Martin Sládeček
Martin Sládeček
Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences
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Cited by
Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds
M Bulla, M Valcu, AM Dokter, AG Dondua, A Kosztolányi, AL Rutten, ...
Nature 540 (7631), 109-113, 2016
Flexible parental care: Uniparental incubation in biparentally incubating shorebirds
M Bulla, H Prüter, H Vitnerová, W Tijsen, M Sládeček, JA Alves, O Gilg, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 12851, 2017
Coping with nest predation risk in a species-rich bird community inhabiting a Siberian wetland
M Sládeček, V Kubelka, J Mlíkovský, M Šálek
Folia zoologica 63 (4), 256-268, 2014
Parental incubation exchange in a territorial bird species involves sex-specific signalling
M Sládeček, E Vozabulová, K Brynychová, ME Šálek
Frontiers in zoology 16, 1-12, 2019
Diversity of incubation rhythms in a facultatively uniparental shorebird–the Northern Lapwing
M Sládeček, E Vozabulová, ME Šálek, M Bulla
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 4706, 2019
Daily rhythms of female self-maintenance correlate with predation risk and male nest attendance in a biparental wader
K Brynychová, ME Šálek, E Vozabulová, M Sládeček
Journal of Biological Rhythms 35 (5), 489-500, 2020
Inter-specific nest scrape reuse in waders: Little Ringed Plovers taking over the nest scrapes of Northern Lapwings
V Kubelka, M Sládeček, M Šálek
Bird Study 61 (2), 282-286, 2014
Seasonality predicts egg size better than nesting habitat in a precocial shorebird
V Kubelka, M Sládeček, V Zámečník, E Vozabulová, M Šálek
Ardea 107 (3), 239-250, 2020
Aggressiveness in a subtropical shorebird's nest defense is adjusted to the predator species and shared by conspecifics
K Brynychová, M Sládeček, L Pešková, P Chajma, V Firlová, E Elhassan, ...
Aggressive Behavior 48 (5), 475-486, 2022
Diel timing of nest predation changes across breeding season in a subtropical shorebird
M Sládeček, K Brynychová, E Elhassan, ME Šálek, V Janatová, ...
Ecology and Evolution 11 (19), 13101-13117, 2021
Great variability in nest lining size: support for thermoregulation but not for anti-predatory adaptation hypothesis
V Kubelka, M Sládeček, M Šálek
Journal of Ornithology 160, 993-1002, 2019
Beyond habitat: effects of conspecific and heterospecific aggregation on the spatial structure of a wetland nesting bird community
M Šálek, M Sládeček, V Kubelka, J Mlíkovský, D Storch, P Šmilauer
Journal of Avian Biology 2022 (2), e02928, 2022
An artificial lakes system intended for human recreation supports a vital breeding population of Red-wattled Lapwing in the Arabian Desert.
EEM Elhassan, M Sládeček, S Badaam, K Brynychová, P Chajma, ...
Avian Conservation & Ecology 16 (2), 2021
Offspring thermal demands and parental brooding efficiency differ for precocial birds living in contrasting climates
V Kolešková, ME Šálek, K Brynychová, P Chajma, L Pešková, E Elhassan, ...
Frontiers in Zoology 20 (1), 12, 2023
Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) in intensively managed Central European forests use large home ranges with diverse habitats
M Sládeček, L Pešková, P Chajma, K Brynychová, K Koloušková, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 550, 121489, 2023
Old habits in a new habitat: breeding requirements of the Little Ringed Plover fit into intensively managed arable land
E Vozabulová, M Sládeček, M Šálek
Journal of Ornithology 161, 399-408, 2020
Historical data on the Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus) in the Czech Republic and a report on a recent record in 2012.
P Suvorov, M Sládeček, J Sitko, M Kolařík, M Jelínek
Faeces, feathers and flight: understanding of escape behaviour in incubating Eurasian woodcocks (Scolopax rusticola)
M Sládeček, K Brynychová, L Nutilová, M Salek
Egg turning in a subtropical shorebird has a diel rhythmicityand is affected by predation risk
L Pešková, M Sládeček, K Brynychová, P Chajma, V Kolešková, ...
Animal Behaviour 213, 125-137, 2024
Biodiversity and Bird Welfare Monitoring as a Tool for Evaluation of Tourism Impact and Sustainability in Arid Environment
EM Elhassan, M Sládeček, P Chajma, L Pešková, K Brynychová, ...
Available at SSRN 4969423, 2023
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Articles 1–20