradiation on pathology and life …
GW Ferguson, JR Jones, WH Gehrmann, SH Hammack, LG Talent, ...
Zoo Biology: Published in affiliation with the American Zoo and Aquarium …, 1996
Immobilization and health assessment of free‐ranging black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus chamek)
WB Karesh, RB Wallace, RLE Painter, D Rumiz, WE Braselton, ...
American Journal of Primatology 44 (2), 107-123, 1998
Determination of chemical composition and anti-nutritive components for Tanzanian locally available poultry feed ingredients
SK Mutayoba, E Dierenfeld, VA Mercedes, Y Frances, CD Knight
Int. J. Poult. Sci 10 (5), 350-357, 2011
The nutrition of" browsers"
M Clauss, ES Dierenfeld, ME Fowler, RE Miller
Elsevier, 2008
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Articles 1–20