Zita Laffranchi
Zita Laffranchi
Postdoctoral researcher University of Bern
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Cited by
La población infantil de la Motilla del Azuer: Un estudio bioarqueológico
TN Colino, FM González, S Jiménez-Brobeil, MS Romero, I Al Oumaoui, ...
Complutum 21 (2), 69-102, 2010
Stable C & N isotopes in 2100 Year-BP human bone collagen indicate rare dietary dominance of C4 plants in NE-Italy
Z Laffranchi, AD Huertas, SA Jiménez Brobeil, AG Torres, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 38817, 2016
How royals feasted in the court of Pedro I of Castile: A contribution of stable isotope study to medieval history
SA Jiménez-Brobeil, Z Laffranchi, RM Maroto, FAL Sánchez, AD Huertas
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10, 424-430, 2016
La aplicación de los métodos de la antropología física a un yacimiento arqueológico: la Motilla del Azuer
T Nájera, SA Jiménez-Brobeil, F Molina, A Delgado, Z Laffranchi
Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada 22, 149-183, 2012
Gendered division of labor in a Celtic community? A comparison of sex differences in entheseal changes and long bone shape and robusticity in the pre‐Roman population of Verona …
Z Laffranchi, D Charisi, SA Jiménez‐Brobeil, M Milella
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 173 (3), 568-588, 2020
La cronología y variedad de los sistemas funerarios en Marroquíes: una aproximación desde las excavaciones del Sistema Tranviario de Jaén
JA Cámara Serrano, R Sánchez Susí, Z Laffranchi, S Martín Florez, ...
Saguntum: Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia 44, 47-66, 2012
Violence in the Central Iberian Peninsula during the Bronze Age: A possible prehistoric homicide
SA Jiménez‐Brobeil, MG Roca, Z Laffranchi, T Nájera, F Molina
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 24 (5), 649-659, 2014
Patterns of funerary variability, diet, and developmental stress in a Celtic population from NE Italy (3rd-1st c BC)
Z Laffranchi, G Cavalieri Manasse, L Salzani, M Milella
PLoS One 14 (4), e0214372, 2019
Culte aux ancêtres dans la période chalcolithique de la péninsule ibérique? Le sacrifice d’animaux, la circulation des restes humains et la différence de traitement entre …
JAC Serrano, RS Susí, JAR Cantal, SM Flórez, JAA Marrero, C Pau, ...
l'Anthropologie 120 (2), 145-174, 2016
Infant feeding practices in a pre-Roman/Celtic population from Verona (Italy)
Z Laffranchi, SA Jiménez-Brobeil, A Delgado-Huertas, A Granados-Torres, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17, 30-38, 2018
Sexual dimorphism in two mediaeval Muslim populations from Spain
D Charisi, Z Laffranchi, SA Jiménez-Brobeil
Homo 67 (5), 397-408, 2016
Sex differences in diet and life conditions in a rural Medieval Islamic population from Spain (La Torrecilla, Granada): An isotopic and osteological approach to gender …
SA Jiménez‐Brobeil, D Charisi, Z Laffranchi, RM Maroto Benavides, ...
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 175 (4), 794-815, 2021
Foot polydactyly and bipartite medial cuneiform: A case of co-occurrence in a Celtic skeleton from Verona (Italy)
Z Laffranchi, JSM Flórez, SAJ Brobeil, V Castellani
Homo 66 (3), 216-228, 2015
Patrones de actividad en la Motilla del Azuer: un estudio a partir de restos óseos
Z Laffranchi
Arqueología y territorio, 57-68, 2010
Exploring diet in an isolated medieval rural community of Northern Iberia: The case study of San Baudelio de Berlanga (Soria, Spain)
SA Jiménez-Brobeil, RM Maroto, Z Laffranchi, MG Roca, AG Torres, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 30, 102218, 2020
An example of a severe neck injury with survival seen in a bronze age burial
SA Jiménez‐Brobeil, I Al Oumaoui, JV Fernández De La Gala, ...
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 21 (2), 247-252, 2011
Posibles casos de tuberculosis y brucelosis en poblados argáricos de Galera (Granada)
Á Rubio, SA Jiménez-Brobeil, LP Sánchez-Barba, Z Laffranchi, F Molina
Trabajos de Prehistoria 74 (1), 168-180, 2017
Funerary reuse of a Roman amphitheatre: Palaeodietary and osteological study of Early Middle Ages burials (8th and 9th centuries AD) discovered in the Arena of Verona …
Z Laffranchi, A Mazzucchi, S Thompson, A Delgado‐Huertas, ...
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 30 (4), 435-448, 2020
Aproximación al estilo de vida en el Reino de Granada desde la antropología física: La ciudad y el campo
Z Laffranchi, JS Martín Flórez, D Charisi, SA Jiménez-Brobeil
Estudios sobre patrimonio, cultura y ciencias medievales 18 (2), 659-684, 2016
Infancia y cultura material en arqueología
G Lillehammer, JF Gibaja, T Majó, P Chambon, J Ruiz, ME Subirà, ...
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2010
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Articles 1–20